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say throwing scars giving color to
all the gray days living the
dream what I always wanted with God to me the one who
blesses me we enter the field
with Nothing to lose a kiss for those who
saw me grow there was no money but I
looked for it I'm going to make history I won't
let myself fall
no I always was I die for what's mine and I
live for those who aren't here I always had faith we
were born to win don't be afraid of betrayal I
know well Who's real we grew up like this
with hunger in the game the heart on
the board dreaming of surfing the road
to heaven getting to know another ground I
turn it around and I become it again as if it were aar
and I started from scratch the speed like
fire that time every time I speed up
the night becomes longer when it's here
but for my missions I know I'm dying of
anxiety To find you again but
also what I want the night
becomes longer the days shorter they
get more rapper again I fly again to be
able to find you all over the world
we were how many hours without being
able to
take off waiting again for a plane
about to fly I reveal like the tide of the
sea But shining anywhere I did not
fail I was always loyal I die for what's
mine and I live for those who are not here
you are always faith we were born to win don't
betray you I know well Who is real the
kids what did with the
broken dreams When we were little everyone wanted a motorcycle
now on the street they ask us for photos
it seems that the kid earned the l with this
[ __ ] I looked for it put for what's mine I
worked for it riding in a car
without having a license and now my sole step on
an m3 when I was nobody I had no
help from anyone now they
are always calling they throw me to the cell phone and they come out absent
How many times I saw myself alone but that
served to make me stronger now I do
not anchor myself I walk with the same as
always I did not fail I was always loyal I
die for mine and I live for those who are not here
your faith we were born to win
don't Teo betrayal I know well Who is