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Ya Habibal Qolbi
(O Lover of The Heart)
Yaa Habibal Qolbi
(O Lover of The Heart)
O lover of the heart
O The best man among men
You came to me with the truth
The messenger who brought the guidance
O the messenger of ALLAH
O the beloved man of ALLAH
O the messenger of Allah
O the beloved man of ALLAH
The day you were born is the beginning of guidance for the people
You are the Prophet who guide us with the light
O the messenger who brought the guidance
O the messenger of Allah
You came with the religion of ALLAH to all mankind
O the beloved man of Allah
O bearer of the good news, O messenger of ALLAH
O light of guidance
O the beloved man of ALLAH
O Lover of The Heart
O The best man among men
You came with the truth
The messenger who brought the guidance
O the messenger of ALLAH
O the beloved man of ALLAH
O the messenger of ALLAH !
O the beloved man of Allah
O good news bearer
The messenger of ALLAH
O light of guidance
The beloved man of ALLAH
O Lover of The Heart
O The best man among men
You came with the truth
The messenger who brought the guidance
O the messenger of ALLAH
O the beloved man of ALLAH
O the messenger of Allah
O the beloved man of ALLAH