Vamos à Escola - Yasmin Verissimo - Música Educativa

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Let's go to school to learn.

We have to respect our friends.

Let's study, play and rejoice.

If someone is different from us, we can not mock.

The teacher teaches reading and writing.

For us to be intelligent.

Anyone who studies a lot will aced

but anyone who makes a mess will miss every test.

It's time for recess and we will have fun !!!

A, A, A, A, A, A Let's study!

É, É,É,É,É,É aced

I, I, I, I, I, I Without giving up!

Ó, Ú This is really cool!!

Let's go to school to learn.

We have to respect our friends.

Let's study, play and rejoice.

If someone is different from us, we can not mock.

The teacher teaches reading and writing.

For us to be intelligent.

Anyone who studies a lot will aced

but anyone who makes a mess will miss every test.

It's time for recess and we will have fun !!!

A, A, A, A, A, A Let's study

É,É,É,É,É,É aced

Í,Í,Í,Í,Í,Í Without giving up!

Ó, Ú This is really cool!

Á,Á,Á,Á,Á,Á Let's study

É,É,É,É,É,É aced

Í,Í,Í,Í,Í,Í Without Giving up!

Ó,Ú This is really cool!

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