#TogetherAtHome Chris Martin

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hi my name is Chris is this on yes it is

um so I'm on my own sort of in the house

where I and I live and I was supposed to

be with the band Coldplay today from

which I come but they are we're stuck in

different countries so we can't play

together so I thought what would be nice

would be to check in with some of you

out there and see how you're doing and

where you are and what I could do for

you I had an idea that we could call

this thing together at home and who

knows maybe tomorrow someone else to

take it over and so I'm here at your

service for the next 20 something

minutes I'm gonna I've never done this

before so I'm a bit nervous I apologize

I'm gonna try and read some comments and

take requests and let me know how you're

doing where you are and what's going on

and first I'd like to thank my stylist

for this incredible look alright

so amazing day I can't remember that one

I can't remember it it was in my head

last night what I forgot the chords


oh wait for the next okay um

Uruguay hi in Uruguay and there was

Panama just now

okay skater eight eight is that your

real name I'm really not play him for

the weekend okay


that's that'll do that okay some of

these have to normally wait like an hour

and a half before I can sing that alone

first in the morning miracles I can't

move that one um thumbs up that's not

one of our songs let me tell you how it

is here

it's strange nobody's really going

anywhere and my kids seem okay and I'm

one up one or two people we know a bit

sick and um I feel like the right thing

to be doing is to be staying quiet and

staying at home and not buying too much

toilet paper

um maybe sky full of stars okay that one

night do you know well what did I put it

oh yeah I play it on the guitar in the

little-known version I got it just tune

one string


this your sky your sky


eurisk I owe your sky


yeah when I first played that song to

the rest of the band you can understand

why will our drummers like I don't know

because it didn't sound great um okay

definitely well done good where is

everyone calling from I see an

Australian flag I see lots of that emoji

with the hearts I'm not sure what that's

cool but thank you trouble okay

viva la vida gosh de caminha now they

come fast we have a new song which I'm

not supposed to talk about so I won't






nuts Aurora I'd like to meet that person

wonder why people come up with their

Twitter handles and what mine would be

I'm gonna say like Marc Tamamo viva la

vida okay evil of either one time I was

about to go to bed I don't really like

going to bed because life is too

interesting and the song idea came in

and then this just came came out this

bit to fill one of our like a secret

band member and he said no I don't know

I said I have to deal with my thing but

I think it's good it prepares you for

the people that maybe what what we saw

it all right










this is well I feel like Italy okay

sending much love to Italy and Iran and

and America every everybody feel like

I'm maybe 9/11 was the last time that I

felt like we're all in something so

together always in my head

clocks they are these accomplished homes

of course Canada Canada Canada hot hot


Canada Canada Canada us - the name of

one of our new songs um

Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Oh


green eyes I haven't played be nice for

so long or chores or lots of these [ __ ]



honey you are which



come here the top I hope you understand

the green eye


in the spotlight shines upon me


anybody never deny you

cuz I come here with a low and it feels

so much

since I met you


money you should know

that I

without you



I can sing that Lonoke this early

Oh greener I still have a singing

teacher who I love very much

and she says I wish you'd sing less

first of all but I wish I wish he'd seem

low and I try but the thing is when we

do a concert I think I get so excited

and I try and get those low notes and

they just come out as up okay Center I

thought about I don't know how to press

I don't want to press any buttons in

case it ends things um you are thank you


brassia 1/2 avocado argentina well I

don't like good alone with flags a bit

bad Mexico [ __ ] okay [ __ ] I can't

really play on the whole thing because

it requires Johnny willin guy look well

my whole life requires John you're

willing guy training



warning sign but what I cannot read the

name of who you asked for that it's too

rude Switzerland I think that flag is

hot huh

I'm Scotland our brothers boy everyone's

our brothers isn't that how do you think

do you agree with me I think so feel

like we're all one family

okay thank you um I'll be honest with

you that there's a person in the room

over there called Bill who maybe if

you've been to any of our concerts

you've seen he's so talented and he

helps me sound less [ __ ] so I wanna say

thank you Bill and he what he just did

was he'd already worked out what the

chilling was because lots of our guitar


um I use weird chains because when I was

about 15 I realized that was never going

to be particularly virtuoso at anything

maybe the way to do things was just to

make them a weird up and up yeah I

thought I Sephora I thought about that

song last night maybe in anticipation of

arts called away


for a while




thanks for asking for that on a lot

burned up blue hearts where's the

auto-tune great question I tried a full

or thirteen song last week at work and I

thought it was great but everyone turned

their noses up at it um and Oh John

Legend is here well that's funny you say

that yes uh-huh

don't pan of a single request thank you

for saying that your voice is sweet well

this is the thing about the internet you

get one message from one person then the

other from know that it's very hard to

be a pop star you don't know who hates

you and who loves you that's to just get

on with being a human and accept that no

one agrees on anything anymore why they

never did to be quite frank um Vera

brought us so that's true brought us the

parabola I'm trying to learn Spanish for

many years now and it goes terribly

wrong the other day I sent a message to

my friend I said I have some things on

my mind but it's important not to worry

but in fact I said it's importante no

penguin part of me which means it's

important not to ask me so I thought why

are they not asking anyway

best band ever well thanks for referring

to whatever other band you and I've

gonna stop this humble stuff um okay

there's a Mexico I wanna say Portugal

send the kiss John drops okay John

I've sent focuses please yell okay is

that like some amazing Inuit spelling of

our song yellow let me uh well to do a

bit on piano yeah I think everyone's

praying for Italy everyone is praying

for everyone I hope okay I can't keep up

with this this is what I'd be like if I

worked in a hotel except people would

want more like

earth kiss is just a kiss a smile is

just a smile the fundamental things as

time that kind of thing for city this is

this is twenty years old now this song

may be older than some of you watching

or listening or whatever um how they

shine for you and all the things

they were all yellow I came along wrote

a song for you all the things he could


and it was all yellow




and okay cool


let me teach you how to play life on

Mars by David boy the story is that he

was going to do a version of my way for

Frank Sinatra to sing but they chose

some one of the lyrics were originally

in French and the publishing company

whoever went with someone else's music

and not David Bowie's and so he said

well I'm gonna write my own my way and

that's how you can hear like a little

bit of my way in in the life on Mars


so sorry what's the first time in my

life when once it's a god-awful small

affair it's too early to say fired in

our Chicago Sweet Home Chicago I love

Chicago I love every repla but I do love


can you say hello to my sister Megan yes

from Mary Ralph's seven hey Megan hope

you're OK

wherever you are I hope you've got

enough stuff and Columbia Oh in Contra

Costa Rica Iran all right

Chile where now looks like I'm just

reading our names of countries us

against the world

yeah this is I'm gonna take my sweater

off on like you sweaty so I think but

lucky you can't smell on Instagram

now I know what it feels like to be on

um The Bachelor big brother or one of

those things where they're filming you

all the time love Ireland I never got

asked on that us against the world

yeah but there's a we never quite finish

this one but we finished it now so at

some point we'll release it on a thing

ups paladin ominous I'm not here to

promote anything so I'm trying not to do



the strikes




okay 10 ticks that's a lot of ticks

someone please name of the song what

does that mean um I wonder how long the

delay is between me playing it and you

seeing it it's first day the 9th of

September 2006 here I don't know how


no job but I wonder what song is saying

UFO I definitely can't remember that and

and there's another song called UFO

which isn't out either um sorry dad

oh yeah okay maybe I'll finish on that

one that's my favorite song to play at

the moment it's really it's sort of

called fly on and sort of caught oh and

I didn't it's funny this day and age

when you don't really know who's

listening to what we're and you said

when you're on tour which I hope we will

be one day


anja fish on that any minute first let

me tell you some things um so this idea

was we started having on Friday for a

thing called together at home and

thought wouldn't it be nice to have it

be something that maybe I'll do one day

and then someone else do the next day

and then funnily enough the very next

day um man called Hugh Evans and his

incredible partner in crime not crying

about his incredible partner in

philanthropy um Katie they called and

said hey that a net from global citizen

which somebody may know they said we've

been talking to the World Health

Organization and the amazing and

incredible dr. Ted Ross respect to him

and much love and they said why don't we

link it all up together so as we're

coming to the end of this broadcast

you'll be pleased to know um I'd love to

say that if you have any questions or

you're worried do we don't know how to

help or you don't know what to do you

don't know which news is real which is

not real then maybe go to global citizen

org I'm gonna write it down and forward

slash coronavirus which I hope I can

spell as I definitely can't spell

Massachusetts global citizen and I love

Massachusetts one of those one of the

things that's a terrible global citizen

dot org forward slash corona virus here

that is the thing I hope that's all


anyways so they've got lots of answers

for all of us who are like what the [ __ ]

and thank you for tuning in

I propose and I ask and send requests to

John Legend do you want to take over

tomorrow I hope so and then you can see

a real piano player at a real guy that

doesn't need fireworks and all that just

to paper over the cracks

alright I finished with this song this

is called fly on thank you so much for

tuning in I sent you all my love maybe

we'll do another one I don't know how

long we're all going to be shutting

doors and if you're out there any being

into our band I'm so grateful and if

you're out there I mean it's not bad

that's ok tea

I send you love thank you for tuning in

alright enough talking don't talk so

much that's what my English teacher used

to say I knew what he was right


just a flock of birds


just a [ __ ]

how you think love


the further stepmom



just a [ __ ]



it's a u-turn






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