Theo Rose - A venit poliÈia | From "Candidatul Perfect" The Movie
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no one leaves here I'm the master
and the madman and the master and always number
one on guard we keep up we gave them we
gave them package and money and marafet and vinegar
and aracet giro giro giro The lighthouse we are
SC Salu let's raise the glass because
smoke the grill nino nino nino nino
we have Latino blood we don't give them pino and the
police report came too we keep our
position V keep
the volume down falea falea Yes your way
The police came we hold our
position we maintain the volume the
valley Valley Give it to you
safe way God destroy
my barbecue because I give them a big volley and
we get to Pro TV I put meat on it
n you money in the wallet only
lamb chops and pork pastrami giro giro
giro The lighthouse we are the ones with the scandal let's
raise the glass because the grill is smoking nino
nino nino nino we have Latino blood we don't
give them wine or the bulletin the police have come
we hold our
position we maintain
the volume f falea Let me go The
police have come we hold our
position we maintain the
light falea falea Let me go