Spotify Presents: Little Monster Press Conference
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five um hi everyone I'm Bonito Skinner
I'm so honored stop stop it I'm so
honored to be celebrating Mayhem with
you we're going to do a little press
conference are you ready can we do this
everybody Lady Gaga
that's Lady Gaga
hello hi everybody I'm so happy to to
see you thank you so much for being here
today the album wait the album the album
the album It's Gaga do you like
it you're in big trouble you're in big
trouble for that thank you yeah thank
you I like being in
trouble I'm so happy to be here um it's
kind of surreal honestly and I just was
so excited for you to hear the music and
I can't wait to hear what you're going
to ask
me welcome to the press
conference I'm Mario hello
Mario it's been a long time see you
before um so you know our history I put
you on to a rapper ailia and my question
is did you see her tweets about uh
disease like she was praising it I
did where you know Justice for
Ratchet that
too but yeah that's my question this
really is a little monster
press I was like how many seconds in his
party now just going to be brought up
but okay it might as well be 5:00
yes hi Diva hi it has also been a long
time so good to see you it's good to see
you um in the way that you made the
Harley Quinn album for the character if
Mayhem had a character that you
constructed that album for who would it
the lady you've known for the last 20
years thank you you know I think that uh
Mayhem for me is actually this like
integration of who I am in real life and
who I am on stage and how I really
started to celebrate bringing those two
things together two things that don't
really go together actually turns out
that's the whole me and uh this album is
like it holds all that tension the
softness of like who I am on the inside
and then the intensity that I like to
bring to my music and to my stage
performances like how do I hold that in
one place and for me that's my personal
Mayhem otherwise known as exercises in
chaos here okay just someone stand up I
love you repping from the big eggs
Bron big
Bron um my one question is what's the
tea on Telephone part
two somebody get my
Kettle one sec thank you um my the tea
on teleph F part two is that there will
be but I'm not not going to give it all
away you wouldn't want that anyway what
a sneak peek a taste or
something I mean I think that you should
all call Beyonce
together here yes silk button down or is
it velvet it's it's velvet I'm sorry
it's like fake G velvet but we like it
it's Fab thank you
mother oh I stand up sorry didn't stand
up um first of all the album mother oh
incredible um obviously we all love die
with the smile on that album an
incredible collaboration I would love to
know what is a a dream collaboration of
yours if you'd choose anyone living or
dead to collaborate with who would it be
oh wow I think it would have been John
yeah I think like you know he had such a
a beautiful heart and um I think that's
one of my favorite things in like the
history of music is when you don't just
remember an artist for their music but
you remember them for their heart so I
think I think I would well I mean and I
have the PE sign tattoo so and that that
that this PE sign was uh right outside
72nd Street by the Dakota where he was
um sadly taken from the world but that
PE sign was there every day um Yoko
would put flowers outside and um I got
this tattoo because of of that I never
forgot what he stood for and it's what I
stand for too
Hat hi gagaga hi my name is Roy hi I
love you love you um that goes without
saying um so in Abracadabra you say
don't waste time on a Feeling use your
passion no return how does it feel to
know that all the passion that you have
put into the New York City NTI has been
shaped by that passion of yours I cannot
imagine going out in Manhattan or
Brooklyn without hearing Gaga at any bar
and if I don't hear Gaga then I'm
getting out of that
bar I mean New York completely shaped
who I am as an artist and I you know I I
I didn't want to leave New York when it
was time to go to college because I felt
like I hadn't seen it all yet and I've
been talking about this a lot recently
but being on the Lower East Side um
especially with Lady
Starlight shout out an amazing
musician uh that that time was so
special because I had this
community and I was living in this like
this area basically where you know
everyone was a musician or a writer or a
photographer or a dancer or a club
promoter um a bartender like working
working in the Arts and a night life and
we all supported each other
and I would never have created my stage
performances and my Persona had that
Community not exist Ed and so it means a
lot for my music to still play in New
York and just just to see you all here
so vibrantly like that time it makes me
feel like it's still alive in in you and
um it's very alive in all of us
very it's really like a total privilege
and I and I feel like that time taught
me so much you know it's like Community
is everything and like the further away
I got from that Community the harder it
was for me to like maintain my center of
gravity but I will say I went back
recently and it was really really
special yes PS up forever Gaga love you
thank you love you
too Gaga I have a couple from Global
Bryce asks what was the first song
written for Mayhem and what was the last
song written for Mayhem
okay okay the first song written from
Mayhem was vanish into
you that was track
five I
think it is thank
you um and the last was I with a
smile so like the album like ended in a
happy place but um it started out like
in this kind it's it's interesting it's
they're kind of both apocalyptic love
songs but one is just way less
hopeful um in vanish into you I imagine
that I'm just want to
disappear into the person that I love
the most and die with a smile there's
this like sense of peace and I I really
wanted Mayhem to end like I wanted to
know that for myself too and um I really
did find that I think that like we can
all bear a kind of personal chaos in our
lives and then find um a sense of peace
stability and I'm really really happy
that I that I did but that I get to put
the all the instability into my artwork
choose whoever you
want yes in the front row with
Le you I'm too nervous to stand so I'm
going to sit down um you have changed my
life I know that everyone says that to
you but I have never been able to say it
to you directly so I just want to say
thank you you've changed
um oh my God I'm so nervous my question
sorry my question is there's a lot of
lore about your demos or unreleased
songs and rumors of it um did you
revisit any of those for Mayhem or do
you close the
chapter in the era in which you wrote it
and let
them rest you know I think at one point
I was feeling anxious and I like drudged
up some demos and I just I just listen
to them and then threw them
out I know it might sound like cold but
each one of my albums is a like piece of
music that I like conceive of from start
to finish and it's it's a moment in time
and in my life that's like very special
and whenever I say to myself um oh
there's that song like that you know I'm
going to I'm going to put that out
whenever that happens happens it just
like never really comes to fruition cuz
it never really
belongs um so yeah so yes and
no yes and no I I threw it out it was um
it was Frankenstein yes yeah okay
okay I didn't want to name names but I I
don't want to name names but it was
him oh wow can you see in the back leard
please oh I you know you know what
you're good whatever hey you're mother
monster you do what you
want hi Gaga hi I'm Haley hi um I wanted
to ask you uh for Mayhem what was your
favorite song once it was finished and
what was your favorite song to
okay I think um my favorite song once it
was finished was blade of grass
I think one of my favorite things about
making that song was uh working with
um like everyone all at once on
it and it representing something so
special it's it's about when Michael
proposed to
me and um he he long before he did
propose said um we were in the backyard
and he said if I propose to you one day
what like what am I supposed to
do and I said you can just get a blade
of grass from the backyard and wrap it
around my finger and he did actually
propose to me with this these green
bands he also gave me a a my
ring um
you've seen
um it was a very special moment and um
I started writing that song at home with
him brought it into the studio and uh
gelstein was there and you know he was
talking to me a lot about wanting to
make a very Classic record
um and I thought that was kind of
interesting you know sometimes I'll you
know meet people or work with you know
artists and you know you just you meet
people and they say like we really want
it to be you know Gaga whatever and I
don't even like fully know what that
means and I feel like I sort of did that
to gofstein
like we need to do like a d you know I
was like kind of trying to egg him on
and he sort of looked at me like can we
do something
original and um and and then we we all
did and um it was really uh it was it's
special cuz every time I hear it Michael
and I when we did the bridge together uh
I said um I'll give you something and
it's no diamond ring and he said the air
that I'm
breathing when I hear that uh song it
represents this special time in my life
but also just to explain like
like my backyard and those Blades of
grass was also like the place that I saw
my friend Sonia get married and then
like later she like two months like
passed away um there was so much loss in
that backyard and my life like you know
those places in your life where you just
like it's like maybe your happy place
but also your sad place so that song um
that's like what Mayhem is to me so it's
very special song to me um and then my
favorite song when it
was to make yes yes was uh was
killer it's another record uh with the
alstein really really like uh an
industrial Funk song The Only Live
instrument on that record is the
guitar and my
voice the best instrument
okay Jessica asks how did Mayhem come
together and what inspired their return
to dark
Pop um how did Mayhem come together it
to over many months of a lot of hard
work in the studio
um and uh I how did I return to dark Pop
I think I learned a lot about not being
dark being dark while I was making the
music and there's something kind of
method about the way I make my records
and I kind of become
characters and through the music and I
still do that but I've learned how to um
not let it completely take me over and
so I would say I returned to it because
it felt safe too and maybe that's why I
didn't for a really long time cuz it
felt maybe um like too
much which was hard cuz I know I knew
really wanted that so I'm sorry but also
it was too hard but but we're okay
now bring it
on oh why don't you choose I'll choose
really gaka you yeah choose choose
choose way in the back two mustaches
love hey girl that's Lady Gaga isn't
that so I'm nervous too you see how
nervous I am to talk to you I'm so
nervous hi hi Gaga I'm Rob uh one of my
favorite errors of yours is the Tony
Bennett error
and I feel like something changed in you
and you grew and so I wonder if there
was something that he taught you that
you bring with you into the way you make
now uh definitely I mean any anytime um
I think that any artist is like lucky to
work with somebody is
like full of artistry is as Tony you'd
like take something strong with you and
Tony used to always say to me um stick
with quality
kid I thought that was really smart he
was kind of trying to tell me that like
no matter what anybody says or what you
feel pressured to do that you just
should make great music um and when I
went into the studio and I made Mayhem
you know I was just like so focused on
making the best possible record the best
possible music um so it definitely
stayed with me it's Tony kind of reminds
me to like drown out the noise you know
can get
noisy noise isn't music only sometimes
if I want it to
be you do it whoever you want want you
to do it go really okay yeah right here
hair um first of all the album is
soy it is
I forgot we're on Spotify I'm sorry I
work in drag it's a compliment I well
thank you you're welcome um so you
talked about community and through your
music I found the drag community and
I've now had the blessing of a drag
career for about going on 10 years um
thank you thank you um you're a huge
inspiration to drag artists everywhere
and whenever I listen to your music and
I'm on you know long car rides I find
myself going okay if I was going to
perform this song I would do this and it
would look like this and this is what it
would be when you have a new album out
and you find yourself staring down the
barrel of things like a tour or
performances on TV or whatever your
version of a drag number would be which
is just kind of what you do anyways um
do you ever do the same thing do you
listen to your own music and go okay
this would be fierce that would be cool
like how do you conceptualize the
numbers 100% yes and actually I like
when I'm writing songs I have the I have
total visions and when I made this album
I had all these like Gothic dreams but
while I was awake you know and there
were all these like dark just like
visions and each one of them um I'm
trying to bring to life in its own way
like Abracadabra was its own Gothic
dream and it like came to life in the
video and I I think that those Visions
are really powerful and they're
important because it's it's your
artistic intuition and it's meant to be
followed um whenever I don't follow that
I later I'm like why didn't you it's
like it's almost like I let it
go what could have been what could have
been exactly um so absolutely it's it
comes out in tour it comes out in videos
it comes out in personal style um
those dreams are really um I think
that's a thr line to some of my earlier
records too is is gothic dreams and that
was like how I found Mayhem I think is I
real I realized
that right here
yes hi hi how you doing hi okay so I
wanted to start up by saying that I'm a
heavy supporter of you I'm 19 years old
I've been listening to you since
I was five like I remember when my mom
told me I was literally listening to
telephone with my t-shirt and her heels
on and so I wanted to say like you know
as you being like you know a big
celebrity you have a lot of haters and
you don't let that fade you you still do
you and you still make your music and
you strive in it and you do your big one
all the time so I wanted to ask
you what's your like what's the
inspirational speech you can give to the
new generation
you just got to do you and all you can
do is your best oh my God
sorry I'm so I'm Fang girl in tub I love
you I love you too I love you all all I
love you too all any of us all any of us
to me this is just what I believe like
I'm not really an authority on anything
but this is what I believe I think we're
all trying our best and that's all we
can do um and sometimes people aren't
going to like it and that's life
and that's a quote from a song I sang in
joke a
joker you know like you you have to be
willing to like die on the sword with
your work too I think like um I stand by
everything I think that I've made and
things that I don't stand by you know I
know when I'm wrong or I can like like
adjust myself and learn
like it's okay to make mistakes too I
think that we like for ourselves have to
like the inventor and the conductor of
our own Symphony of our life and like
it's it's my music you know so it's like
when I when it's all over it's it's when
it's all over it's yours so I wouldn't
leave yourself behind that's what I'm
saying I think it's okay to make things
for other people I do that I love making
things for you but I I I try not to
leave myself behind cuz I also don't I
wouldn't want you to leave yourself
behind so it's like the spirit of it is
um being
authentic no matter
what and also love if your love love was
there like feels like it's okay thank
you so much I love you so much I love
too oh my God
okay this is so fun why did we not do
this forever
ago okay the
Sparkles okay Queen of Pop
everyone okay so I'm going to abuse my
BFA a little bit here um a few years ago
you did a um interview with Lim and well
and you expressed interest in maybe
wanting to do Broadway and you know I as
a theater queen obsessed with your uh
performance on the Oscars The Sound of
Music tribute was one of my highlights
of your career um and I just want to
know like is that something that you
still would love to do um you're so
theatrically inclined and you really
bring your Artistry to life when you
perform and I just would die to have you
on Broadway um and do you have a dream
roll cuz I have a list
I had to I'm sorry I had to I have to
plant the have to plant the seat not the
l oh my God we'll start with blanch in
car a play first it's unexpected that's
how you get the
Tony BFA
BFA and then the Witch and into the
woods um and then Dolly and Hello
Dolly I can't believe you said flan
that's oh my God like I mean yeah okay
so first of all thanks for your list
bless you that you have one you made it
you came with it oh I was ready yeah
I've been ready I
think that I would really live to write
musical and I feel like that would bring
me like so so much joy to and to work
with like some amazing writers and but I
think the first thing that needs to
happen is I need to figure out what the
important story is that I want to tell
with with whoever I want to tell it with
um while I appreciate the desire for me
to win a
Tony you got I thank you I I just feel
like it's like that's I would want to
put like years of work into that and
then oh my God it shows a week I mean
they they are rock stars rock stars that
is rock star I got the contract
we'll do six it's okay okay I can't do
that then they'll say I did six they say
she allergic Patty Leone did it naita
it's okay no thank you love you thank
you so much thank you Gaga don't be mad
at me we only have time for two more
questions so we're going to going do one
from the audience and then one
online don't be
mad mhm oh now now now it's both of
you I just need to say love you since
day one my question is what did you
whisper to Ariana
Grande during the
2020 bmas during rain on me I watched
that performance all I just watched it
today at work and I was like hm what did
say I don't
know we're not leaving okay here's okay
here's what I will say I truly do not
recall I believe you it was probably
something very very silly because the
two we're very silly one more together
how about this I will watch it
back and I will write you an
apology you don't need an apology and I
will try to remember I'm going to ask
her she might remember it was that
really high
note but love you so
much right behind there yes Ian hi
Gaga couldn't say no to
this my name is Nick Gaga I know thank
you thank you for everyone who doesn't
know me I'm her Premier
impersonator um I mean you should be up
here absolutely
not I'm here to listen to you and the
album which is obviously a Killa thank
you um the first time that I met you was
back in 2012 when you visited Russia
with the Born This Way bowl and you
brought me on stage and then we chatted
backstage that was the first time so my
question is very simple and very short
what was your favorite tour and when are
we getting mehem
tour okay my
favorite I don't know it's okay
you show I know but I know but there
okay but when I did the fame ball it was
the first time I ever saw
you I know that the fame ball was
probably it was it was the most
inexpensive tour it was like the
lowbudget tour it was my early tour but
that was when I like met little monsters
for the first time and
then and then the Monster Ball happened
everything so I I would have to say the
fame ball I think because it was like it
was such a different grind I was on a
bus I did
like you were whereare yes yes no I
lived I lived on a bus I lived on a bus
and I did I did three shows a night
three I'm serious three shows I would
open for New Kids on the
Block or the Pussycat
Dolls and then I would play three
clubs and then that turned into theater
this I probably got this wrong cuz it's
AER but anyway thank you for all the
tours that you've supported and come to
they've all been important to
me the art Rave was also really
special the reason the art art Rave was
so special was because that album was so
criticized Justice for art poop
always but little monsters showed up for
the art Rave as if everything was you
know a Monday morning I was there yeah
it was but that's like I mean thank you
and there will probably be something
soon can't wait to replicate all of it
thank you Gaga love you you always come
with those questions it's like really
you know it's like we've never left
guys Gaga yeah you brought up the art
Rave yes and like 10,000 people asked um
10,000 so many people ask it's actually
scary um can we talk about Art Pop act
two now this feels like a
courtroom it is this is a trap
okay okay okay so when I make my records
there is a
reason that songs are left
off and it's because some simply are not
good enough for
you and I'm not saying that it's a never
but I am saying that I'm not going to
take all my demos that I specifically
left off the Record and just Chuck them
on an album and put the number two on
it no do it do it tonight stop it right
now Gaga you're doing it no no okay but
I'm not I'm not saying I that it's
impossible I'm just saying that it's you
know it's not going to happen like that
I just would I would just want to go in
and I feel like it would have to be um
be reactionary too to what so much
happened when we dropped that record you
know as a you know community so I feel
like we would have to kind of respond to
that yeah with the music
which is maybe some of what's on Mayhem
so I would have to I would have to I
mean that's like that was my EDM Opus
record so but it would have I would have
to like I'd have to get back in that
head space and complete it so
oh star get basement on
oh I mean that's that's that is an
excellent IDE
idea Gaga thank you so much thank
you and thank you for playing Mayhem and
thank you little monsters look the best