Santy G - Solo Contigo (Video Oficial)

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And I didn't believe anything in this love thing,

in love How many times I said that this was

n't for me And on the least expected day you arrived you

arrived my world was grey but Lee

light only

with you I feel alive alive there is no one

in this world like you I only

want to

live it with you I don't want anyone else but

you it's that you are different and it's

obvious I love you my future and also my

present that they don't want us together Let your

mind take my hands and never

let go that you are My princess my friend

and my lover with you I have everything without having a

diamond guide my path I give you the

steering wheel questions if I love them I answered

enough if when I fall it is you

who lifts me up that little smile and the

magic of your kisses when I feel your

body if when I fall it's you

who lifts me up that little smile and The

magic of T

kisses when I feel your body only

with you I feel

alive alive there's no one in this world

like you only

with you I want to

live it I don't want anyone else but

you Hey and stop the most beautiful girl

The most beautiful with lots of love lots of love

baby is from San and you will always have a

space in my

heart You know that s

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