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Is it on the record?


Yes, I feel very strange, my son.

I'm really excited.

By the way, my legs got loose and something


to all of you. Yes, friends,

what are we going to do today? Today, we're

going to switch our brothers. We

were holding you like this. You should bend over a little. My son, bend over. We

were holding you like this. You were

shorter. I'm going to say something E It

feels very strange to me too Yes, I mean,

after so many years, I'm in front of a video like this,

but we're doing this for you all,

keep going, I ca

n't believe it's happening, you know, in the same place and I'm a

little bit bitter about it, I mean, is it

because you left people alone,

I mean, 8 years, what? I was last

in this video when

I was 20 years old and it was a time when none of us

had released a song or anything. It was


us. It was just us. I'm still waiting for that money.

Where's the money Ark bin? Are you looking

for revenge? There's no such thing as money, brother.

You didn't earn any money either. If

I had said that at that time, I would have said that I wasn't making money from this anyway, then

I thought I was making money. Okay,

let's start, come on then,


it. You've become a big man now, I can't throw it away. I

mean, go ahead,

put on your hat and let me see. Nothing will be said now, it'll

offend or something. He wasn't emotional when he was a child.

Now he's an artist,

why don't you put it in a video?

It'll say things like chicks or something. Now, I wish

I had warned you, kid. The last video is dead and

I'll warn you too In the corner I'll warn you too

It's done, throw it down directly It's done, throw it

down directly Now a few of you

Now you've grown up, I don't want you to look like a child I

don't want you to look like a child but I only want one thing from you

Yes, a revenge

I want you to take it. Revenge

really is a dish best served cold.

When I was 6 years old, there was never a word I didn't take. I

mean, there isn't

one now either. Of course there isn't much money to make me buy you anything.

Bert Canen, your older brother is dead. Are you

pushing too hard? Well, there's only one scene for me.

Take that keyboard away.

You're going to get the keyboard taken away, get that keyboard taken away,

okay, if you have anything, this guy already

has a G case, right? No problem, it's true,

brother, the Italian house is getting married in Italy. Look,

I spent 350,000 L on the wedding in Italy.

As if I were getting married, huh? If I

were getting married, I wouldn't spend 350,000 L.

By the way, talk, chat. I

haven't talked for a while, Baran. Is that why

I'm in Italy? It's a long time. Kon is good. Okay, you

too, brother,

spend time. Make a change in this video,

don't change it, I mean, ask for the future,

brother, I want to make a song,

support me, open a way for me, like

Anatolia, open the doors of Anatolia to me,

like the Battle of Malazgirt, like something,

what is he doing? Is he building a career for his brother

right now? Yes, son,

wait a minute. Okay, come on, come here.

You, brother. I love you too. If only my son

hadn't shot the video, then we would

n't be able to leave so much. See

you, brother. Take care, let's walk hand in hand. What are you talking about? Come on, let's

go, Hamza. Don't forget

I already said one thing Baran everything is free

Ok AB you have grown up Yes you have really grown up

How is life going bro, it's going well

here's my hand Mimi you don't bite, amazing,

amazing My brother, this time I'm peacefully

My son, look, you know English as much as your brother, he's an

element, brother Wow, my baran

Hello, good luck, did I get emotional? I

swear, I'm still feeling so fluttery inside, do

you know that? My son, you've gotten so big,

look at your condition, aren't you ashamed?

Now here I am. Wo

n't you be ashamed to ask for something? You already

worked hard and earned money here and here you

treat me like that.

I will buy you a house as a house gift, I said I will buy you a house as a

house gift. Why did you start earning so much?

No, shut up to me like this.

Okay brother, go ahead and give me a house gift, I would like

this. Sometimes it's normal. Where are you going? I

'm not going anywhere.

How are the conditions of the girl? Yes, no, zero flirting.

It's the same for me, brother. Look, it's the

same for me, too. I'm neither married nor

single nor married. I finished my military service. I

finished my military service, but the military service

was very bad. Don't go. I'm joking. It's

all a joke. A Turk

is born a soldier. That's right, I'm joking, but I mean

in the military. Now there is a big difference between your brother's military service

and my brother's military service.


how many people are left, your brother? I

stayed in a ward for 10 people, the person's ward is 40,

what the hell is 74, [ __ ]? I was in a ward for 74 people,

as a thing, in the toilet. My biggest

duty in the military was to clean it with someone's [ __ ] writing a terrorist organization group on the toilet.

Oh man, why

didn't I get you a computer then, man? You didn't

get me a computer then, right?

I'll really shoot you, look, how old have you

become? Don't talk crazy.

I won't buy a computer now, son. Go, you've

become an artist. What are you going to do?

Play games from morning till night? Oh

no, brother. I'm going to make you

Rainman. Did I break your screen, brother?

Your monitor. There's that glass thing. What's that,

brother? My screen is broken at work I accidentally

sat down My son,

as if I don't understand something, I did something like this twice Okay,

brother, you asked, don't repeat it,

come on

old Ç What happened You

Mustafa, I'm Yusuf Yusuf had a phone

in the army Yes, do you know the name of my phone

Hiking Hello king


I was using a phone called King Hiking My son, your brother

was calling me on WhatsApp with your iPhone.

Yes, what will you get? Look now, for example, you are

an artist, I think The King of Elvis

Presley For example, you

need to listen to Elvis Presley, you need to listen to Reyman Do you

understand, huh, son, I

will make you Reyman, I swear, look,

this kid is smarter than Canan, it's a good thing he

didn't become a rapper Yes, the horn is really in the ear It seems to be

passing by, bro. That brother of yours also

worked as a carpet maker in Kütahya. I

worked as an infantry private. But I will tell you something. My

brother had a hard time here. I

won't let my brother eat here. Look, I was in the army and I became a bather and a


How can you be a reporter? Do you know how to be a reporter? You

become a commander's T-bag. T-bag. There

was a cemini in the prison, he is

two steps behind things. What the hell

did you watch? Did you watch Breaking Bed? I

watched Breaking Bed as well, you watched prison brei.

I had ranks, marshal cards, everything here. My God,

I swear to God, I had them all, but I took them all

because of my illness,

so I didn't do anything. You slept too.

I didn't sleep. No, I didn't sleep. My son, you

slept for a while. I'm the only one.

I was wearing Nike yesterday For example, what should I get you? Look,

these look good on you. Taylor Swift's

Midnight album. You love it,

do you know its song? Do you know it,

don't you know about

you? No, if you say his brother still sings a folk song, he

wouldn't be able to sing it,

isn't it a Nemrun girl type of folk song? Brother, what is this? Exactly,

brother, it's a folk song. Anatolian melody Exactly

brother, me or you I don't have anything to

say, brother, you say things like jus

Yes, very well done, keep it up, keep it

up, my son, my feet are straight,

look at

my feet, that fold on the side, when it didn't happen,

I saw that you were opening my feet to people every day,

keep it up, exactly like that

He didn't believe in the nation, so

you're lying to make him sleep. Look, take whatever you want.

The songs and folk songs that Atatürk loved.

There is a fountain in the middle of the monastery, it

knows a storm. His father played Atatürk.

Greetings to Burhan Abi. Your father

played Atatürk. Brother, I'm so proud.

What was the name of that movie, Farewell, My Son?

Your father played Atatürk for you. It's

a very proud thing, brother. I

never thought about it either. He might buy something or something.

What are you doing for nothing?

I go out in my free time

or develop an e-sports career. Are you going

to be an e-sports player? I hope I am

very good at console games for you. If you want, I can

fix a PlayStation 2. Oh,

I would be very happy. This is your gift. Now, first of all,

I have a funko pop collection. Are

you a funko pop player? That's right. I

funko pop is my brother, he is a regular pop player, I

have a Z funko pop collection. Exactly. Pass

me a look, let me have a look. But this place has changed a lot, brother, this place has changed, son, what hasn't changed in 8 years? You are 30 years old, I am not 30, I am 28, still talk to me properly, you are 30, this is proper. Talk to me

son, come on neko, do you

think these have any value? Do they have

any value to me?

What happened? Is this it?


You came in, we looked, for example, I remember,

come let me get a Nerf, come,

how much was it back then, about 15 liras, a bullet was

12 rounds at that time? The bullet was 20 liras. I

was saying it was a lot. How much is it now? It's

244 liras.

Oh, okay, no, when we last shot the video,

this was 20 liras, so choose

your Funko Pop. Which Funko Pop do you want, bro?

Look, why do you know in the future?

For example, when I'm 20, 25, 30 years old,

I'll look at it. I'll say, "A,

I made these when I was a kid." So,

do you open the boxes?

unfortunately, son, then nothing

becomes a collection, then it becomes something like this.

You play with these normally at home

like something that hit and collided, is it nice? Do

you know what that is? Yes, I watched Lord of Rsi,

I watched all three. Well done,

bar baran, there are none of them. These

are written in big letters, huh? what b What kind of

phone sound is that, son? Who's calling?

Who's calling? My friend,

I don't know what he would say, how would you know? Is it true that I

have a Godf track? I haven't watched Godf. I don't have any mafia

movies, except for Valley of the Wolves,

there's nothing in Valley of the Wolves, the first

9. That guy has a youth video, it's

the same as mine, very similar.

If you don't give me an idea by apologizing, I'm trying to give you expensive ideas.

If you don't do it, you're a 17-year-old child. Here, I

'm trying to give you the idea that money is not easy to earn, but I

can't have some things directly. Isn't that right? Well, for example,

let me buy it today. Come on,

this kid costs 26,000 liras. Unless he pays the 26,000 himself, his is.

Excuse me, my computer

is broken, but it's a type C. For example, right now,

the screen is broken, I can't see it from the screen. I'll

connect it to the TV, but don't connect it.

Why are you nervous?

You asked why you were nervous. What did you ask?

My computer is broken, but to throw that thing away, to

connect it, your computer is broken. No,

I will transfer the information to the new

computer I bought. The old information is the same. I

bought a KBL computer, I bought it with my own money,

bro, I didn't do anything to you, swear to

God, where do you earn your money?

How much do you spend on advertising, music, advertising, bro,

I can't tell you. Tell me,

tell it to my ear. Swear to God. My son, you

tell me something. Don't go crazy. Come on, come home.

Give me some Cesi, quick. Ok, I'll get it. Come here, let's

see in the back. Come on, brother, take this,

son, I bought it. See, you can open it at home,

we don't drink coke. By the way, don't drink coke. No, no, don't

drink soap.

What should I do, brother? Soap? What should I do,

son? Soap? What a job, brother? Look, son.

What a filth. You are a child, do you want soap,

I don't know. For example, if you had joined,

which clan would I be in? I mean clan, which

section would I be in? Brother, I don't know that I am

Harry Potter. Haven't you watched Harry Potter?

I don't know. Look, should I tell you that you

have the griffin indor spirit, you don't have the

griffin indor spirit? My God, what do you have? I

mean I don't want to be a Gryffindor either,

for example, there is AB Me, Brother,

I'm clearly a wiper, I'm a complete

dishonorable person, there are so many freaks, brother, look at the snake,

can't you see? Exactly a snake,

son, these guys are snakes, I mean, not all of them are

snakes, I mean, are

n't there any good snakes among snakes? There is a snake that doesn't bite, I mean,

brother, look, you or Huffle Puff or

Raven clunk are giving me such a VIP.

Brother, give me the robes, there is a scarf, look, look,

brother, look, Hamza is either yellow or

blue. Which school do you think Hamza

will enroll in, which department? Vocational high school?

Put this on, let me see. What is this, bro? Put

this on, put this on, this thing is

going to be called to the temple soon. Dude, you're Raven,

I'm telling you. I'm

telling you. Let's buy it. Do

you like what you're wearing? Like No bro,

you'll walk around like this You'll walk around

the house like this You'll make deaths, at work Voldemort, what

blood does Voldemort have, in his shadow Brother, look,

all the dishonorable, evil people are there in books

For example, you need to read a lot of books,

still look I had the same opinion 8 years ago, is there anyone who

still has the same opinion? A more just


is possible Would I read it?

For example, if I bought you a book as a housewarming gift, would

you be happy? A

book shouldn't be bought as a housewarming gift, right? Your

older brother wouldn't know about you. Your older brother wouldn't know either.

Actually, you haven't seen your older brother bring me a gift yet.

Sorry, he

came late the other day and brought me the hand he didn't use at home,

but whatever. ki Berkcan I felt so relieved

because I had never received anything like this before.

So brother, I

bought a record back then. I have it and the box

is still unopened. You will give it to me. Please,

do you swear to God.

Look from here to there. May I never be able to step from here to there.

I will give it to you.

I will take you home and into the studio from here. You, wait,

do you even know which one is there? Come on,

look at this. There's a better one. A bigger one

will give it to me. I swear to God I

'll give it to you. Come on, look at this plate. Let me get it, come on,

what can I get you?

Migos. Look, for example, AB. This will buy you something, wait,

listening to Migos will not add anything to you. Do you understand?

Stay away from the things that popular culture imposes on you. If you

are going to be an artist, look, for example, the great master Ahmet

Ertegün. Is the man 25 years old? It's a

long story. I'll tell you now, look, you

are going to be an artist, right? Are

you taking lessons right now? I really appreciate it. By the way, you really need to have a musical knowledge. For example,

now, your old times

are constantly repeating themselves in history.

Now, for example, we are in a

time when we remember from the past.

Do you understand this? unfortunately my friends will be angry with me

but you can't do Tayer Swift with Migos and

Future with Ofs set I

understand your brother For example I

listened to Bocelli the other day very p Andre boi


nice nice nice Maşallah

kom I don't know these at all Yusuf brother

which ones you don't know I do

n't know anything about that either So now E you

will teach me, son, is one of these 2000 L?

E bro, how much is it, look at that,

I will tell you now. I will say this to you.

Han Sener, listen to me when you want to

do something. I'll mix this and tell you, we

didn't have any limits,

we didn't start this video like that. No, first of all, the state of the economy is

obvious, realize something, money

is not easy to earn, don't bother me either,

okay, let's buy this for 2000, but

I don't listen to Andre Boel either, brother, you're too difficult, the

end times are too much, you listen to B floy Are you

the best of Pink

Floyd? Do you behave like this? Why do I always

sing your songs?

Don't you

know? Okay, you probably know one of them. Just buy me an

album. I

'll listen to this album with that record you gave me. Why

don't you buy me an Elvis Presley?

I wanted to, I came across a video of his the other day.

The man is truly a king, I mean,

such an incredible aura, incredible

energy, the man is wreaking havoc, chic,

750 liras, my dear. The pressed dress is 750 liras,

isn't it 2000? It's down from 2000, come on, how is there a

50% discount on vinyl,

doesn't it matter what record you buy? Come on,

let's get another one. My old brother never bought me anything like this.

Do you know that your old brother is

already doing good for himself? No, how can you get it,

my dear AB? Thank you, the

kid is just starting to get his head together. Thank you very much.

For example, I don't know who Elvis is. My son really

suits him very well. Hamza Hamza,

Raven CL. I'll pray here in a minute.

Do you pray?

Pray occasionally, it's halal. Do you perform funeral prayers for you?

For example, I sometimes do.

We put the robe on your brother.

From platform number 9.3.3. Was it 934? Was it 4.85?

What platform?

Now look,

if you want a computer, tell your brother to buy it for

you. Look, I have a keyboard. Your brother

has a G case, go and get the keyboard of the G case.

Take it out and put it in g915 Look, you see.

Your brother has that one. Look, did you see it?

Did I catch the joke? Do you want it, brother? No,

look now. Or let's buy it. That's a very big

keyboard. I want a small keyboard.

No, we're buying it. What do you mean? No,

we're buying it, brother. 11,000 I

said, "What the hell is a keyboard for 11,000 liras?"

What is he doing? Is the keyboard

playing itself, man? I said stop, I don't want it, I

don't want it. Be open to every style.

Once you understand, surprise people, let one

day come. Read Neşet Ertaş from the throat. Do you understand, let one day come. Love

yourself, read love yourself. Whose part is

Justin Bieber? Do you love him that much?

I like it, is that right? Do you know the

Beautiful Man? I think the Beautiful Man is like that, he

doesn't hang around, I mean he's like a jerk, do

you understand that he tied his head,

got involved with his family and kids, etc. Now you look at people his

age, they're like jerks, still with

an endless sense of fun, well

the day will never come when

you'll marry the woman you love right away?

You will tie your head, children, you will raise

incredible children by being a great mentor.

Did you hear me?

I am giving advice about the very distant future because I mean, the

last time you looked at this video was 8 years ago.

Yes, maybe a year later,

I swear it was like yesterday.

I remember you here, you are in this tight spot.

There was Darth Vader. No, I couldn't find it. I searched and there

was D Vader for 300 liras. Now if there was, it would be

at least 10,000 liras. At least 10,000 liras

My God Yusuf brother I will buy a poetry book,

can I get it?

Come on, let's get it. Now you,

for example, I don't read poetry.

Do you know a poet? I mean, I know a poet, but you know,

here is Cemal Süreyya. Do you understand?

Özdemir Asaf Özdemir Asaf Necip Fazıl

Kısakürek Orhan Veli Kan's

I can't explain it so much Oh oh oh oh

son of his father Of course brother The end of the novel

can be watched on ATV By the way, greetings to Burhan Güven

Orhan Pamuk, our Nobel Prize-winning

writer Isn't that so? The innocence of memories

Come here, come here Your brother

made his decision for you Come here,

listen to music, history, read on the internet, come and walk,

everything is at your fingertips,

you're getting really spoiled. I

don't understand, brother, this is Generation Z. Are you Z?

I'm Z. It never ends, Z's are

alphas and betas. Now, they call those born after 2025

Beta, how loser is beta?

It is heard, oh well, thank God

they just gave birth to me lynching lezlem

mezler I wonder if I got any good stuff,

my dear brother,

I did such a big brother thing to you that I was going to come in here right now, it's a

disgrace to chase after trivial things, I mean I don't think it suits my brother

at all, brother, you know, if

you got a Nerf here, I would go to hell,

thousands of people will watch this,

but what? We did it, we nailed it We bought an Elvis press, we

bought a PĞ R DMC, you're in heaven's taste

Listen to Until the Morning, I'll give you the record too Take it

and see, don't jump. Come on, you're good. I

'd be sacrificed for you.

Walk. When did you grow up so much? I

'll teach you this too. Wait, come here

with me. I'm

upset with your mountains. I'm upset

with your mountains.

Is that what I'm doing? Wait, try again. I'm upset with your mountains. I'm tired of your roads. I'm upset with your forehead. No, no, nothing. Say something in your own style. Don't act like that while you're talking in English. Oh, where is Batman? Batman was there. It was that brother's time. What happened, you guys? I challenge you to a fight,

man. He didn't care at all, neither did

he take nor did I take him I bought a robe, I

bought a pokon card. Show me what you bought.

I want a ridiculous keyboard, give me what you bought.

Baran, why did you buy this? There is no place to play it, do I have

anything to do with you? I apologize

but I mean, I want to pull your head. This

kid will be an artist and this one

will be an athlete, that's why. Did you buy a robe?

The kid asked you for a keyboard again. You

said, "Okay, I'll buy it." Brother, look, something like this

can't happen. It's been 8 years.

Why is this kid buying a keyboard and also

buying a speaker? Brother, I bought an Elbis press and

brother. You also bought the Oran Pamuk book.

Brother, he didn't care. nothing,

my son,

what about Run dmz, brother Yusuf chose him, I

chose both of them, I chose them all,

what is this, my son, where will

this kid play, he will give it to me,

you will see in 10 years, will he put a CD Roma in the computer, will he give

it to me? No, he will give it to me, will

he give it to me? mi at home he said I

will give it to you your brother

wanted pop funk so I bought pop funk

look I wanted three and he bought it Ok thanks

But look at the products we bought look at there

crazy pirate Jack coat of General Kel

doesn't even know who he is, is that a Pokemon card? Did

they open it in two rounds? We

opened one, we opened two, nothing came out,

can I open one too,

where can you open one, let it

be something like this, let it be like an ad break?

How was it done, this guy knows the method, what is

this, bro? I

don't know these Pokemon.

Oh, exactly, exactly. Is this something,

bro? Is this far, is

this gy, is this something? It's a different color, it's a different

color, like y. Yes, oh, is this something? It's

exactly, it's bad. You can cash it at the bank,

put it in the safe directly, that's it,

bro. How much was it? 379 Oh, 379, sos,

what do you think, I have a brother here. Come on, don't lose anything from here, idiot. What should I do, I hid them. Look, I wish

I had shot this video in '97. Maybe if

we had bought a box of cards like that, we could have done this video now. We

wouldn't have to pull that, just let it be like that. Okay, put it in.

My condolences. Put it in your pocket. My condolences. I'll

cry. Is it

bad now, brother? Why do that?

I bought these exactly as they are. Where

do you push the computer to work?

I give it a p like this. You give it a record player.

Ranger. When you come, the jokes

are explosive. If my brother, who is standing next to me on my right, had

been inspired a little bit, he

wouldn't be making this music right now. Here you go.

But you'll buy it for me, won't you,

brother? God. But when you come, it's like this.

How does it feel to hug a carpet? Shut up, don't

talk to Diyan, don't talk to Diyan, please

don't talk to Diyan,

brother, don't interfere with me. Okay, princess. Look at what happened to Dayan, don't call my sister Princess Dayan Didem

Soydan anymore. They were saying to this child Princess

Dayan Didem Soydan, who else?


don't you look like a celebrity at all? No, you really

don't look like your brother either, man. I must be a kid.

Really, your brother is dark-skinned, light-skinned. Come on,

look, this man

is progressing through art. Look, the kid went and

took the keyboard. I have nothing to do with games, son.

What is this? What do you have to do with

pop music? Fun took it,

since you make pop music, this is your only common point,

something is happening. What is happening,

take it, he chose pop for me.

Look at the dress, brother, it turned out very well, it suits him.

By the way, something I'll say don't buy pop or anything

PO what should I buy Michael Jackson but look it's

relevant they were all 300 liras

I mean let me buy this Ok let me buy this

I'm your father whatever I say I

mean the economic conditions are enough for us to buy just his head let's

buy this

mom What's the password for the card

mom K I don't know open a new one mom

Now just We bought it, brother Berk,

give it to me, I'll carry it. Don't get tired.

I'm not in the mood to carry it anyway. In the end,

get me a keyboard every 8 years. Yes, I'll

miss your keyboard for 8 years. By the way,

son, isn't that why you've developed? Right

now, this game industry

is here, thank God.

We have been coming to the canyon for 8 years, it's good, plus one more

year. If this place is here, we will come again. We will have

children. Should we

change you, or the children? That's a

very good idea. Good Idea. By the way,

change the children. Well, here I

am a little worried. Not everything here is at home,

how can I tear it apart? I think

my AUD headphones were missing. I have them

at home. I really have

them. Okay, come on, come on. Come on, come on. Come on, come on, come on,

brother, get me one of these.

Welcome Hello Wow

Interstellar is a song that everyone who has started playing the piano

learns. Can

all the images go back like that film strip

How is that? Exactly Baran, [ __ ] everywhere


you played it bad, no, my brother

plays it better than me, bar. You stole it,

but there were still people left. B Kristal is very

good. C My brother, how does he play? It's

beautiful. Oh, stay melodic to me. I'll

buy you a frü.

What's that,

son? When did you learn these?

I have

no idea. Yes, do the finishing, Baran. Do the finishing.

Get up. Get up. Get whatever you want. Get

up. Come here. I'll say something, Baran.

Look. Don't play weird, weird things

Bun Rainman, don't you play something by Rain B.

This falling leaf was the dream of my youth, writing on

paper, I decided to long for white. And my hands chopped off God struck the lute, This falling leaf was the dream of my youth, writing on paper, I decided to long for white. And my hands chopped off God struck the lute, This falling leaf was the dream of my youth, writing on paper, I decided to long for white.

God was bloody, he

hit the carp Before you die,

my brother, for example, Amza

can take this. After every game, when you win,

you hit Stream Linde, it's logical. Brother,

if you want, he shouldn't hit, how much do you hit 125,000,

hit it, you

take it out, wait a minute, welcome to the mystical path.

I'm Ece Sarı. Today's

meditation is mindfulness, which is

slowing down the soul. First of all, pena

Look, I'll buy a pena, I'll buy the king.

Come here, do you have a pena? Does it take a pena?

Come here, come on. Look at the nice colors. You should

put it on your finger. Did you buy it directly?

I bought a penal, brother. Yes, yes, how much is a Pen

3200 or so? It's

3200 liras.

I bought these late, it's halal. nice Come on,

something like that

in front of the keyboard M

Mouse bro, enough is enough,

this is a very bad album


no Come on, we're going home from here, our work in the canyon

is done Yes, we're going home from here,

some empty tables at home, videos, choose Trust

Yes, you've been like that for a while. I

'll probably stay like that,

bman I am Batman, brother, I am the best man.

Batman is Rainman and Batman's

channel even in this rain.

I became ashes, my ashes were scattered,

I faded, I am not loved, I don't like resentment, I am tired,

I believe, I became a lie,

I lit a cigarette and

dived into the day, I asked how the branch is,

how it is, it is

all smoke, I

light a cigarette, I asked how it is,

Not deep, not separate at all,

I fell

into the deep

[Applause] ]

A piece like all these years flowing

deep down It's really aged, look,

you said, your hairs stand on end It'll get more valuable as it gets older,

a piece that's become more valuable as it gets older,

just like a vagabond Yusuf, I've

been having spasms of speculative dreams lately,

those 30 seconds at the end are like this, you know, it makes me look into the void, it really

does that

We changed brothers like this

I walked around America like a monkey my phone was broken

they all come to my mind like this flashback

Lian come in and see if you saw it, I saw it,

Hands be quiet Yes you will let

go That voice will come out Do you understand, Hands be quiet I

will cry, I

will cry It's not bad I am a trouble to myself, am I a trouble

to myself That ear is falling a little bit

Well done, well done. What's the harm?

Look at that Isot,

what's the harm? Don't strain it, you're talking from here,

let it come from here. From the diaphragm,

look at the harm. Wait a minute, am I D? Am I a cure? Am I trouble? Is a cure a problem?

Tell the truth, am I trouble? Am I a

cure? Am I trouble? Am I going to

continue? Am I going to continue? My sides are half

with my cigarette. with my cigarette Yes, let

it come out, open your mouth if necessary,

I can't stand it, My love,

don't frown, give me a hand for your eyebrows, my feet won't stop, I've become Elis, [ __ ],

once again.

How do I know you'll love me? How do I know it'll end like this?

How do I know

you'll love me? I'll find your place. I'm looking for

you, you'll say

go, you'll say go, don't go.

What happened to you

all of a sudden? I

don't know. I'm closing this now. Come on. I

mean, if I say there's something in the house, there's something in the house,


Oh, what am I telling you, son? If you say there's something in the house,

there's something, take it,

take it. You're welcome, your brother's rose, your brother's

rose. I don't have a [ __ ] in the house either.

Yes, chiropractic,


Now wait, yes, breathe in and

out. Be your

own man.

Tab. Yes, now, by the way, whoever

wins more will be given to him by me.

I mean, who knows

their brother better? Are they the ones asking the

questions? Our editor friend in the back asks the questions.

But we will

know our own brothers,

not the ones we changed. My

favorite song is Oh, that's a lot. Brother, if three

of them become successful,

one of them becomes successful, we write Okey ü in tens. He

asks the artist and so on. Let the artist be the best. My favorite

artist is an artist. It

could be Picasso on the song. Baran Efendi.

That man is what he is.

Wait a minute, wait a minute,

I wrote one. AB, three pieces. Is that one piece? Wait a minute, wait a minute, I wrote one. I wrote two pieces. Baran Efendi, that man is what he is. Wait a minute, wait a minute, I wrote one. I wrote two pieces.

Dean Say Okay are you

writing lyrics I'm writing too Wait 1 2 3

I wrote one I said sheron Charlie

idol I have MF MF I already wrote one

MF I'm sharen Justin to L I'm

sheeren Ok one by one Hamza

What kind of playlist is this Baba MF Doom

what MF Doom Ya I just wrote mfu Well done


Hen you dude okay his favorite color is one let's

write three colors here

are there one color or one no how many are there three

main colors there is, [ __ ] it, then


let's show the man thing in magenta, 3 2 1 one blue,

blue, green, green, take one orange,

olu take

y what was your brother's dream job,

what was it? Yes, not right now, okay, when you were little,

this is what you said before ESP Spor.

Zoran says it first, look. Look bro, I don't

know, an agricultural engineer who wants to be an agricultural engineer at one point,

what a strange

kid, when did you say that you

are not on good terms with syntheses, his connection with agricultural engineers

was not saying agricultural engineering,

okay, he wasn't saying that directly, he

is a natural engineer, he

wants to be a Çiçi sage, what do you mean? 3 2 1

stop brother who is counting who decides this I am a

football player football player

what did you write to me football player hacker huh

[ __ ] I wrote an athlete he wanted to be a hacker

together right first of all

brother you don't know your

brother it's going very badly I'm very

sorry in this serial part Trusts are

ahead your brother's phone's last call two

digits of the phone number Yes,

I know the last two digits, come on,

don't say the last two digits, bro, I'm very good with numbers like that,

I mean, what was that? But I

don't know. Tell me your

number. You are my grandfather's number,

bro. My grandfather says my grandfather died in 2009.

How do you know? No,

I got his number. Do you know

it? Of course I know. Don't go crazy. Wait,

I don't remember my own number. Oh,

right? stop Come on 1 2 3

07 I think it's like this D What 07 what I don't know

7-0 Oh they found 86,

tell them my grandfather's number

comes, how are we going to do something? You are recorded on the phone,

what will come, which food does

our brother not like at all? I told you this,

two 1 2 3 celery Yes Engin,

kapuska, celery Yes, okra, kapuska, B,

okra, is there any, prasa, okra, beans

I said, okay, everyone, prasa, okra, beans

what, All my b brothers are together among them

Which song did we sing the most

Brother, we sang a lot, brother, sister question Look, the

most MF

No, no, bar, turn it over, yeah My room

does not hold dirt,

you cannot write Nimrod's Daughter wrote

When did we sing about Nimrod's daughter? Our

connection with the east is from afar.

What was the last gift you bought for your brother?

Good question, I bought it, stupid. You

bought it for me for my birthday. I'll really

throw it in the trash. You'll come back home alone

from here. Hamza from Göktürk

on his birthday. Good. Remember, brother, you also give me the info

then, just in time for your birthday.

Remember well. This is what you are doing.

My son, I made eyebrows and eyes.

I don't remember what I did, I bought glasses.

Shame on you, Hamza. No, look,

Hamza. The gift you bought has value. Write it

down, look, don't copy anything with your eyes.

I didn't do it, are we ready? 1 2 3

electronic tar Tender CS knife gloves

Exactly CS knife I also said CS GO knife

inventory Exactly two-sided

knife gloves What the hell happened to AP What

happened to the thing What happened to the battery No, that's

there too, bro I made an inventory and wrote knife and gloves.

I wish I had written knife and gloves. I'm

just saying, his favorite season is

25% chance of 4 to 1.

This is a problem for me too.

Okay, I told you, Hamza emum. He's listening I

swear there's no way he likes writing Are

you ready 1 wait a minute I

didn't write Yusuf write what do you think

dte You wrote a lot

Hamza voice caster I hope so God I hope

you put one extra cross

Alak 2 don't mind it good man then

why me

4 No No bro I wrote winter, see,

but it says y when turning it.

Okay, but my son,

couldn't the child have changed it to something he liked later?

You said you wrote a lot of ideas, he

deleted it there. No, brother, it is not accepted. K.

This is your white stones. No, no, it's a lie. I

have never seen such a counter. It is your brother's favorite

color. I guess I knew it, brother. My every

day changes what do you know about me

a stable Ren y I B I don't know

I say something different to every challenge Okay Are

you ready turn green yellow how yellow bro

green how yellow ya Greens know you

what this green is

conservative Islam green is your bro take

these the best You know your brother's favorite food, his favorite


If you don't know your brother's favorite bar, can you write two?

Write as much as you want, just one. Baran 3 2

1asal honey, börek, stuffed meatballs, stuffed

meatballs with oil, bulgur chicken kö, brother D, the

spelling is correct. B I'm talking about meatballs, okay

Yusf, but is the last leek pie

so specific? Because it's so specific,

Tesal, you know, people's preferences were like this,

look, look, Emun, why would they eat it with

leeks like this? Yours

is correct. Ok if you are free you can eat they only threw one

By the way It's a shame I'm telling us bro I

said that too but I'm asking the question

apart from cats and dogs etc. your bro's favourite

animal is 2 1 giraffe

really is like that

wolf What is this you why does a

person like giraffes I don't know its shape is nice

right basic animal

I like looking at people with disdain, I also like horses. By the way,

horses are bad too, but what did you write there? It's important,

brother, what is a wolf? To me, a wolf is this.

You find horses cool, wolf. It's good,


yeah, his favorite singer. Hm, okay, beautiful.

Your brother's favorite singer. Okay,

foreigner, foreigner. or is it Turkish or


e Hamza I am a birat or something

g Hamza I mean even what you write is a

lie brothers writes only one Ok

brothers brothers one ü one

Are we ready? Okay, I'm writing 3. Okay, I

wrote it, it's a lie, Doğu comes out

2. Yiğit and Drake, what is it, Yiğit,

my son, I know. What did you say? You

wrote it and you wrote it. By the way, last

year, my biggest

complaint was "Oh, I'm bit." Am I 12 years old?

This year? We're past them now, I

've changed and developed, I didn't give a damn.

Brother, your brother's favorite movie is his. However, he would

give the answer anyway. What are you writing,

what came to your mind? Even I

couldn't give a damn. My brother's

favorite movie is 3 2 1 The Price of Courage,

brother. T 250' Deek You

can't have written the first movie,

exactly. What is Redemption? It's

really true. I mean, when you say the best movie, the first thing that comes to my mind

is Us. What is your brother Prestij's

biggest fear?

Except for God, it's not the biggest

fear, it's just one. I

'll write one. You have 10.

You can also write about being lynched, like [ __ ] it,

I just wrote one, okay, that's what's making me so

nervous these days. It

's not my fear but

one of your fears is big


damn it,

height My son is very emotional

Old, what did you write,

oh man, I want to die, I want to

write, then a relative of mine wrote, K The

most man in the world who is not afraid of being raped

is me, damn it,


area You've thought of a lot,

spend your whole day here My son, he is such

a smart guy, take it SME I mean I see b

For example, the video guy

is like this, what kind of fear is

rejection? Being rejected is not bad at all. By the way,

isn't it a very emotional fear?

But you gave your brother's job, so

write it there, write it, break up with your lover,

write it,

being abandoned is a very bad thing.


Not being loved at all Yes, it's nice, dying and

getting lynched. The two are so irrelevant, it's

like, why would a man who's afraid of dying be

afraid of being lynched? You know, when you're

lynched, you die. If

you do the thing that makes your brother angriest,

okay, I know this very well. It's nice,

a real brother and sister. Look, I wrote directly,

AB is angry, I wrote directly,

I wrote directly, if he doesn't write, y,

directly, I mean, Hamza, what did you write, that's all.

No. I'm opening it, so don't open it,

there's only one thing Come on, wait a

minute, I'm

writing, I hope he writes it down. Look, he

gets so angry that

there's only one thing. Hamza No, can you delete it?

Delete the second one, the second one. Because the second one is

true. I believe in it too. Your brother is definitely like

that. It means it's true,

otherwise he will be very angry. Okay, come on,

stop, teacher, what are you writing? I

don't trust the things he wrote. Don't do anything. What did you write? What did he write?

What did he write? Okay,

first you say it, brother. Look, being

provoked and repeating something is a plus.

Telling lies wrote the lie later

Yes, covering up too, believe me, my brother is sleeping, for example,

I am like this, brother AB, look, he can't do it right now, it

's nothing, I will break

the hand, You wrote that lie later, house Yes,

lie Later, but, but I understood the lie

and wrote it, that is, one y lie until the morning, min

Never I wrote something bro I

don't understand something at once Bara's general

not understanding of something

do actions far from practical intelligence he doesn't understand something general from practical

intelligence Same words like Uz trauma

Which feature of your bro

do you like the most and take as an example?

Good question but there is. Look,

you have a big task here,

I hope they are

AB. I never did even this or that.

Even Baran can't see what I wrote. I

wrote something very funny.

This kid is crossing something out again. Kaf. Did

you write it Baran? I wrote 3 slowly so that the old ones don't get mixed up.

Baran and Let's

start with Mert Can. I'm telling you exactly. I have

a pure heart.

Hamza, why did this explode so much? What did he

write? No, look, being honest and respectable.

I said creativity and

work should be honest and respectable.

Creativity should be clear and

I shouldn't lie. Okay, but look, being honest and respectable.

be respected But this is also me,

an honest and respectable man, honest and truthful, whatever it is, it

leads to the same place. Whatever it is, it's not like that.

Well, I'm open,


you will also listen to the moment of silence, we have come to the end of another video, the

moment of silence.

Hello, I hope you enjoyed this video,

I am Beren Güven.


g Even in the rain

My ashes turned into ashes and

scattered I have faded I am not loved

I do not like resentment

I am tired of

lying everyday

burned and

dived into it

I asked What is


smoked comfortably and

asked D what's the big deal

be rejected and abandoned What's the connection?

Come on, have another chat. Life

turns you into [ __ ]. You

feel like [ __ ], but it doesn't matter anyway.

Because in boxing.

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