REN - Fire in the Booth 🇬🇧

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I know you going to dig this oh yeah

perfect hey now this one here I've been

waiting for this one this guy is one of

the most exciting artists on the planet

right now I can't lie I feel like this

one going to be

special straight out

whales my guy Ren is in the building

building you know time is when you hear

this right

now it's time to

rumble come on let's get to be here

Charlie go I been waiting for this bro

I'm excit

I'm I'm search for brigh to days skies

are always gray in places we come


yeah and come up will come up may I

found a way to face those things that I

R from yeah yeah

yeah so just the other day I was back

with the lads fighting the booth it

popped up on my Instagram opened the M

it said boy come and bring the gang so

we came through wait this is true

Charlie hit me up he said he want me in

the booth the only time I'm in the booth

is doing Charlie in the loot I hit the

homie back and I said how can I refuse

an i sloth sick boy sounded so smooth

with the boom B [ __ ] monkey took aill

the King Kong Thunder drums like Jay

Diller on the fro get sliit Freddy C is

are click click empty the click reload

trigger boom I fell out of the W riding

broom State broom so snitch gets gri

like the quid snitch do every sick every

sick boy sicker than who Salvador PT

fire a scw with a views playing blood me

cuz it's not you does it move you from

the KN down to your shoe like Kung Fu

chle big Sonic Boom a combo after you

can shoot had do can like you and can

and by stand blank a blank stand auma

with the pan force of Goan is it R is it

R does it B ni gang when adrenaline ends

will the man Defender ends extend

Revenge cleanse the soul repent Lord

forgive my sins how in Heaven Sent world

top of the world Top of the World Wide

Web Earth over the top I drop a rocking

B and dropping H birth mother reverse

ver side for the words way [ __ ] to in

double time [ __ ] let me spit it's a tail

of the amazing [ __ ] the r I'm an eight

bar eight I'm Octon smoking a with my M

when it's 8:00 p.m. yeah I8 like an a

I'm eight and flip the A on it side like

infinity stone F to beat the by this ra

around the name affinity for masculinity

to B alone smoke a heart hand to Rocky

flip okay it's KO if you know you know I

got sold flow that's a point5 that's a

sniper scope take the sniper scope point

it at 5 the body decays like it's an

isotope with a 10e half life you decade

so in 10 years time you'll be half your

way that's a 10e chance you'll have half

a brain let me speed that up let me cook


ban wow wow yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

he let's get ready Scout SC swing war

hammer like I'm th B A Hy man body bag

and tag man rearrange a man's face [ __ ]

say an put it back together like a game

of Scrabble and nothing outside

everything under hand underneath a table

No Label that's Contraband Fable of B it

confuses my gang so ambitious was that

part of God's plan I am yeah I am yeah I

am fighing like a t on the Titan biting

Titan Levi i comeand b Bruce my Superman

cheese man got Ste man got bars and the

bars make cheese man gets these for

feature please man spreads bars like the

STDs man makes peace and Frozen greens

Man's Bar Bar like a field of sheep got

more bars than I be the streets Man's

Bar sweet they CES jeez fresh fresh

Light fresh Light fresh Light Flesh on

cold dice assassin fro dice this R like

pressing Smith West inside of your head

the chain but d l one move in your dead

GP grip then it's click can I clack it

can it swim m is your body aquatic keep

your arm Frank with a shank in the Attic

man gets B with a flashbang bang it a

around a t a m a f a man a k cat a hero

up the planet t to wasima come Kyoko

come to reload the future looks C break

mod Cali so so caliber Ro you're toit

you strike when the iron is cold I

connect the do disconnect just spine

reconnect dup Lego kidnect I break up

attack the blocker toxic shot wake KN Dr

drops like a hot rock blam pass to the

left to your right hand man like head

shot faded I RP your [ __ ] naked sick

boys wasted out the roll purple ha [ __ ]

condom large size finger your mom in

Five Guys calm down play nice or don't

you [ __ ] stay right there in the cross

here die in the cross like your

Jesus dad with a hole in his head hands

make money when I need the bread man

gets hungry so I feed him lead can I get

a 3.5 on the treed Red Dead Redemption I

fled Dimensions my head was tense and I

bled for vengeance but inpection but New

Direction a reconception of rhyme

selection flick a cigarette already lit

up the next one drive

slide and not next on one how they

wonder how he flow so D slow downwards

will he come harder will he come faster

just the well sipping on a kind of ler

come from the C nice in armor come from

the vales where we all go hard pull the

shank from the stone Shar par P Master

Tony star smart with an iron heart Ary D

be smarter than half a degre see me MC

squ w to be W to be want to follow me W

to be never W to be on me I'm a Mony

your biology baby raised on the th for

the W T Shady busy and some wizzy and

some PK and some J getting and some

missing and some K do tasty don't forget

the plan B that's what made me chop it

up the MPP it up the Cades are crazy

knocking up a on to the big Bo baby b

bang bang bangers on The Daily [ __ ] all

that singing [ __ ] will he come hard will

he come faster just a w boys spping on

the kind of loger come from the cou nice

in armor C from The Valleys where we all

go harder smoking on a SPL singing come

and B I'mma leave you with this cuz I'm

getting pretty bored now I live just to

feel the music here I give it as a gift

it was mine it it's yours now smoking on

a spli singing come me and B leave you

with this cuz I'm getting pretty bored

now I live just to feel the music here

and I give it as a gift it was mine it

is yours now hey perfect perfect perfect

bring it

back wowow in the building

bu hey I knew I was excited for this for

reason hey you are SOS bro I beate man


else wow

wow woo like

I've been excited about this for a long

time it's good to be here it's good to

be here like you you you are skilled on

a different level it's been a lot of

time coming man I've been watching the

show for a while man I've been watching

the show for a while you are so so

talented appreciate you man I appreciate

you I I actually think you might be an

alien I'm not even joking alien yeah I

appreciate you man hey bro that was

special I appreciate you coming through

man thank you for having me here Charlie

thank you thank you and you see that

right there that right there is what we

call fire in the grof another special

moment this is one that people going to

talk about for a

minute I hope you enjoyed that video now

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in the booth video click right there to

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music and then click here to check out

the artist latest music video how about

that Steve put that in your piping yeah

H lovely

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