Quién Diría - CRIS VALENCIA ❌ YANA KARPOVA ❌ El HIGH (Video Oficial)

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High who would say that that baby would come to me

I want it so much for me she didn't deserve it quequita



piss on ch we have them talking bad

throwing like Pao crowning

kissing you It's that I like you so much I

'm getting

involved with the world fighting

skipping kissing you

the green of your eyes I looked at it I took pas

that made me hes I wasn't looking for you and I

found you I love you I did it myself

andel love at first

sight your artist is is

surreal my mon of a magazine Love at

first sight my rus I your artist


surreal we have them talking bad

throwing like Polo

crowning yit kissing you that I like you

so much I'm getting

involved with the world

skipping kissing you

fist everything that I didn't expect you

have me Ultra in love people talk

without knowing anything don't ever doubt that love at


sight your artist seems

surreal of a

magazine who would say that

would I want it so much for me she didn't deserve that

skipping wouldn't

come out we have them talking bad

throwing like Pablo

crowning and

taking you away it's that I I like you so much I

'm getting

involved with the world fighting that

little mouth kissing you

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