Premiación Competencia Folclórica e Internacional - Festival de la Canción de Viña del Mar 2025

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there is a place in the world where

music, laughter and

emotions come together and it is here at Viña

202 with you the hosts of the

largest Latin festival in the world

Karen doer and Rafael


araneda arri

Vergara wanting to perrear

youth night of dancing night of goods

energy Rafa That's right strength passion

energy Ay Flow tonight at the quinta

Vergara a lot of Flow a lot of rhythm a lot of

atmosphere urban rhythms take over

this stage This is not his first

champa but it is his first time in Villa

will be with us Eladio


pay attention on this night of

debutants where are the satyrs and the

satires they come with all their hits to Viña


kit that will not be missing either the humor

history anecdote today also sex laughter

will be with us will be performing in

Viña Pam Pam

that and

we want to start tonight the party

with the king of

trap he has arrived he is here in the

back he is with us he debuts in

a few more minutes later but he

is here he is happy his name is


du un applause for the festival orchestra

Thank you

maestro López How great Hey Rafa today

our Jury is going to have a key role

because we are going to have the final of the

folkloric and

international competition they are already here we greet you we

introduce you the Villa 20 Jury

attention you have been crowned as the queen of

this festival this

week the gallery applauds you every

night talent sympathy beauty


Emilia our precious queen how much we

love you attention from Yay Yay to the

world a Chilean star from Elite who is going

to surprise us in the

quebranto series with an upcoming premiere for

Disney Plus has enjoyed the entire festival we

greet you we applaud you Jorge López


that's a king also here in the quinta

Vergara is also

from the music of Mara el nuo nice to meet you



Jurado voice of radio infin

how much we love you Cata

Ed is the youngest artist on our

Jury he is not sitting tonight There he will

vote from his dressing room the

heartbreaker the

satyr will

vote listen below listen below kitb [Music] Narea,

he comes from classical music.

But he has enjoyed all musical genres and today he will enjoy urban music,

also with the humor of Panan.

He is the director of the Santiago Philharmonic Orchestra. La Quinta Vergara greets a man from Viña del Mar. Paolo [Music]


maestro. Yesterday we saw him enjoying his favorite band, Inc. A great actor from Mega's

soap operas,

a totally

charismatic heartthrob from Viñas to the world.

Nico [

Applause] [Music


This duo knows about success. They performed

the first night, they took all the

recognition from La Quinta Vergara. It

is always an honor to present them. Jorge

Villamizar, Andrés López, they are the best. [


This decisive night for the

competitions. You can download the song from

now on. app viña 2025 and so they can

evaluate all the artists

you can also vote for the most popular artist

the QR code is appearing there on the

screen download it now Very well And we are

also going to greet the owner of the

house the mayor of Viña del Mar

Macarena Ripa Monti Good evening

mayor how are you welcome



say our

host and like every night Rafa

we also greet the deaf community

of Chile that Enjoy the entire

broadcast in sign language

thanks to a very special work of the

institute for the deaf at this

time we ask for a silence in La

Quinta Vergara to be able to raise

our hands and make this greeting it is

an applause to all who see us

through the Mega 2 signal There it

goes This is a very beautiful moment it has

already become a tradition so

we greet more than 800,000

deaf Chileans and we want to take advantage of this

moment also to say goodbye to a

man of great music who has passed away today he

was part of this festival he was

singing on this stage a

week ago in the gala of viña 25 was

present Even though he himself had

announced that he was at the end of his

days due to a

terminal illness he sang on this

stage he was here and well he also did

what he loved most which is music his

last public activity was precisely

at the gala of Viña del Mar we are going to

say goodbye to him with what you

are already spontaneously

applauding for Miguel negro Piñera gave us

a very

important message until the end he was on

stage until the end he asked that we

remember him with joy until the end he

asked that the party continue forever

black thank you

he loved music And this is a night

of the finals of the folkloric

and international competition of course and we are going to

present on this stage someone who is

going to accompany you in this grand final a

woman who has history with this region

has a history since she was little

because she swam there on the beaches of

cochoa and the Fishermen nicknamed her as the little

reinetita Yes well communicator

part of the Mega media family

we greet on this stage the

dear aunt ureta

welcome good night quinta

Vergara how

are you How nice this looks more more beautiful than I

imagined Yes yes it looks very nice to

be here it's exciting health

Here is the public it's a night of

finals and we also have songs to

present because once they are

presented we will know the

winning song in the folklore competition and

in the international

song competition we start

then folklore competition what do you think it seems to

me we have three countries and it would be the

first we are going to start at

home They have

sent us a different folklore performance they are

two young brothers who love

music they come from macul to present

the new sounds of our country they

grew up surrounded by poetry and folklore

and they bring us a beautiful BS with a

musical maturity that brings them here

to the final of the folklore competition

metalanguage the baba del sol is here in

the quinta Vergara representing Chile


we did it thanks to you it has been

a wonderful experience we are

ready to win in this

final Thank you very much to all the people who

have supported us and we ask you Now more

than ever to support us to vote for

us so that the seagull stays

here in Chile We are going with everything with this

so that it sounds

pretty now

yaaro black they come out of my neck when I

stop feeling that I love you but here you

are transforming the salt with your kiss

that are the drool of the

sun but here you are transforming the salt

with your kiss that are the drool of the sun Without

your kiss I can't feel the shadows

take my voice Give me your kiss that are the

drool of the sun Without your kiss I can't feel

the shadows take my voice game your

kisses that are the drool of the

sun are

tongues from the fifth to your

heart and I'm afraid of

everything confusing mud

with and I'm afraid of everything

that I suffer but I liked the fear

black birds come out of my neck

when I stop feeling that I love you that I

adore you that I die if you're not here and I

lose you and I hate you and I don't want to see you anymore

but here you are transforming the salt with

your kiss that are the drool of the sun

but here you are transforming the salt with

your weight that are the drool of the sun with your

kisses that are the drool of the sun Give me your

kisses that are the B of the

Sun in the grand final of the

folkloric competition of viña

202 was meta tongue with drool of the sun

representing Chile the Jury is

voting is evaluating and the public

also does it through the


2025 application we want to remember that each of

the classified countries start

tonight from scratch from scratch they are going to

play it all that's right the averages do not

exist exactly today they play it

all and let's remember six

competitors started And here they are in the final of

finals they all want to take this

precious silver seagull Rafa and there

is also a cash prize and I want to

tell you that next we are

waiting for the presence of the second country

that qualified on this night of finals

this is a song dedicated Rafa to

start over but from loneliness

its interpreters have 29 years of

musical history and have revolutionized

their country with their presence in Viña they

also want to take

a silver seagull to their land for the first time do not

be afraid of loneliness they are tupai and they

are the representatives of

Bolivia well we dreamed of arriving but [Music] today the wind

blew up there are no people in the street from my window everything looks grey and nothing It's the same since you left the walls scream that you won't come back don't be afraid no of loneliness it's another way to start

don't be afraid no of

loneliness another

one always comes

the night is calm a lantern lights up the

drops that

fall if the air gets cold

my glass is

full of wine that

bleeds my body misses you

and my

soul misses you don't be afraid no of the sun

maybe it's time to

change don't be afraid no of

loneliness life always gives you a hard time

don't be afraid of loneliness you p the

representatives of Bolivia in Viña

202 the applause For Bolivia the Jury

is already evaluating Rafa and you too at

home in Viña 2025 you can vote

from now for your favorite and also

Rafa the QR is on the screen so

you can vote for your favorite

of course and you are definitely the tenth

Jury next comes the last

country classified to achieve the

long-awaited silver seagull exactly

Rafa this song I'm sure will

touch your heart and all of you who

are here because it is a very

important topic that talks about the care of

our land three women who

decided to get together to be able to boost

their careers and they reach the final of this

festival with a universal song the

care of the land for the next

generations that is what it is about what we are

going to hear next from


the golden ladies bring us song from my

land here is Ecuador in 20 this is

Viña Thank you for this affection Thank you for

this support we are very excited and

grateful thank you for this opportunity to

make Ecuador shine like never


We are sure that we will take that

seagull to Ecuador Thank you Chile for

the support Thank you Ecuador for the support and

thank you Viña del Mar for all this




I am the

song of my

land My land

suffers My land

cries Listen brother This is the hour My


moans My land

screams Time is running out It needs

less United hand in hand I ask you And the

children of your children

will live But we can unite Man With

bad what do I ask your ancestors in heaven

will sing Come men and

women Save the future

for your

family Cruz The earth is agitated Seas

roen vulgar is the warning But we can

join hands With less fear And the

children of your children

will live But we can unite

As your ancestors ask you in heaven They will sing They will sing They will sing

sing My land suffers My land suffers My land

cries My land cries

Song of my land My land G Listen to it

my land

gita I am the

song of my land my land

suffers my

flat land I am the

song of my land My land

is my land

screams I am the

song of my land

of my

land of my



Ecuador song of my land the

golden ladies the last to appear in the

folklore competition on this night of

finals the Jury is finishing

evaluating and the public at home too

last seconds before closing the

voting from the application of viña

2025 is already closed and I see the Jury

also with their arms crossed they have already

decided we have to wait

Rafa the results to see who is going to

win the precious silver seagull and will

take it to their country it could be

Ecuador Bolivia or Chile that's how it is the

public votes the Jury has already voted has already evaluated

and at any moment Karen

doer appears with the result

aunt I propose something I'm going with Karen

you prepare for the

international song competition we award the

folklore competition and I'm with you

ready go with your partner I

applaud myself for aunt Thank you aunt Karen

here I am Rafa already with the participants

because it is a very important moment

moment of definitions with us

all the participants a moment of

nervousness And of course of much

hope First we will meet the

best performer of this competition and

then the winning song of Viña 2025

for the

competition remember that yes all the

results Rafa have been certified

by the notary farren represented by

Don Raúl farren we thank you for

being with us every night remember

that the award for the best performer


000 plus the

silver seagull we begin with the award for the best

performer of the folkloric competition

of Viña


000 and the

silver seagull very well

the best performer of the

folkloric competition of Viña


is celebrated

Ecuador congratulations lasas

de also the silver seagull presents the

award to the mayor Macarena ripa

monti accompanied by the councilors of the

organizing committee of Viña

2025 celebrate with the mayor celebrate

there with the councilors members

in addition to the

commission we are going to

continuation with

Elo award to the best song here in


2025 here the sum in money is

important it is

$5000 plus the silver seagull for the


song One step forward please the

representatives of Ecuador

group the tube that represents


that and you from Bolivia please there are


finalists among them is the winner

of the

competition we are in condition Ken

we are in condition let's go ent always

very well

the winner of the folkloric competition

of viña


35000 and the silver seagull is

for I can't believe it there believe it believe it

a tie for first


between between

This is what don Claudio narea

president of the Jury did not want to

happen because you are going to have to

decide to accompany me up on stage and you are going to have to

say what the

winning song is applause is

already beginning to manifest at this time


night How difficult Don Claudio But well it

is the role of being a Jury you know The

criteria of your fellow Jury members you have

had access to the public vote

and now it's his turn it's his turn to decide it's

difficult and he has to say it loud and clear That's the

instruction that Claudio has, narea

Chile or Bolivia in the first place it's

Claudio's turn to decide I'm very nervous this

time the truth is that I did

n't expect it As surely as for

everyone A little

surprising to have to define something like that I didn't

think that would happen don't say it out

loud anymore please president of our

jury ch Bolivia I'm going to say something before

okay I think the songs are all

very good it was exciting to be

listening to them from there both river from

Ecuador and those from Bolivia Yes and the one from

Chile all three of them we love

but I have to make a difficult

decision very difficult and I'm going to

take it for Chile very well G Chile


meta lengua la baba del sol comes in

second place The Tup group from Bolivia

with don't be afraid of loneliness and

also the best interpreters

were also among the finalists the

golden ladies song of my land the

representatives of

Ecuador we are going to

ask each of the councilors of the

organizing committee of viña 202 to come

closer please to the

winners There is Met tongue the drool of the

sun Chile first place in our

competition mayor let it be seen

there receive the silver seagull

metal tongue the representatives of Chile

with the drool of the sun


[Applause] [


very good Well Chile has won

the folkloric competition tomorrow

Karen will appear on this stage as

great winners and brand new

triumphants that are they we will have

here tomorrow at the overture of the

Final Night we go to the Backstage and continue

with the final of the

international competition because this is Viña 2025

of the sea

world I am where the magic happens where

concentration flows Please look at

that door cameraman dear

applause for

Ducky he is inside his dressing room in

a few minutes he will leave but I want you to

save the applause because I have

a very special woman for Ducky come on come

closer look Here she is in the

halls of the Quinta Vergara his dear

mother Sandra my dear How are you How are you

joy that energy the Quinta te

applauds, applauds you because you are part

of the fan base too How are you

today, well, you already made me nervous Oh, I don't

want to make her nervous, too much, too

much responsibility, no, pretty, beautiful,


to the applause of the Quinta Vergara, how they love you, they love duqu Chile loves her, Chile teama, Chile loves him, loves his father too What does it mean to you? That you are in the Quinta Vergara, s a lot of emotion and a lot of responsibility at the same time, both, both things, eh, nothing, eh, we are in a very

important festival, the most important in

Latin America, and obviously that generates

a responsibility and a pride as well.

Sandra, I thank you for being with me. You already

heard the applause. We are going to the

stage with the hosts Rafael and

Karen doer. Yes, Karen is here and so

is Tita, here in the

international song competition, because we

continue with the three

finalists. The finalists are Chile,

Mexico, and Spain. We are going to start

again, Rafa, at home, we start in

Chile, an artist born up there in the north

in Antofagasta, who presents us with a

very profound biographical song. She wants to

dedicate her profound triumph, the possible one,

to her grandmother, who always encouraged her. to

continue his singing career in this

grand final representing Chile with

Inferno daga he performs in Viña

2025 I can't believe that I've already reached the

final this is one of the biggest dreams


I'm fighting for the seagull I hope it

stays here in Chile of course I

invite people to look at me to

understand well My story to know the

particularity of my voice

too well the seagull is dedicated it

is dedicated to my grandmother that I love

very much she is my life the most beautiful thing that has

happened to me in life without her the truth is that I

think I wouldn't even be alive I

love you pebi I love you very much and that seagull I'm

going to give it to you in your hands and I know

that you're going to feel very proud I love you

exist among this pile of

riddles they ask me not to lose the

tindo I ask for my

Clarity and I look at

a body carved without judgment a

burning aura a

path that I have already decided to

travel I'm sorry but when DEA burns

and burns me the sky knows

infernar that I bring that condemnation the

coren and peace if paradiso is like this the

Inferno I bury you in you I'm sorry but

when you kiss me a door opens that gives the

to dark until you don't

cry don't cry for my flower

delirium You know that I have not

chosen that your law makes me a criminal


pray that my sacrifice has been

seen as a challenge to your judgment and that it

illuminates that

cru I'm sorry but when you piss on me qua

the sky knows

infernal and even if you bring me


elom and p if paradise is

like this the Inferno I bury it in me I'm

sorry but when you untie me a

door opens that to my

darkness I'm sorry but bring me

that re condemnation Elo break antif the

paradise the inf enero in you I'm sorry


when a door opens

that representing with Inferno dagger the

Jury evaluates the Jury votes in Viña

2025 you from your home from your

application If you have not downloaded the QR you

can still do it you can vote for

the song you think is appropriate that you

want on this night of finals in Viña

2025 tremendous presentation from Chile

remember to continue voting with the

QR code that has already appeared on the screen we continue

with the second one let's go with the second one let's

go it's a nostalgic and

love song Rafa of course he says it's the new

jewel of regional

Mexican he composed songs for Karin León to

Cristian Nodal and many more and in this

song he proposes a trip to those

times where love was more innocent

where one did not suffer one has always

suffered if representing Mexico comes

cacalo with dirt swallow me in Viña

2025 Well my people I can't contain my

emotion I'm very happy Thank you very much

for all the support to my

beloved Chile to Mexico and well I can't wait

to get back on

stage and leave it all so that

that little seagull can do its United

straight over there to Hermosillo

Sonora Thank you very much I'm going to

leave it all the competition is very tough

but I promise that I'm going to leave it all

me so that that little seagull can go

straight to Sonora So thank you so much

for all the

support my

bamboo guitar play more

cu and remind me of the times when you

wrote me I love you in my

Goku notebook innocence is

over behind the

classroom I had never given a kiss but I

practiced in front of the mirror to be like a


please earth

swallow me and

take me back to when I was doing well in


please earth swallow me

but spit me out with her at the

bus stop I was dying to be

older and I crashed

because growing up is a trap and there was no

cage for

Lu What happened to her what do

I know the earth swallowed her

along with those kisses


balo come on


please earth


me and take me back to when I was afraid of the dark not of my reality earth swallow me but spit me out for show the tutorial part a little further back next to that guard dog my dad went for cigarettes and it won't take long for him to

waking up at my mom's house

and it was all a bad dream and it's my


Christmas land of

cocoa the representative of Mexico the

Jury is evaluating, is putting

notes, they talk among themselves, there are some

there who are a bit undecided, but you also

at home have to vote for your

favorite Of course you can download

the application, there is the QR code and they add

up, they are Jury number 10 and

from the total of grades that you

send from the application, an

average is taken that you will be able to

observe later at the time that we

give the result of the

winning song of the international

song competition in Viña 2025 and the notes

start from zero Rafa So here they

come to play it in the final of finals, they are

going to leave it all, the last song in the

competition, she has captivated us with her

rhythm, she dances but like the

gods and also with her voice because she

was the winner of Operación Triunfo in

Spain, she is a

multifaceted woman, she comes from the Canary Islands

for her passion for salsa to



attention, her name is nia, her song is

called caminito of lament and is presented

like this in Viña 20 25 I tell you,

well reaching the final feels

incredible because I didn't expect this to

happen and in the end people have

connected, they have liked what I have done

and I am immensely

happy, I think I can take the

Gaviota to Spain. I hope and wish that that

happens because what I am going to do on

stage to take the Gaviota is what I have

been doing all this way

until now, which is to enjoy it, give the

best of myself and that they like it and and

enjoy it above all, which I think is


important. Once again you cross my

path and I don't know how I let myself get tangled up. Look at me

now, nobody is playing with me, call

each card that they are going to throw,

save yourself the speech, I ask you, I do

n't want you or as a friend, not to

have me, be your punishment. You

will cry, I tell you, soon you will subside, you

will see that early on you will knock on my door.

I tell you, there is nothing more to

tell. Wanting to be happy by your side is

wasting time

and not following the Little Path.

come on mate, let's move, this story

is over, being your little Buu doll I

'm already tired There are no more fruits left, they

fell ripe what we once were is


look for me everywhere tell me more save yourself

the class I ask you that I don't

want you not even as a friend not to have me to be

your punishment

will cry I tell you soon you

will see that sooner or later you will knock on my door

I live for you there is nothing more to



wanting to be happy by your side is wasting

time and not following the Path of your

Lament I want, I want, I don't want, I

want who No I don't want that no that no I don't want that no that no

I don't want

I tell you soon you

will you want to be happy by your side

time and not follow the Path of your

laments is over girl

Path of lament the representative


Spain the last song that has been

presented tonight in this great final

of Viña 2025 the Jury is closing the

voting closing the evaluation and in

fact it is already closing it was closed it was closed it was

closed so

all the decided juries look at each other and

everything is already done and I want to

thank you a round of applause for aunt Aureta

I hope you enjoyed your

participation Thank you for letting me

fulfill a dream of being here

I love you Thank you

aunt Karen where are you we have

results here with the results raa

the finalists and we want to start immediately

nervousness there is a lot of anxiety We want to

know now who gets the award for

best performer and also the award

for best song of our

international competition of Villa

2025 we begin by getting to know the best male or female

performer of the

international song competition

11,000 and the silver seagull best

performer for


Spain we congratulate aa And of course we

also ask our authorities to come

closer so that they can deliver

that silver seagull there is the

mayor Macarena Ripamonti and the

councilors who also make up the

commission viña 2025 nia best

greetings, Dan Ray, representative of Chile,

greetings. We invite the mayor Macarena Ripamonte. We invite the councilors, as well as our organizing committee, to come to Cacá. The representatives with this precious silver seagull. Ah, we greet Mexico, which

will be presented on this stage tomorrow. They certify the results

of this competition. The notary Ra Farren, representative of the notary's office, is preparing.

Tomorrow we will listen to them there. Our winners, what a joy, congratulations to everyone. And we will go to Cacá.

Cacalo, greetings, Dan Ray,

representative of

Chile, greetings. We

invite the mayor Macarena

Ripamonte. We invite the councilors,

as well as our organizing committee, to

come to Cacá. The


with this precious silver seagull. Ah,

we greet Mexico, which will be

presented on this

stage tomorrow. They certify the results of

this competition. The notary Ra Farren,

representative of the

notary's office, is obviously preparing. Tomorrow we will

listen to them there. Our

winners, what a joy, congratulations to

everyone. And we will go to Cacá. [Music] Cacalo, greetings, Dan Ray, representative of Chile, greetings. We invite the mayor Macarena Ripamonte. We invite the councilors, as well as our organizing committee, to come to Cacá. a short moa

because the most famous rapper in

Latin America and the

world is coming,

pay attention, that's duqu duqui duqu duqu duqu

duqui we

'll be back don't miss the

festival don't miss the

festival party is a seaside resort

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