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ang let your
hair fall you don't have hair on pause
Seriously sometimes if I want to help you
but you don't provide the cause saying that
my boyfriend stole you is that you don't
provide the cause you have to learn to
handle yourself because you You don't bring the
causes, your followers, when you
threw me away. But you don't bring the cause, and you
think that you're pretty, you With that hair on
pause. You think that I want you, you With that
hair on pause. You're praying fine, you With
that hair on pause. that wearing a wig
that hair doesn't make you look good You think that you look
pretty You With that hair on pause You think
that he loves you You With that hair on pause I'm
making you look fine You With that hair on pause you have a
wig that that hair doesn't
leave you how is your hair how is your hair
how is your hair pause pause is how is
your hair how is your hair how is your
hair I don't believe you are the patron saint of all things and
they know it when I arrive if I V FR in this
how is your hair that I don't know I'm going to throw myself at you
again because the [ __ ] is still
there if I want it to stop comb your hair you have to
sew the threshing floor you threw at me to hit you
hit yourself yellow I have no competition
That is the difference between the boss and
you my children you have to use inasa
because your hair does not grow Inc on your
knees and pray a praise you to me that
behind you that running you get tired you lost the
battle don't lose hope But come
here Wait Wait but it doesn't grow And
you think you're pretty With that hair
on end You think he loves you With
that hair on end you're fine With
that hair on end you have that wearing a wig,
that hair doesn't advance you And you think that you
look pretty You With that hair on pause You
think that he loves you With that hair on
pause she's looking fine You With that hair
on pause you have to wear a wig, that hair
doesn't advance you AB is like your hair is like your
hair is like your hair pause pause is
like your hair is like your hair is like
your hair pause
pause pause hair on pause hair on pause
no no no you grow hair hair pause pause hair
hair pause pause hair hair pause
pause hair on pause you don't grow come here
but at little step with
your boss I walk with my sister
the king of the
sticks and now