PA SPORTS x 250 BARS SUICIDE (Official Video)
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I can't hear your questions anymore,
head-full Kelly because the rabbit doesn't
do gymnastics anymore, automatic under merch, come on,
I'll tell you what bothers me, the whole
world is being [ __ ] like a little [ __ ]
and I was for years where
[ __ ] German rap is dead,
German rappers are now sitting with
high heels at fashionhs but talk
hard on the phone I spe FL B the mengeer
television this K BR but do on
elkone everyone does the same show all
sons of [ __ ] but the modern man is
like that I think that's called mwo junkies
with the use of a fly make Rap
Million Battle Mod pa you want perfect
pomolck now it starts I've been hitting
everyone since last year because it
apparently blows the mind but the
guy here sits on an empire vnder
even more compensation figure sons on
helium what you are doing is plagiarism look
what I am doing is immortality in a
children's belt because I am happy after 20 years
the lycist stay 45 with
too much Tailwind, I'm putting my
triple in today, you pray that I fall because
apparently my [ __ ] is way too
deep in your mothers, enemies are
shooting hard because I'm just finding
my peace, they see me in the
Maldives and want me to
lose that for years on my size now
since recently on family these are no
effective hits against a rap machine
I brought the best label to the ST
many have copied me but
nobody has ever done it in this way
no artist makes life is
pain the life is pain makes the artist
nobody bigger than the Club for those who
thought it was getting dark no I have
no beef with flir anymore will maybe
see it differently if the pisser
was anyone if he wasn't the opposite of a
millionaire brings me absolutely no
more value just has no flir flare
write these ryes here in the
darkness do if you hated sprinters
I could make sure today that you
are my dogs tomorrow round 1 your
lungs are whistling that is unmatched
universal can testify that I
had to give a [ __ ] about every sum to break his heart
because they didn't appreciate
in the priiber bet on the advertising-friendly
horse 10 million rejected you
think that's the cap but I
always have only the straight [ __ ] in my texts
am hard controversial but B
[ __ ] when Palm spits AI will
know today how it feels when Karma
has hit nothing to do with the Yari
dises but it was for your sake when
my baby mama dise no bad blood
insallah reason will catch up with you I
wish you only health from the bottom of my heart
this scene is full of psychotics
have a clue about fashion stuff but no
idea about rap and are after a year
in a drug mania you comedians want to battle
but this is the test drive the
last real rapper comes like David against
Goliath reach your promo plan even if
we used to be homies [ __ ] you all one
after the other this B life polygamous
I concentrate on you it's available from
tomorrow morning dead numbers these people
want war but I could for dead
numbers the flow mechatronics technicians
like koliga from the dealer with Nokia
to the lier of the big stars a greeting
to everyone irrelevant pisser who
was too cheeky for me hopefully you will become a rap star
I'm waiting here in Kefler can't
say because you are poor suckers but
the hype is coming expect you frontal
motherliness the hunter becomes the hunted
wait for the right momentum only when
you are able to pay I write
my Bill the whole scene is dead
hipop has banned speech it's not about
flow everything is about my shabby
show some really thought they were smart
just because they didn't follow me but
matchm Phoenix today on tiktok in front of 40
people actually D I don't look down
but you probably need it everyone you
have [ __ ] up I take on myself today you have
been getting away with it for years and that is why
I am ashamed of you nobody wants to
push you but today I will give you
face tell me how much hackerast you
have been eaten by strangers you and all
those with you are sucking [ __ ] in
Essen how you want to regulate this
can check your manager after all
he always decides for you in the best
interest wanted to trigger me for years
then let me at least a
Reason you went to be a lion
and came back as a dog
forever King in the red Habibi I am in the red
you the reason why people think that
something is wrong in the red B wanted to
make me a Nazi in his
dirty stream because he thinks that he
Anyone who gives respect for it is dragged along
in the Kanakenraster but the boys that
I would send home are sacrificing
boys like you with neck slaps the
smallest extras are
opinion fascists today but I have my own
customs and stick to my commitment
this world is on the ass I them little
babies in the Ruins and the person who
threw the bomb claims it was for
peace the federal government is once
again on the wrong side because
rich white people decide for us what
justice is never again means
never again and that for everyone no matter
in which direction they pray
violations of international law count
seems only for your follow but I'm
OK if you
want my taxes for it live in the wrong society
they sell their honor like kachis
and it's best to stream it live a
real g doesn't do anything on social media
Beefs war every Friday night, I'm
sick of your shitty release, I
never wanted to be like them, I'll never be
like them and that's the reason
why I'll never be as hyped as them, because I
'm not a pig like them, no, I do
n't take off in my Prime like them
don't sell my mother for likes
like them don't compare every woman with
a piece of meat like them don't take 50
K for a show and form D not even
live like them don't waste this hype
just for a good time like them and
blow a few more years so that
someone can be like me, don't just talk
[ __ ] in the M like them and do
n't despair in the search for someone who
writes for me like them, don't blame me
on every night who is next to me
doing something like them, don't raise children the
world and take care of [ __ ] like that
now you can ask pa again why
he doesn't hype like the kids celebrate
children's man they are only looking for a like
the attitude pack message n and the flow
by will [ __ ] you all hom but no
enem a war sie free fr wie am Spit
technique Mohammed Ali the champion as you
see fights with artillery
just manage my team with heavy marketing
zel tell me your name you PE
put up how did deril was there W I
wrote level is magic fres the streets
wienory the revenus Berin too much was
stable now I bring a game rapper
who back then on b b me straight me deal
bums who don't deserve game men
with hard profile President Palakili
Bang from the black savior of true
music a bese WD straight to light Life
is pain I've never had better
[ Music]
played wanted to tear the German weap's ass
apart and was just
thinking about writing 100 bars again
you might think that's my
trademark but in truth it's
just my way of arguing regularly settle accounts
with my enemies because I do
n't say a word for years until I then in
this way space but today
I dedicate myself to you you and your hate
kill you forever and I do
n't even need a night for that I am the only one
who knows how to [ __ ] you how
often have you caught the wrong Away and I
went with you for 35 years in prison you
keep me and yourself imprisoned everyone
around you recognizes it but nobody speaks
about it you are an egocentric a
depressive wanker who
was last alive 14 years ago they
all suffer from your way but you it doesn't
matter because this is only about you
and your name
I'm fed up with you have you
already forgotten we're leaving here without peace and
gold back then you were creative
passionately in love with rap but
today you're playing the same game as the
industry is pursuing the real claim
but sell it when the money is enough
talk about the ego but still ca
n't be yourself earn
money for years but stand for nothing in
this world the little one goes to sleep at 8 o'clock
and you come home at 11 o'clock
everything about the Dream to live but while
you are busy holding on to the dream
you forget to live the dream
that is probably because your dream
is only compensation you seem to believe
yourself that you are nobody without WAP
these people love you but you do
not deserve them because you are only in
your film what others need
you do not see but you do see it but mostly
you ignore it and push it off to the
day when you are happy and content
but this day you are waiting for
is science fiction by now
you get it you don't change a
bit, you dissed the whole country,
you got your limelight even though
you've been a junky for 17 years,
preach wine but drink waterland,
I know your character and on some
days you're still the same
bastard that others have
taken off before you so predictable
but it was never because of him but because of how
W you were several bars but no track
of yours tore up the charts you can't be
classified for consumers go check
the numbers and no we are not going
shopping in extra large because the one up there
knew how to created so that you do
not fail completely I think in a
little bigger you would have become a tyran
but most likely you would never have
become a man are still
torn today do not know who you are do
you always run still out there or is the
street poison you know that masculinity in the
ghetto has nothing to do with what
your father once taught you otherwise you would be
like your brother at 34 years old
you still act like a tupak but
your core consciousness knows we are God
Thank you a shooter you are a
normal guy and should have
been in your center by now but
you can't free yourself from what the street demands
that's why your music sounds like
a bit of everything but with a
bit of everything you don't fill any
halls today no broad mass that
identifies with you because if you really
are one cannot identify to this day
and because nobody
can see clairvoyantly my dear it is probably up to you
because you yourself do not know who you are
and that is somehow shocking say
are you the hard kenek or but the
smart kenek are you the conservative
or liberal Ken do you want to [ __ ] their mothers
or do you fight with your NFS do
you control this ego or do
you only think with hate it's time to
decide live long enough on two
sides you still have to honorable
men on the street prove why ca
n't you just ignore it when they
spread stories even though you
know that it's the night for
most of them yes you swear your love
but can't protect it from the
lies and rumors from the dishonorable
sayings you had to make your relationship
public press actually
you should have known better tell
me how many times you caught her you
should have known that she is
becoming a weapon here because you have never been
[ __ ] act as if her
love is poison but the one up there knows who the
real problem is in the relationship is
the problem is the conflict the
paradox in your life because you always
stay in the middle if you don't
decide the story ends
[ __ ] want an answer to the question
who are you in reality do you want to
be at home with your loved one in peace
live or are you ready to give your life for
the game Talking constantly about
masculinity with your strong friends
can you remember that neither of us
wanted this at all please let it go
I'll take the reins even if W
you can lie to yourself you are lying
not me I'm angry with you have
my psyche [ __ ] all day tired
for nothing the seduction in your eyes and
the problems don't go away no matter how
many bags you knock down you
still seem like a student to me at 34 years old you
studied on the streets you mutated into a tough one
but apparently P wants
the Par not you think I'm
dramatizing but you write karma with
you your little one needs you why is
n't her father here please be quiet I
can't hear the [ __ ] everything that
was broken you destroyed all by yourself you
compensate your complexes
today with senseless flex and the teaching
in the inside definitely goes away from it I've been
asking myself for years how someone can do something like that
from today on PM is going on the streets because
this P is a dead man