صوت التراث - محمود أسيري

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Voice of the heritage

You were praised in the holy book

Your remembrance was connected to Muhammad’s

The voices of Kuwait’s people echoed with your name:

A person called, with a joy-bearing voice

O’ who listens, pray upon the Prophet

Muhammad and his cousin Ali

The virtuous blissful husband of Fatima

Allah’s apostle who is the father of Hasan and Hussain

Without his remembrance, your prayer is incomplete

Mention Ali and let your prayers echo

O’ who listens, pray upon the Prophet

Muhammad and his cousin Ali

You are the only equal to the finest woman (Fatima)

Jabir narrated Hadith AlKisa’ from Fatima

Triumphant is he who pledged allegiance to you

With that meaning, the voice of the people of AlAhsa’ has echoed:

Ali is my Imam and his Shias are triumphant

Ali’s shrine is in Najaf and his dome glimmers

My Imam’s dome is made of silver and gold

His visitor is blessed indeed

Allah attests that Ali’s followers will be pleased

Ali would quench them from the pond of Kawthar and guide them to paradise

Ali is my Imam and his Shias are triumphant

Ali’s shrine is in Najaf and his dome glimmers

Ali, allegiance to you is the essence of paradise

It is the meaning of “You shall safely enter paradise”

The words of the declaration are true indeed

As the people of Oman rejoice by your name:

The love of Ali son of Abu Talib

Is sweeter than honey

His love is pure and beautiful

Purer than any other form of love

It is even purer than honey

It is more beautiful than the aroma of fragrant roses

It is dearer to me than meeting my loved ones

And it is dearer than any sort of triumph

It is in fact what I hold dearest

The love of Ali son of Abu Talib

The love of Ali son of Abu Talib

Is sweeter than honey

You’re the sun of miracles which never sets

The Shias have no beloved but you

Mentioning the sun in your remembrance is not a strange matter

As the people of Bahrain rejoice with a voice of glory:

By the will of Allah O’ Ali

The sun was returned to Ali after it has set

The sun has returned, by the command of Ali

The father of the Imams is the illustration of beauty

By the will of Allah O’ Ali

The sun was returned to Ali after it has set

When it returned, Ali sensed joy

And all creatures submit to Ali

By the will of Allah O’ Ali

The sun was returned to Ali after it has set

The valiant hero of Hijaz is chivalorous in battle

We recognise you O’ Ali, even if your face was veiled

By your name, the people who reside in the city of Muhammad rejoice

The people of Medina send greetings to you:

May Allah’s peace be upon the valiant Ali

We swear by the Ka’ba and Rukn AlYamani

Ali is nonpareil and is unmatched

If there is an equal to him, mention him to us

And I tell you before you think, you won’t be able to

May Allah’s peace be upon the valiant Ali

I will tell you, listen to what occurred in AlKhandaq

The story is famous and is widespread

Ali emerged, raising his sword

As Muhammad glorified Allah

May Allah’s peace be upon the valiant Ali

O’ Ali, if you ask my heartbeats

Each heartbeat embraces your name

This answer has echoed through the voices

The people of Iraq chanted by the call of Karbala:

What does our heart say? Listen O’ Ali

By the name of Allah and his Prophet

What does our heart say? Listen O’ Ali

By the name of Allah and his Prophet

Take our oath, we’re with you in life and the hereafter

By the name of Allah and his Prophet

When Allah created Adam and made him a verse in this universe

Angel Gabriel grasped a handful of dust which glowed with righteousness

Mixed with the water of allegiance, and allegiance is specific to you

Adam was created from this wisdom, and we follow that oath

We walk through that belief, from the beginning to the end

Ali, loving you purifies our deeds in both worlds and fulfils our hopes

By the name of Allah and his Prophet

We’re in your gracious hospitality

We’re with you in life and the hereafter

By the name of Allah and his Prophet

Voice of the heritage

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