OG Buda – Слёзы Аиши (First Day Out)

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white [ __ ] Babos I don't believe him I

betrayed love myself I thought the music explained

but now I can't find the words I'm relaxing

in myself so I have Dirty blood if it were

n't for Bro Dickie I would cry now but I

can't show the pain that is for me it's not

the first time I'm lonely in my own

apartment again So you and I won't become

parents yesterday we were family today we're strangers

ignore thoughts of leaving life I

need you on the album cover otherwise all the

songs will lose their meaning I don't give a [ __ ] about

rhymes I think this is my relationship I

crashed riff weak as tears Isha In vain you

believed Krisha I didn't let anyone get

closer now I'm only offended at myself

now I'm [ __ ] Maybe someone has cast me throw in

sad tracks Maybe finally it will fall to how

I lied in musical terms Lip

with you was slippery Take off the

perele really I don't know how to be

surrender sir, your [ __ ] favorite lyrics are pouring out of me, the

most reflexive ones yamr on the crowd the

most si pohu na poeto the most li This is a dog

like gori

gol I tell the dirty truth sincerely

hard Alone with thoughts plus they are

increasingly suicidal somehow sharply down went

vertically contracts will drip

quarterly maple for this song will be

if quarterly I do not make small

mistakes with I do only fatal the most

real song But and in the top only [ __ ]

banal to choose me was a mistake

initially to be cut out as New beginning

bby lies to me that he loves but I do not believe I

myself betrayed love I thought music

explains but now I can not get into

myself only I have Dirty blood if it were

n't for Brody I would cry now but I

can't show the

pain for me this is not the first time I'm

lonely again in my own apartment if you and I

won't become parents yesterday we were

relatives today we are strangers to ignore thoughts of

leaving life no need for you on the

album cover otherwise all the songs would lose their meaning

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