Neton Vega, Luis R Conriquez - CDN (Lyric Video)
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cheek deora papa at the door they
carry the brand three letters they are the
company on the border they thunder The ones in
band in laminated lacquer lacquer
giving the opponents a hard time we don't bother
people you know they don't like rats
if they see you in movement I move a lot it's
not a story 20 years in events if they get
offended they get violent that train
the leathers that follow me the good ones you
hear through the media fear here in
Nuevo Laredo we are the nectar Li sir s
always sowing the warm terror
The Show turns on Suddenly they give them the
convoy pure honor is throwing Flow in the
monsters drum horns through hell
hitting the roll is with the
friend if not more comp
luer trcas son of a [ __ ] with
from TR cuadro the Caravan that does not enter that
nothing comes out what the French say the
novels all reported in case the
doubts the grenades do not us We walk with
high [ __ ] the flag pure
nectar you know there is no failure it is true it is
not a lie this here there is no fear
never to the Monterrey fight rise to
line in the particular old elite the
narco-banners the excess now satellites
also carry the grave signals we are the
nectar Lima sir they always come out
sowing terror in the warm
The Show turns on Suddenly you have the convoy
pure honor throwing Flow in the monsters
drum horns in hell hitting
the role is with the
friend Oh