Nardwuar vs. Chappell Roan
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this is chapone and you're watching nard
War's Video
n who are you I'm Chapel ran Chapel
welcome to sonita Del the Record Shop
the record store hell yeah and right
after that I have a gift for you a
Divine 12 in wa I didn't know she had
this you think you are a man exactly
what can you say about Divine I mean
she's like the queen of Queens I mean
she was John wat's Muse and is the most
disgusting queen of all time and she
would be honored to be called that I
believe and that's from
1984 this is amazing how is your Divine
collection what do you have um I only
have a few things I don't have a record
for sure but this is cool I mean I've
been her before I like dressed up and
drag as her at a show when was that that
was at um kentuckyana Pride it was like
one of my favorite outfits I've worn did
many people notice yes yes it was
ridiculous yeah what was the feedback I
feel like I get mixed um reviews from on
my outfits which is like awesome but
that one got a lot of
positivity so there you go some Divine
Chapel Divine Divine for you me yeah
your early life cross country oh yeah
Chloe Andrews in sixth Kaylee in did I
get 19 19th in
2203 oh that was the the number that was
how fast it took me to do three miles
yeah what was that like what are you
thinking about cross country how did you
get into cross country well I pissed my
pants at the end of that race I like
peed myself is that usual if your body
is like if you are giving if it's giving
out yeah you pee yourself or throw up on
yourself I think I did both so that's
pretty you were trying really hard then
really hard that was the fastest I ever
did which is like it's fast but like I
didn't it wasn't like crazy
fast um did you practice much for that
like were you on a team I was on Willer
cross country team I was like running
was what I was going to go to college
for I think think like that's what I
would have gotten and was it cross
country then yeah it was cross country I
like love running but not anymore your
dad was also into the Fresh
Prince oh yeah Will Smith yeah and Tracy
Chapman and Tracy Chapman my dad really
loves Tracy Chapman Fast Car and you
heard that a lot around the house yeah I
yes my dad played fast car all the
time the middle school that you played
at the school assembly I played Middle
School talent show yeah what was what
was it like playing that talent show the
talent show um the talent show was uh
scary it's on YouTube my eighth grade
there was the first time that I sang in
front of people um and it was awesome I
played the Christmas song and I won the
talent show was the first thing I ever
won that was sick how hard is it to sing
and play at the same time cuz a lot of
people can't do that I can't do it but
you do do it I do it like occasionally
but like I can't do it do it like it's
really hard it playing an instrument is
so hard and yeah I can't I can do it
like 10% of 100% but I mean that's a
secret I mean you should never tell
anybody you can't do it I mean you do it
it looks like you do it like in a video
it looks like you're doing it you're
putting out I did try really hard that's
probably honestly I was the best at
piano in that time of my life when I was
13 14 cuz I was like practicing for real
two 15 p.m. on the University Plaza
stage the artfest on Walnut Street yes
what do you remember about that gig
cider days cider days well it's um it is
the hometown Art Festival like fall
festival and I played on stage they have
a a bunch of different local acts but I
played like covers on stage there
sometimes my original songs but that's
like really where that was like my big
gig of the year was
artfest yeah what was the reception
what' you feel like afterwards the news
loved it the news loved to like film me
and be like look at this girl like
that's like honestly how like I got a
lot of traction was the news the D Young
video from 2014 I love the video there's
tons of records behind you there is did
not listen to one I did not have a
record player at the time that's very
honest it is where was that
um that was in my garage like my
upstairs of my garage oh that's
incredible yeah that was a crazy that
was a long time ago who decorated that
my mom my mom are the records still
there no we moved did you take down the
records what happened to the
records I don't know I have no idea
$1,012 that's how much I won at Feld
gotot talent and you made a little
prediction there I made a prediction
well they asked me like Kaye Rose like
what do you want to what is your what is
a goal in your life and I was like I
remember I could not breathe as as I was
saying it so I like could only get one
word out at a time but I was like I want
to win a
Grammy that's what I said and
congratulations now you're up for some
Grammys yes I'm
nominated what was that like it was cool
like yeah what did did you do with the
112 um I put it towards buying a car by
my first car car so I bought a car or
paying your piano teacher or paying my
piano teacher exactly paying him his fee
was $15 a session so but he taught you
but he also came along to your gig
sometimes yes my piano teacher would
play backup for me because as I stated
before I could not play and sing super
well so I'd be like can you play behind
me while I sing and was awesome that's
how I like did a lot of them but that's
great that how did you recruit your
piano teacher to join you on a gig I was
like well he was in college and I was
like 14 15 and I was like I'll pay you
50 bucks to come play two hours of music
with me and he said yes so I think
like the he was getting paid you know
what I mean yeah yeah it's like I'll pay
you yeah but I think that's great that
you were able to like take that $1,122
and turn it into something into
something we and speaking of Grammys
what exactly is going on here where it
says Grammy Camp yes this is when I went
to Grammy camp and I was 16 15 um I this
is me singing the the camp song we wrote
together this is a crazy moment who's in
the band and what is Grammy Camp I wish
I could say I know this is Casey I'm
cannot remember these two people's names
um Grammy Camp is just like a summer
camp put on by the Grammys Foundation
but it's like it's like 30 kids out of
the US you have to like audition and
it's like something that I it was cool
it was in New York it was the first time
I got to go to New York like that was
awesome that's when I fell in love with
New York was at this Camp you said it
was a special event it was kind of a
crazy time oh yeah this was like the the
what's it called when there's like a
recital this is the recital this is the
last thing of the camp where all the
parents come in and like there's like
some agents that come in it's like a
scout thing but yeah it went hard and
right now we're speaking to Kaye from
Missouri from Springfield Missouri from
Springfield Missouri and chap chap L
chapone who got you into Daniel
Johnston a YouTube video Outsider music
I like during the pandemic I was like
trying to
I was like I need to know all like the
weird [Â __Â ] going on and Daniel Johnson
isn't that weird like he's like the king
of the weird I feel like but there's
like deeper deeper deeper layers and
same with the shags shags um Tiny Tim
like that I like went
through like a period of time where I
was like I'm going to dig and find some
crazy [Â __Â ] and you're also into dark
Bluegrass yeah what are some dark
Bluegrass people that you know about do
you know when I think of Bluegrass I
kind of think of country and when I
think of country I think of tumbling
tumble weeds and I have a gift for you a
box set tumbling tumble weeds oh my God
and if you open it up to record number
five yes a whole bunch of Records okay
number five and we look at track five on
record number five what do we
see oh the strawberry ran by wait the
sons of pioneers the sons of pioneers oh
I've not heard that that them sing it so
what can you say the connection is
between you and record five well the
strawberry ran is an old western song
about um a reddish pinkish colored horse
and ran is also Chapel rone my last name
because it was my grandfather's favorite
song the strawberry Rome so I thought
perhaps you'd like this box set like wow
it's a big box set but it has a whole
bunch of artists on there as well Jean
ayy Hank Snow Bob Willis a whole bunch
of stuff including your namesake as well
dang this is sick something to explore
with Chapel R scooters
coffee Angels what was it like there it
was where the drive-thru you know wore
the headset it was awesome I had a great
time it was during the pandemic I I I am
like look back at that time I'm like
that was [Â __Â ] hard that was hard
what's it like working the
drive-thru um it's fun if you're with
your friends it's really hard either way
but it's not fun if if you're not with
your friends if you're not with people
you like to work with but the hardest
thing is being on headset and having
someone at the window and you like
taking an order typing it in and giving
them the correct change at the same time
so you're talking to like two or three
different people at the same time and
you're making drinks interlocking oh
awesome Interlocken summer camp I went
to that was good that was great that's
why I wrote D young is what you were
talking about earlier which I think is
really incredible like You' been to all
these recitals you go to summer camps
it's a lot of work to be
chaperon it's a lot of work for my
nervous system I think that's what it
was at the beginning It's like got to
get those nerves out but nowadays it's
like fun right now yeah it was fun back
then no I have more fun now do Silver
Dollar City I love City have you ever
been there no never have I think it's
like the most one of like the Pinnacle
points of the Midwest and if you ever do
get to go to like Southern Missouri you
should go could you explain it to people
that haven't been there it is a theme
park in the middle of the woods and it
is like late 1800s themed everyone is in
attire and like there's blacksmiths and
wood Chopper people and like it's
awesome and it's the funnest and they
food no drinks no alcohol the Fantastic
Caverns ah yes there you go Fantastic
Caverns my biggest fear
caves and what do they like Fantastic
Caverns are underground like obviously
underground caves um that you can drive
through in Missouri in my hometown and
you can like get in a car and they just
take you through a little trolley
through the cave but my biggest fear is
to um
get caught in the cave and all the
lights go out and you're stuck there
forever have you come close ever to
that no but I will never come close to
that I W allow it what about Battlefield
Mall oh what do you want to know that's
where I spent all my time what shops
Sephora the food fair food fair yes
loved the food sorry Sephora Sephora
Sephora I spent a lot of time doing
makeup on um
still can't do my lipstick as you
pointed out before the interview came
out as before we started which I really
appreciated it I was trying to look out
for Chapel Ron at sonita Del V
records yeah so you're at the mall
anything else are you going to the music
store like what what's happening there
in the
mall um I was like really good I I was I
just I didn't steal anything I promise
like on God I did not steal anything um
I would literally just go around doing
my makeup um putting lipstick directly
on my lips not using the applicator like
you're supposed to so um I would go and
play hide-and-seek with friends hide-and
seek at them all yeah it was really fun
and that's like all there was to do
where you grew up was there a lot to do
or not on Sundays there was no Sunday
shopping where I grew up no no mall on
this nothing so you just like walked
around the neighborhood that was it
right or like a parking lot Vibe yeah
the Big Cedar
Lodge Top of the Rock yeah that's where
my family loves to go it's really nice
in the in in like Southern mouri it's
really beautiful they do gigs there
don't they wedding gigs okay
I mean you could rent it out for like a
right yeah I haven't I haven't ever been
to that there though the Willard Aquatic
Center oh yeah I was in lifeguard there
for one day and then I
quit what caused you to quit my mom told
me to quit because um I didn't tell her
that my ex-boyfriend was also a
lifeguard there and she was like oh no
no no you're quitting so then I had to
quit but I could have been out there
saving lives yeah what did they teach
you um like that's a big responsibility
isn't it yeah I unfortunately didn't
teach me anything because I quit before
began were you sad to quit yeah cuz I
wanted to be by my
boyfriend so what did you do did you get
another job yeah I worked at my mom's
office obviously and what was so she had
to hire you then she hired me and then
she was stuck with me the rest of the
summer ramisha ramisha satar yeah my
best friend I wish she was here she was
really excited she like really lobbied
for she was like you have to do it you
have to do it oh thank you really wanted
me to talk where is she now she just
left La she's back home in Dallas but
yeah she's my best friend she like did
my whole project with me like all the
visuals incredible all the drawing all
the drawing all of the the in the
background at the festivals what you're
seeing on the screen screen she made she
helps me with the album cover like
cutouts and single cover this yeah all
of it thank you Risha thank you raisha
and I have a gift for you right here we
have a poster holy [Â __Â ] wao that's
sick it's an original
1982 as you can see by um uh the bug
marks wow Kate Bush Babushka poster
that's crazy like original 82 so that's
why it's kind of like yeah of course wow
feels very 1982 very real where was that
what the hell wow where was where do you
think do you think this was like a snipe
think it was on the wall and then it was
taken down and then Rob from Neptune
records he stored it away and I think
there might have been some silverfish
that got it that that's my worst
nightmare book did you know those look
like I have seen them yes [Â __Â ]
horrifying but there are none here there
are none here we're okay we're okay
imagine there's a prank and then all
came and we we shipped it down from
Canada also I mean 1982 believe you
1982 this had a long time for the silver
fish to die they're probably dead you've
had nightmares about silverfish I'm just
really scared of silverfish I really am
scared of them and I'm not really scared
of much I mentioned Saskatchewan and I
mentioned Canada
Saskatchewan that's kind of Illusion
isn't it yes that is I'm going to set
this down right here Saskatchewan I was
like uh it's in one of my new songs that
hasn't come out yet it's called the
subway I was looking up at venues there
to try to play a show there I owe it to
them I can't sing a song about saskatch
want and not go there and play a show
you first dyed your hair in Portland I
dyed my hair red in Portland and then my
life changed cuz I kind of think like
Vancouver Portland Northwest kind of the
same you know I the Pacific Northwest is
where my heart lives like I will move
there one day to settle down so what
made you dye your hair I just I was
always so precious about my hair and I
was like I can't possibly dye it that's
crazy and then one day I was like [Â __Â ]
it and when you're on tour you sing but
sometimes you lose your voice or you
once lost your voice and had to play
like a backing track a fake backing
track and you lip synced yeah lip sync
shows before because I got alcohol
poisoning and I um threw up so many
times that my throat got infected and
then I um yeah lost my voice and had to
play five shows without singing But the
I luckily I was opening for Fletcher I
wasn't like headlining Fletcher
Fletcher period Fletcher um and she I
was like look I'm going to go be my a
drag queen to my own music and pretend
to sing because I did not I'm not not
going on stage tonight so and people
liked it well I think it's cool that you
actually played your CD and did that
like nobody think about lip syncing like
that's amazing do it like The Show Must
Go On The Show Must Go On and I just
told everyone like hey guys I'm not
actually singing obviously my voice is
gone but let's
pretend so you mentioned Vancouver
another gift for you right here the
emergency room compilation from
Vancouver British Columbia Canada and if
you open it up to the inside you can see
like a little booklet in there and we
look at this photo and we have a person
here on drums that you know on guitar
Andrea on drums Daniel but it's not your
producer Daniel it is new Sensei was his
band Daniel was on drums and you know
him who is
that who is Daniel putot Arville peek oh
what wait shut
up what yes that's his earlier band new
Sensei amazing that's so sick I didn't
know he played drums that's so cool I
was just talking to him how did you hear
of a ropek well my friend I I first
heard of him cuz my friend said look at
this guy he's so hot and he had you know
his mask on and everything and I was
like God who is
and went to see him and his show changed
my whole life changed how I do shows so
cuz he performed at the Troubador and in
West Hollywood and he had local drag
queens open up for him meatball was one
of them and
I told myself from that show if I ever
perform my own headline shows I'm going
to have local drag queens opened up for
me too and and then I did so he changed
my life and now we're we're friends and
now he have a bit of his early career
new Sensei god I didn't even know this
existed that's so cool and that's a
special little gift for you thank you
Crayola in London the drag queen of
course of course Crayola told me that
though she was the first drag queen that
told me that I was a drag queen cuz I
didn't I didn't quite understand like
what I was um
or how did it like describe I was like
yes I like sing pop music but I feel
like it's something different but she
was like you are a drag queen and then I
was like it like made sense all of it I
was like yeah maybe I am a drag queen
maybe maybe this all is drag and then it
all made sense all started working out
for each show you have a lot of drag
queens open what is it like like I read
some like 156 people apply for like one
show like how do you decide who becomes
the ER well Kyle gold who's off camera
right now helps me
through all of yeah are we allowed to
show Kyle yeah Kyle Kyle yeah what can
you say about Kyle right there Kyle is
the queen of the drag queens um and
helps pick go through all of the
admissions how many admissions were
there this year we see like over like a
th000 to 2,000 submissions 1,000 to
2,000 submissions for every tour
so per gig that's a lot that's a lot
yeah but we do worldwide we like do yeah
we had Queens everywhere all du to oral
peek all due to Orville peek another gay
queen and also beside there we have
Nikita Nikita Canada you're obsessed
with Canada you're obsessed with Canada
I feel it I'm just so excited to BU
Canada love Canada and I have another
gift for you right here a record and
this is gay Jazz gay Jazz
perfect and it's a history of gay Jazz
Believe It or Not between 1927 and
1936 and read some of the line notes
right there perhaps same day lesbian
singers will no longer have to sing
about the men they never desired and gay
male vocalists will be able to choose or
write material they truly can identify
with perhaps too Jazz writers will learn
that men and women they write about are
human beings and not just names on a
label so I thought that's quite
interesting like going way way back
between 1927 and
1936 like the history of gay
Jazz that's
crazy possible covers maybe for you to
do as well [Â __Â ] man blutes oh yes ain't
that a mess wow what do you know about
the history of like gay jazz or gay rock
and roll I don't know much um honestly I
don't know much all I know is that
like there is I really really got into
like rock this year with like girl rock
like Jan jet Vibes and like heart like
we were talking about and
um uh Alanis Moret [Â __Â ] so awesome
and I have actually another gift for you
right here in this tube do you give this
many gifts usually do you usually gift
this many gifts well you are chop chle
ran ran we have to give gifts well I oh
you knew you knew an original
1996 poster of Atlantis playing in
Vancouver British Columbia Canada signed
by the artist Bob Massie oh my God wait
that's so sick wow from in Canada she's
from Toronto where is she from Vancouver
she's from bis yes
oh she's so cool have you ever talked to
her no I haven't but there's a quote I
love her her whole journey I'm signed up
for atanas talking about you me yeah oh
my God she's the coolest she knows about
you I've met her one time she knows
about you she knows about me is crazy I
she she is
like like probably my biggest like Idol
ly just cuz she's so like so oh there's
multiple in here yeah one for raisha one
raisha would she like that yeah yeah
thanks Cuz Risha vouched for me right
yes yes she did yes um yeah I met alonis
Moret and then Joan Jet wanted to meet
me afterwards and I I that is the most
um terrified I've been all year was
meeting Joan Jet have you met her I have
done an interview D is actually a Nar
versus Joan Jet when she was playing The
Warp Tour in
2006 I haven't seen that one it's pretty
amazing like it's pretty cool amazing
rocker she like does not give a [Â __Â ] and
I was saying it like for like gay Jazz
record you could use that for your next
Harvard lecture oh yes yeah I mean yeah
I need to learn a lot about that to do a
lecture on it but I do um I would love
to go back to Harvard I never really
talked about that fact that I went to
Harvard and did like
a little lecture
what was that like it was just like on
queer identity and
like it was like really cool cuz I did
not go to college I didn't do super
awesome in school so to be like to go do
your first
college speech at Harvard is crazy it
was cool it was for like the medical
too the Harvard Medical School Harvard
Medical School are the ones who asked me
to come so that's was the email was from
them yes everyone was in lob coats they
were all like they were all like it was
really special it was awesome
because people didn't for the first time
didn't ask me to come just to sing they
like I didn't even sing or anything like
I just went to go to give a speech and
that made me feel really special cuz
like they wanted some they wanted to
know about my thoughts not just my songs
it made me feel good like I was thinking
about thrift shops in Springfield what's
like thrifting in Springfield yeah I
mean I have not gone thrifting in
Springfield in years everything I mean
like I need to like wear wig and stuff
so I haven't been in a long time where
do you get your stuff now like what what
are you wearing right now this out of
curiosity um this was a gift to me and
this was a gift by a friend and this was
a gift they're all gifted and what about
the Hat the hat I got I thrifted from
losis flea many years ago but yeah I I I
love like thrift shopping Kelsey money
from high school yes who the Riff the
ri okay yes yeah yeah yeah wait what do
you know about what do you know about
Kelsey Kelsey you just had that name
down well you are chap chapone we have
to know Kelsey Mooney she used I mean we
were that's who I wrote like my first
songs with Kelsey Jeff um went to middle
school together we were in Camp Rock the
Musical Camp Rock 2 the musical and we
wrote an original song for
the yeah we performed on stage in the
middle of musical did not go in at all
with the story but do you remember it
yeah I think it was called music is our
life what key was it in I don't even
know what key anything is it I'm not
That's how little I know about music
well you say that but it's amazing to
see you play from a young you don't
forget that stuff I never learned the
key part to be honest oh you know the
part you must know some key part like
the play the piano I know some cord I
Know chords I do know chords you have a
DJ account called Kesha Kesha that is we
and Misha Kay and Misha Kesha Kisha
Kesha that is our DJ account but we
haven't we don't know how to DJ yet but
we have like a good following it's kind
of sick where can people find it
love Kisha Kesha at um on on
Instagram and I have another gift for
you speaking of Canada some Grimes oh my
God yeah I [Â __Â ] with Grimes the first
Grimes LP that's sick from
2010 oh my God she is the coolest yeah
what can you tell to people about Grimes
she's like the ultimate like like she
does it all herself and like is so
unafraid to be a freak and like
like she's just like so inspiring
because she just is such a freak and
like rebels in that and I saw her at
Coachella this year um and I was on
shrooms and it was the best
set period it was the best set was
Grimes I had an amazing time I love
Grimes what was your set like that was
my first Festival ever which is crazy
that I was cotella
um but it was amazing I think it like
that was I think there was like a bunch
of like gasoline and pine needles in a
pile that like was me and there just
really needed to be match struck and
like there was just piling and piling
and piling of like burn like stuff to
burn and like I think Coachella was like
the final like like the match and then
cuz that was
in late April and now we're in
November and my life is completely
different because of coala
could you feel that
moment yeah I felt it at govball um like
whenever I dressed up I came out at
Governor's Ball and like an apple then I
was like smoking a joint that was like a
foot long or whatever and I was the
Statue of Liberty and like it kind of
just changed it honestly changed my
whole career and to to now it's like
everything is
different what I find really interesting
is Lucy your drummer yes Lucy she did
some drumming for Alanis Mor set's tour
right yes she did she did the connection
she did the the Alanis um on Broadway
Jagged Little Pill she was the drummer
for that which is so crazy and Andrea is
in your band too right Andrea yes mhm
yeah and she's in Venezuela she's from
Venezuela Carol G Carol G yes and Benny
yeah yeah she's sick she's really
[Â __Â ] good who else is in the band
these days Ali
fer she used to do like Punk she like
came from like the punk world and it's
so sick um and she used to
do wise blood yes she used to do wise
blood too who we're friends now too I
love Natalie have you talked to her Yes
actually there is a nard versus wise
blood on YouTube you can check out check
it out I will on Saturday Night Live
you're an amazing
outfit which one thank you well I was
curious could you describe the outfits
and do you reuse them like could you
give it to me I would love to get
whatever you want you can have um it's
all done it's not very far away from
here my closet um I would love to reuse
a lot of my outfits but my stylist it's
just like we got to keep it moving we
got to keep it moving but I one day I
will do I will rewar but but I
had um a leather two piece set for The
Giver which is the new song and it's
like a little country song and then I
had like a very sparkly white long dress
with some big hips and but because I was
a drag queen I had pads in who made it
and how long did it take to get made um
well Zanna made
the the leather outfit and I mean she's
so fast took her like a few days and
then for the other it was weer Hof right
I'm not sure how long that dress took it
probably took weeks and weeks and weeks
but it worked and it ripped right before
it ripped all the way down the back
right before I walked on stage so I was
so I had to have Saturday night lives
like their in-house du
seamstress I it could have if we really
needed to we would have but I was sewn
into the dress because it ripped all the
way down from like here to here that's
kind of old school isn't it get sewn
into a dress into the dress yeah and so
after you use the dress is there a bit
of sweat sometimes that you know do you
have to clean it or how does that work
they smell crazy yeah I don't know if I
clean it though I think I just put it in
the bag and put it on the rack so you
might use it again down the road you
might use it yeah and then it'll clean
it if it smells bad cuz Hannah Montana
had a big closet she had a huge closet
but not as big as your closet honestly
hers is probably bigger some people
though on the day of the gig won't do
interviews or won't talk cuz they're
afraid of losing their voice have you
felt at ever like you don't want to talk
um yes of course You've Lost Your Voice
I've lost my voice several times but my
voice is quite fragile cuz it's not very
loud um even though it sounds loud in
the microphone but um yeah I don't do a
lot of talk I don't do a lot of
interviews this is like like I think my
last one for the year thank you I didn't
I don't do a lot I like the way you said
my last one you said this is my last one
last one this is my last one
ever well hopefully not ever no no no
and winding up here Chapel we have
actually another gift for you right here
a magnetic fields LP whoa and if you
open it up check out it's an edged green
vinyl perfect wow oh my God what the
whoa living room bedroom desk curtain
that's cool yeah what can you say about
the magnetic fields I mean they're one
of my favorite bands like uh The Book of
Love is my favorite song just cuz it's
so I just love how kind of ironic it is
that whole like love songs what is it 69
love songs or something like that um
it's they're just like a [Â __Â ] really
cool band and I just like that the
guitar is completely out of tune in that
song and I like how imperfect it is do
you find that whenever you you interview
artists they what they listen to is very
different from what they make or do you
feel like it aligns like do you feel
like you there's a pattern or anything
there well I love the idea that you
listen to magnetic fields and it makes
me get back into the magnetic fields
like oh yeah yeah oh so I love when
people I interview mention bands I'm
like oh oh I forgot about them or this
is a new band so I think that's really
cool when you do that when you do covers
like even you covering Jun jet I think
that's cool to get people into Jun jet
yeah do you think about that about like
getting people into stuff like that
might turn somebody on to it um I think
that when ever I covered Barracuda a lot
of people thought it was my song and I
was like now let me educate you like on
this amazing band heart you know I so
that that is cool and it's also I
covered um Bad Romance by Gaga Lady Gaga
and everyone in the room knew that song
but it's like using a cover to like pay
homage or like be like
hey I
came into this world because of Ganga
because of Bad Romance it's like a cover
says a lot about the artist and the
environment I think around the artist
winding up here do you remember this gig
right here school
night abso facto this is crazy yeah I
did this um you did the poster I know I
performed on at school night is this all
going on have you ever been here no no
it's in La it's they have it at Baux in
Hollywood but it's like every Monday
night well they may have it tonight wait
November 13th that was like last week
well they might have it tonight where
like baby baby artists go and perform
and like it's a very industry event it's
not very like um I it was it's scary is
what I'm trying to say it's scary this
scared me so bad and actually this night
was the night that I got hit in the face
with guitar the stage is very small but
I was like singing and like turned and
he turned at the same time it was like
this and like I like
knocked was there blood no but that
would have been sick I wish was there
concussion or what happened no it was
like nothing I actually just got really
embarrassed and nobody knew what
happened but that is that would be cool
to have like a bloody nose on stage and
this was your debut in La I
guess I guess so yeah it was right after
the Vance
tour I went on I was one of three
opening for Vance
Joy but you again have had so much
experience like playing
recitals how come you you weren't
nervous for this were
you yeah I was I would be nervous today
I this is like this [Â __Â ] is crazy like
small like 40 50 people that's scary
especially in like an
industry event oh my God no I'd rather
do anything else
peace and love to school night though
the Bigfoot Lodge my favorite bar in LA
Bigfoot Lodge it looks like Bass Pro
Shops inside have you ever been to Bass
Pro no I haven't I guess it's not in
Canada maybe why is it your favorite bar
um it it feels like a log cabin and I
grew up in a log cabin and they've got
like animatronic like Little Beaver pops
out of a little
log it's my favorite and they've got
this one drink that's the toasted
marshmallow and I love
marshmallow what else do you
like um like
foodwise I love yogurt I have yogurt
every day and I love bread and right now
I'm eating a lot of soup I love soup and
Indian food have you seen any rappers
around La I've not around La I met Tyler
the Creator a few weeks ago um where oh
oh at the ACL at ACL yeah and he's
awesome he like how do he how did he
himself um he was hiding in the shadows
as I got off stage and it was like what
does that mean like he was he was just
like kind of lurking over in the corner
and like my tour manager was like hey
Tyler wants to meet you and so I went
over and he gave me a lot of good advice
about paparazzi
even though I don't I don't I don't have
Paparazzi um but when I do I took notes
and he like thanked me for speaking up
about some stuff that I spoke up on and
also lastly here Chapel I have a gift
for you a zombies of the Season 45 this
is an incredible song yeah what can you
say about the zombies um I don't know
many songs by the zombies but this is my
favorite one and I think it is the
hottest song while time like hands down
but I think the' 60s were a lot 60s and
7s were like
really okay with like hot songs what
makes a good song a good song I think is
just I think for me a good song is just
like I think you just know in your gut I
don't know what it does I know that like
when I write a song and I think it's
good then I'm like
the only way I know it's good is if like
my gut says it's good but don't you
agree like what makes a good song is
just how it feels or what do you think
well sometimes when you write a song do
you feel like it's been written before
and you start singing the lyrics for
another song and then it's like okay we
have to trash this song because it
resembles this song too much I think
that starting I think that that can be
helpful though like if it resembles a
song then it's like maybe you're on the
right path but it's not this exact path
like maybe ve off something like this
but not exactly cuz you don't want to
copy but um I think that I think that
good songs don't even necessarily need
good lyrics I don't even know if good
good lyrics mean a good
song but that's very controversial I
think my friend Chris from a rock and
roll band from Toronto slan and Halifax
Halifax I think he said to me once like
a a lot of hit songs are in the minor
key the minor key what do you think
about the minor key versus the major key
I love doing both in a song I think
that's really cool I think good luck
babe does but I love the minor key it's
easier for me to write a song in the
minor key I think most people would
agree it's easier to write a sad song
yeah or a slow ballad those are usually
in in minor how did you discover me it
was Risha um no well I know about you
from of course the I think it's Travis
Scott the how do you keep your pants up
how do you belt belt how do you keep
your pants up when you're performing
incredible belt that is how I was like
who the [Â __Â ] is that guy and that's how
I I think that's how we all most of us
know about you is from that interview
anything else you like to add to the PE
there at all um thanks for having me
well thanks so much chel keep on rocking
in a free world and
do thank you guys do I do that too to
do yeah
you thank you