Marília Mendonça - TODO MUNDO VAI SOFRER (Todos Os Cantos)

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and if he looked for prosthetics to the table to

table precise in me and I need to

make beautiful and under the principle of

life master tomás abbottabad the and step

then here like this if for him and the

shoulders of pause who wants to love me

by about me was home that I want to

make that I love me because you have

surprises and everyone is after her

I want a single tell me that there were no

want and that you were going surprises and every




Maybe I see a crisis or his and my life is

shorter and more transversal and he steps

then here like this if for example it happens

that he wanted to love me

that fabric was home and although it doesn't hurt

that he wants to love me and that there were surprises

and everything in Dubai about that I want

domínguez from me that no because and about

that like that everything


but I want a single of mecano vocals it

brings me surprises

anyway masons


marieta chicate

league and more surprises and everything goes about


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