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andik andik I am to save myself,

I am to save myself baaz wang takda

nara like a manic expensive expensive keep a car

like a manic when did he [ __ ] like a manic

asle keep a car like a manic come all over the place

like a manic me money daddy money baby

like a manic come let's complete the teasing like

a manic don't solve any problems like a manic am a manic am a manic

I am not to be saved,

am a manic am a manic am a manic

I am not to be saved, am a manic Diya's brother-in-law is

about to talk about Nazari Diya's brother-in-law is about to talk about Nazari

Choli's cha cha Juria's cha cha

Jabbar Sadiya's

brother-in-law is going on, Nazari Didiya's brother-in-law is going on, Nazari li Jai la, whether it is

forced, whether it is


Natural Chaudi Chha Sexy Big Note Bada And

Kar Flexi Bada Koi Worry Na Fka And

Luxi Big Munda Jina Kama Hona Taxi

Big Magic Alna Kare Kala Ilm jiv you tiya

nikla chillum jiv mere aage peeche khaya chale

kafila kale Shashin talk film jiv na mitra

de firmament which hone Sonia could

not get complete, aa guru brought you behind so stuck

new run top dama down town every week rang aaj

bhi mangda brown every week my land has already gone

every week ale to e up down every

week am a manic am a manic I am

not able to save myself am a manic a a manic to


what will you give

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