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I'm almost

finished yes I'll call me then

yes see you then Co

C [ __ ] mother is already waiting at 17 kuier

has to take the red light with meil K a

cousin has to go with me half hour 90

klipshen I f system say your B meadows

BAB on the road but always still sometimes

out Lucky on the nose what can I say

everyone has their phase every S on my

heart like bandage tell me Stella give

me two three pure Jackie everyone loves the

chemistry but become one with nature

20 kilos of chemy in the van rest

three bags two sheep a customers one

tour paint which of you calls yourself PL which

of you packs it which of you does it

snap which of you dit with T which

of you wants my hack which of you

sat down has which of you is called PL

which of you packs it which of you

makes it snap which of you dit with

weron you want my hack which of you S

in habs on the go on Coco with my

chiroko constant quality no Lotto

spania or mokro lamus crisis

chocolate prices rise briefly and fall

lower again the Albanian goes on a

tour you only get one day back

that's why you look at the clock what

my cash register is doing Lucky

say in peace who made you big and

brought the best short one seven

points below I just remember you in

my pocket pastatzen no longer in

we [ __ ] so much mother it could be one

of you stretch block with tedelweiss

I ma all cheese pale my face is

shining a

stone of varnish who Who of you is going to call yourself Plack, which

of you is going to grab it, which

of you is going to do it, which of you is going to [ __ ] with

Tasch, which of you wants my hack, which

of you has sat, which of you is going to be

called BL, which of you is going to take it away, which

of you is going to do it the snap which one of you

sends with Tasch which one of you wants my

hack which one of you sat ha


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