Justin Bieber - Zane Lowe and Apple Music ’Changes’ Interview

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I'm just fascinated by the human

condition is making music or not you hit

it on the head with the human condition

in creating art on one with you there so

what's great to see you man

congratulations it's exciting I mean

it's such a tasteful sounding recording

sheet it's the arrangements and I mean

talk about giving you space to perform

and just extend your vocal ability which

is everyone already know is just like

you're the best at what you do but thank

you sounds so effortless I don't know it

just sounds like you're in a super

comfortable place locally on this record

I appreciate that yeah I'm getting into

it like I was just I mean we can't wait

you want to wait to to get this on

camera I just feel like we're recording

right are you recording

I'd rather just stop and I really have a

big introduction yeah cool I like that

like you said I feel like I'm in a cool

vein but I haven't really this album is

super it's just not very deep you know I

didn't go I didn't go there like that

you know I mean I didn't go super deep

with it thank you

the last two or three years which have

led up to this album there's been some

really significant change in your life

and the album being called changes

focuses on one and we're gonna get to a

place of happiness and bliss album is a

happy album I mean it's really you know

it's it's it feels to me like a musical

tribute to your relationship but I want

to kind of keep the timeline off in 2017

and I I always feel like there's a point

with you Justin way you give so much

then you've you've got to a point you've

got to stop but it's like the train is

running you know what I mean so it has

to stop in a dramatic fashion why did

you stop the tour in 2017 and and what

was the reason for that I was really


emotionally physically and I was sick

and I didn't realize I was sick so I had

like epstein-barr which is like it's

called mono and then I have Lyme disease

so it was that it was it was just you

know the exhaustion of just being on

tour and then it was like it was just

everything compounded I think to be

honest how did you feel when the tour

came to an end

I mean it didn't really come to an end I

was supposed to do a bunch of stadiums

but you know I once the American lie or

the European lag or wherever I came from

last was done I was like this is it for

me I mean I pushed through you know the

path the last month or two and I you

know I couldn't believe I pushed through

that so when they were like you know we

got to still do stadiums I was like this

is not gonna be good I'm not gonna be

able to make it through that and it's

just no it won't work and I'm someone

who pushes pushes pushes until it's like

you know so it's like the last straw so

I just couldn't do it

you knew instinctively that you

something was going on and with your

physical yeah I knew there was something

not right because I was doing everything

right on tour I mean I wasn't you know I

was keeping to myself I was keeping on

as much of a structured schedules I

could I was doing the ice baths every

day I was eating salmon twice a day like

I was doing the right thing to try to

take care of my body and it was just

like nothing was just felt depleted and

felt all the time so I was like you know

and then that that took an emotional

toll on me so I was like you know I just

didn't know what the hell was going on

how have you adapted to that experience

knowing now that you have Lyme disease

and how was it adjusted your lifestyle

and how you move forward and what

changes have you noticed I think I'm

just making sure that I am doing the

right treatments for doing the right IVs

and all that sort of stuff taking the

necessary precautions necessary to not

get any worse I guess

listen to Hayley when she says she feels

that I'm rundown and it's good to have

her as you know checks and balances she

can let me know what I'm like all right

you're looking depleted right now and

it's clear to anyone who hears this

album and also to anyone who takes an

interest in your life as a fan that the

two of you have found you know a really

important bond and and that this

marriage is has been a hugely important

development in your life it's been a

really big reason why I'm coming back

and the end I'm successful at this I

think she is definitely the reason

there'd be no story without her there

B no she just ties it all together I

mean she giving me substance to talk

about she's the person that I'm learning

to you know love unconditionally start a

family with so you know regardless if I

sell another record I mean I have a lot

of peace just knowing that I have the

rest of my life to build a relationship

with a solid foundation trust and

patience and all the things that go into

building a healthy relationship when I

listen to the sort of what's being said

from either of you it's been documented

and that in the series but also what

you've said it sounds like both of you

to some degree knew it was right but you

were both had to go into in your own way

confirm or qualify that that was the

case right how did you know and there's

a song on the album which is which

really refers to that which is that

that's what real love is you know yeah

how did you kind of know I'd let her

know prior to the tour when we were

hanging a lot I said listen I'm still

really hurt and still trying to figure

out my way and I'm not ready to make a

commitment to you in a way that you know

I just don't want to say something and

do the opposite because I just don't I

was at the point where I'd you know I'd

done that in the past and I just was

like honest with her it was like you

know I I'm not in a place to you know be

faithful and all this sort of stuff that

I wanted to be you know but I just

wasn't there yet and what was hurting

you at the time you said you were still


I was just hurt from my previous

relationship I think I still was dealing

with a lot of unforgiveness and all that

sort of stuff so to be honest I don't

think I even knew what I was really

struggling with at the time I don't

think I knew I was dealing with

unforgiveness I was just an in-place

where I knew I didn't want to like tell

her one thing and like you know I felt

like she respected me at the time and I

had a lot of respect for her um and so I

just didn't want to like say something

and then she'd see me off doing some

other thing and so but either way she

loved me and seeing me with other people

hurt her and so with that being said she

went out and did things that hurt me and

so it was just this hurt

I've heard her she hurt me and then

before tour we just really stopped

talking I was really upset and rather

than you know before that in my previous

relationship I went off and just went

crazy and went wild just was you know

being reckless this time I took the time

to like really build myself and focus on

you know me and try to make the right

decisions and all that sort of stuff and

yeah I got better and so she would reach

out to people that were like that we

knew checking on you and check-in and

she would get like these the eat here

right you'd hear like how he's doing so

well and she would be so pissed off

because she's like he's not doing well

without me like just you know normal

like right like normal facts right and

yeah yeah and so wish you would hear

this right and you'd hear this and I and

it would just be you just be like why

he's doing well like but in a way you're

kind of trying to get bit up because you

recognize this something that is

unresolved here than the weird way I'm

right right right I just didn't know

what the heck was going on and so I

really took a deep dive in my faith to

be honest I just went deep into like I

believed in Jesus but I never really

like you know when it says following

Jesus is actually turning away from sin

and so there's no what it talks about in

the Bible it's like there's no obedience

there's no faith without obedience so

it's like I had had faith about like I

believe Jesus died on the cross for me

but I never really implemented it into

my life I never like was like I'm gonna

be obedient so I was like I wasn't

sleeping around I wasn't doing a lot of

stuff I just was kind of by myself how

did you make who helped you come to that

because I'm sure there were a lot of and

I don't mean this in a judgmental way

it's just humanity anyone's on their own

journey there are a lot of people who

are practicing one belief or another but

as you say it's different when you when

you say it as opposed to actually acting


in its its its guidelines which are

there to give you ultimate focus right

on what's important so when did you

decide to actually move within the

guidelines and how did you find yourself

away from yeah I believe in Jesus but

I'm gonna drink or do drugs or sleep

around or what all these other

distractions how did you get out of that

world what was the turning point for you

I think it was my perception of who

Jesus really was you know uhm I'd had

really bad examples of Christians in my

life who would say one thing and do

another so they were there my direct

example of who Jesus was

that's why you didn't take it seriously

I didn't take it as seriously because I

didn't have a good example oh yeah and

so I think the more I I really just

really looked at the character of who

Jesus really was did you grow up in a

Christian house I grew up um in a in a

Christian household yeah but my mom was

um I mean she was really hurt growing up

I mean she had so many things going on

in her life so she was navigating her

faith journey for me it was just

confusing could she say one thing and

then like she would say well you're

forgiven but then I'd do something bad

or whatever was supposedly bad but then

I she make me feel ashamed for it so

it's like well if Jesus forgives me then

why am I feeling why are you making me

feel bad for doing something like

obviously there's like a form of like we

should we got to make sure we keep our

kids accountable and punish our kids so

that they learn from their mistakes but

like if there's this God named Jesus who

died for our sins so that we don't have

to live in shame then why it was just

things like that that would make me

really question like who is this Jesus

guy and I didn't really take a deep look

into who he was yeah it's tough I mean I

get it like this hey man our parents do

the best they can

and I've been through my own you know

situations where in front of that things

that have affected my life choices but

at some point you got to come to a

decision you got to take responsibility

for your own perception of those

situations right otherwise you run

around just blaming everybody and that's

an entitled situation it entitles you to

behave however you want you know what I

mean we say you know I guess that's what

I was getting at when I was talking

about those those tough years

in a way you were punishing yourself

because you didn't have the answers

right I think so that's a good way to

put it yeah I think that I was just yeah

living in this shame living in all this

sort of stuff of my past and I wasn't

able to move on but the more I looked at

so now I'm not doing no way I look at my

relationship with God and with Jesus is

I'm not trying to earn God's love by

doing good things God has already loved

me for who I am before I did anything to

earn and deserve it it's a free gift by

accepting Jesus and just giving your

life to him and what he did is the gift

the forgiveness is the thing that we

look at him you know I'm gonna worship

You God because you gave me something so

good and so you lived that life of like

I don't want to cheat on my wife not

because it's the right thing to do but

because I don't want to hurt her see the

difference there that is love

yeah it's putting the well-being of

someone that you care about ahead of

your own fallibilities in your own exact

previous baby exactly and what's you

know what's out there

exactly yeah totally yeah okay can I ask

you a tough question before we focus on

the future and how bright things look do

you think that if you hadn't redefined

what Jesus was and reclaimed it in to

something that was worthy of practice

for you which then led you on a path of

reconciliation with your wife do you

think the person that you either you of

then was on a path of self-destruction

do you feel that you were honest oh you

were self-destructing

oh for sure yeah I would have first

shared 100% yeah why never say it would

have been it would have been no hobo no

it was bad it would have been yeah I

don't know if I'd be alive for sure it

was dark really dark so I'm very very

grateful to have influences in my life

that have played a huge part in me

seeing their relationship with Jesus and

their relationship with their wives and

their relationship with their kids and

saying that's what I want and striving

after that so that's I was thinking too

it's not obviously you know

when we want to be successful in certain

things there's things we have to work

hard at but like striving for God's love

or gods its approval or people's

approval it's like gods told me he said

I mean I don't hear from God audibly but

um I feel like gods you know when he

sees us he he's not this God that people

a lot of people think that it's like

judgmental and he's God that uh that

accepts us for who we are and loves us

through our our pain and through our

heart dirt Jesus wasn't this religious

elite guy that you know came to but he

was he was in the dirt and he found me

in my dirt and pulled me out and that's

why my story that's why I'm not afraid I

don't want to I want to talk about

without forcing that into people's I

never want to be someone's trying to

persuade anyone to believe in what I

believe I think God persuades people but

I want to definitely tell my story so

that if if that resonates to anybody

that they can uh hopefully learn from it

he's 2020 going forward into a new

decade and I think about from 2008 nine

when it first started for you right

through I mean you work non-stop and

that was a decade in full visibility of

the world yeah yeah I definitely have

grown up in front of the head of the

world for sure but there's nothing I

mean just even thinking now I mean what

we're doing right now is we are building

or building a relationship well you and

I are doing right now is building trust

we're building huh you know this isn't

just I mean people will see this and

look at is that as an interview but what

we're doing is we're just two men

sitting down talking about life and the

human condition so when you first

started and you said that I was like

okay this is gonna be this is gonna be

good well for me you know music comes

from somewhere right and we always have

to remember that maybe it comes from

this youthful naivety and this desire to

escape something and then you get out

there in front of the world and then it

comes from a place of wanting more of it

yeah and a desire to continue to

Phil this kind of bucket right cause it


tastes good all this stuff in there's

this energy this attention is fame right


it validates you exactly I mean just

think about how young I was and so

impressionable and you have everybody

telling me how good how awesome I am at

all times you know I'm like it was it

was just insane and so it's like how do

you yes I taking care of putting a kid

in the room with that with the picnic

table full of nothing but sweets right

and just saying I'll be back in two days

exactly exactly and I'm glad you said

that because it's like I just want

people to understand like and get that

perspective of like my of my life

because I think there's a lot of people

you know that just have this now see

comments and stuff and I really try not

to read them but I find myself in a

wormhole sometimes show us human betcha

but um but just seeing like you know

don't be talking about my issues or my

problems and stuff in there like oh man

cry me a river and your rolls-royce you

know what I mean it's like I want people

that kind of understand the you know the

psychology behind why I could have I

potentially could have you know problems

in my life so yeah thank you for being

here and helping me tell that story I

mean I like to go there it's my thing

yeah me too yeah I appreciate that I

think it's important not just for I mean

for me it's about trying to get

information that helps break down the

stigma that artists should be grateful

for everything that they have we should

be great for everything we have just

when you wake up every morning with our

eyes open for obvious reasons exactly

but I just go through their own

struggles and um and I think that we

need to acknowledge and accept that

thank you for saying that

thank you when did the fire to make

music come back because to pick the

timeline up again it's sort of your off

tour and you realize that you still

haven't dealt with certain things right

yes 2017 and did you get head again were

you slammed again by these kind of

unresolved emotions and feelings did you

have questions when you came off tour

that you still don't have answers for I

got off tour in yeah there was

still there was just there was this

feeling of unresolved things in my life

I took the time to resolve some things

in my life

some some relationships get some healing

did you go to therapy work through some

healing yeah I did I think it's

important that we express our feelings

and find that place I think a lot of

people I think at one time I felt like

who is this person to give me advice you

know like what does he know about and I

just I've moved five just grown to

mature past that and just know that like

it's just it's helpful when did you

realize that it was time for you to

reconnect with Hailey and that you had

gotten to a place when you knew that you

could potentially actually pursue

something substantial I just felt there

was a lot of resolution in my life I'd

seen her at an event and I'd uh I'd seen

her with a baby and something just

clicked and it was like wow she's the

one I'd kind of decluttered some of my

past and I was able to see really

clearly and I just seen her across the

room she was holding a baby and I just

seen the nurturing look in her eyes

toward this baby um and I was like I

want the mother of my chosen to look at

a baby the way that she was and she just

the way she was carrying in I just seen

something so special and I just was like

I want that and I knew that she couldn't

offer that to me yeah it was a great

story thank you how quick was it after

that it would seem pretty quick was very

quick couple months later I pop the

question and then it was a couple months

later all right we got married

you nervous before you pop the question

I was I mean that's a big commitment and

my parents were never married so I never

had that uh I never got to see what that

really looked like so I'm like can I

even do this don't even know what it

looks like to do this but I just felt

like God was saying I'll show you

you know I'll show you how to do it and

just you know just trust

so I just trusted him and just let him

you know lead the way and committed to

her and I didn't realize your parents

were married yeah my parents weren't

married no that's a huge step to take

given that the situation from which she

came there's no kind of my oh god yes no

no nothing my dad is now married and

he's doing an awesome job and I'm really

proud of him you had a place of honesty

now with your parents can you sit down

with your dad when the time when you

need to when you need answers perhaps

you're not sure why you're thinking

certain things or your behavior isn't in

line with your actual desires what you

want to be can you talk to your parents

can you try to untangle that to be

honest I think there's levels of you

know what I think our relationship is

ready to handle at this moment where

they're at in their journey with you

know their faith and where they're at

with in their life and where I'm at I

just think you know just I want them to

play a role in my life and that's pretty

simple just be my mom and dad and I

think it's just taking me I mean I'm

really in the process of doing that

right now so it's really kind of still

you know I'm still learning that how to

do all that and still learning how to

trust people oh yeah for sure I mean um

I think boundaries to be honest is like

key you know understanding like there's

people that play certain roles in my

life and kind of just uh let them play

that role and not give them access to

certain parts of my life and that's

something you have to do not only as a

for your own emotional well-being but I

think as a business leader as well you

know in something I'm learning I've made

some mistakes over the past year to just

scooters over there probably laughs and

just um I do try I have a problem with

trust but then there's areas of like I I

do trust people a little too much so

trust me sometimes I'm just working

through just kind of trying to figure

out all that sort of stuff

people who take advantage do you feel

like people are taking advantage of you

in the past oh yeah for sure

yeah people take advantage of course but

she's kind of trying to figure out how

to she's how to navigate being married

I'm frigging married down and I got the

best wife in the world she supports me

through so much I'm really honored to be

her husband and I just really have made

a whole album about it yeah and there's

more to come I mean I want to continue

to write about what it looks like to be

it's so you know this is an album I

wrote in the first year of our marriage

you know so it's like it's so fresh and

there's you know there's no there's so

much more to learn about commitment and

you know building trust and foundation

I'm just I'm looking forward to

continuing to build and make music

that's gonna reflect that this was great

about changes it's a honeymoon record

yeah yeah it's a kind of human record

yeah exactly you know it would be sort

of dissing genuine to start diving

deeper into that situation when you're

just learning about it at the beginning

things are ages yeah so I think I think

I'm like I'm excited about this but I'm

just like there's so much more there's

so much deeper levels I'm excited to go

to which is fun you know it gives me

something to look forward to I think in

the past I was so caught up in all of

like the bad things in my life that I

just I wasn't able to really take take a

second and really appreciate all the all

the little things but yeah I'm excited

it's gonna be it's gonna be good I asked

a question about when you sort of felt

the fire to want to make music again

because it's something I know you're

100% committed to so when did you didn't

know you wanted to get in the studio I'm

feeling spired I think again I was like

dealing with a lot of fear a lot of like

um just was afraid of like at that point

just even the process what am I gonna

talk about again you know is it gonna be

received you know I'm starting to

compare with other artists and I think

when I went on stage with ariana grande

you know I seen the reaction of how

people reacted when I went on the stage

it was like okay um he gave me a kind of

like a boost of confidence and reminded

me because it'd been so long since I've

been on the stage just kind of reminded

me what I was this is what I this is

what I do this is what I'm good at and I

don't either

away from it I was like yeah I was

running away you know I think a lot of

us need to take that you know when

something's hard it's almost like we

need to run towards the the pain and run

towards the hurt rather than run away

from it and I think you get kind of

healing when it comes to that it was a

great moment when you came face-to-face

or not really cuz that you were wearing

a mask Andrea but you came face to face

with Billy Eilish in her own way albeit

in a different era dealing with this

very very public explosion of success

and of attention to and like by the way

like even more now like he was so quick

yeah she's she's crazy she's a superstar

superstar right so yeah you say you're

there and you see her and you see the

way she's reacting to you and I wonder

what was going through your minds I've

never had a chance to ask you that cuz I

know what was going through their mind

because I never chance to ask her there

it was pretty clear in the video that's

going through and why she turned even

what was going through your mind when

you wreck it when you when you saw that

kind of reaction and and also now the

knowledge that you were just coming out

of that space yourself I wanted to

protect the moment you know I don't know

how many opportunities I'm gonna get you

know we never know how many

opportunities we're gonna get with

anybody I mean just I'm tearing up

thinking about it just with the COBE

situation you know um just never know um

and so I just wanted to be a good

example um you know and yeah um did you

feel protective of her yeah I definitely

feel protective of her um it was hard

for me being that young and being in the

industry you not knowing where to turn

and everyone you know telling me they

love me and you know just turn their

back on you in a second um so yeah it's

it's hard because I want her to know

that you know she can count on me but at

the end of the day I don't want to never

gonna force myself to be in relationship

with her it has to be natural

right so I just kind of you know let her

do her thing and if she ever needs me

I'm gonna be here for her but yeah just

protecting those moments because people

take for granted uh encounters and yeah

so um yeah I just I just want to protect

her you know I don't want her to to lose

it I don't want her to you know go

through anything I went through I don't

wish that upon anybody so um yeah if she

ever needs me um I'm just a call away do

you realize how important your story is

and the fact that you're sitting here

today telling it man

I mean I I have to say thank you because

someone who's really every time I have a

conversation with someone who's been

through this unique type of experience

and just I'm searching for some kind of

truth that can help right

in fact you're sitting here today and

being so honest and open it's really

important and I just want to share that

with you man it's like this is you're

right this isn't an interview this is an

opportunity for you to help others yeah

and that's got to give you purpose even

beyond the making of music or technology

yeah I'm not thinking about anything but

being present in this interview with you

you know let's say that's we got right

now so we go in we got a story to tell

we got either we're gonna be here and

we're gonna be authentic and honest and

real or we're gonna bullsh and I just

I've done that for years and I'm just I

was to be an exhausting I mean it really

is and so I I just come I just I commend

you for going there and asking the tough

questions and the things that people

don't want to talk about and they don't

want to go there because it's just it's

revealing and it's it's hard but uh you

know this is these are the conversations

that are gonna bring change and bring

you know a level of consciousness to

people that can say I need to really

take a look at myself where am i I and

you know if Justin's able to be

vulnerable where with where where he's

at then you know I can do the same thing

you know people have putted me on a


I didn't ask for that you know I

obviously I love making music but you

know there's a lot of people that love

making music and they're not you know

they're not in the position that I am so

you know a lot of that is not you know I

can't say that I put myself in this


I'm just trying to steward that wisely

Stewart my relationships wisely I want

people to take a look at my story and

and just hopefully the you know my the

my words can can make a difference you

chose to make an album that is flows in

a really fluid tasteful way and gives

you space to really sing and really

hyper focus as we said before on the

honeymoon phase of your marriage and

you're working with poohbear again yeah

which is great because you trust him

yeah and you got great chemistry and you

open the doors some really keen

collaborators as well how did you pick

him how did you decide who's gonna be on

and be off for Tolkien we told quavo

Travis kailani yeah that's crazy I mean

it's like I look at people who I you

know I admire and I I'd love to hear

more of their stories and get to know

them a little bit more but uh I think

they're authentic we were where they're

at in their careers and in their their

life and you're gonna be a fan yeah I

love them I love their music Ewan came

on Deary jumped out of me because I was

talking about her tongue he's so good

and I love you a vocal telling it when

you sing and you're in the sweet spot

with Pooh Bear I think there's very few

if any one who can get to that place and

and just talk about that experience of

working with kailani on that track and

why you chose her I just like you said I

think it's a major the major thing is

tone mom I just I love her tone and I

just think she's honest

and and I think that just goes such a

long way being authentic it she's a

straight talker from where I haven't

spent much time with her but I was out

to dinner with her the other night and I

just felt like he actually seemed like

she was pretty authentic she talked to

me about like wow that what you talked

about in the

he was like inspiring because you know

it's it's it's scary to kind of show

that stuff you know show the hard stuff

who in heaven's name is clever and how

come for a second me and now something

that was post yeah so it's actually I

think he signed a post but it's this guy

who I found on the internet just seeing

him on Instagram and I was like this

guy's tone is crazy yeah and he just has

this vibe that's just insane and I just

love it

sort of unchecked and a little rugged on

the roads raw and it's friggin just like

you can just feel the pain through the

music you can feel just emotion raw

emotion and I just think it's it's

powerful have you got that project in

you at some point in the future we're

dialing into some really interesting and

really powerful human stuff here and

this album is a great document to the

beginning of a new era for you but do

you feel like every day you get closer

to making that album that's picks up

with purpose left off but goes even

further uh yeah I mean I was just in the

back there and I literally just came up

with the title to my album but I don't

know if I'm gonna share right now that's


it just felt like yeah there's there are

so many deeper levels of you know I

don't just want it I wouldn't want to

talk about you know I think love is you

know the foundation of what humanity's

built off of but but and with that being

said I just think there's so many you

know issues in society and things that

I'm eventually gonna want to just speak

about and write about and in justices

and people being marginalized and

overlooked and things of that nature I

think that's definitely something I'm

gonna definitely be going into but I

think it's just it's all timing and I

think what comes priority first is that

lady over there and building my

relationship with her because I think

she teaches me about all that sort of

stuff like what do you what is she

really taught what are some of the key

kind of growths that you've experienced

by being in a relationship like I think

she just teaches me just to I mean

there's so much I mean patience is a big

thing at the end of the day it's like I

chose to be with her forever

so understanding that

yeah I don't know just patience is a big

big thing as a patient yeah and we both

have I think everybody is a tendency

like you said a human condition

everybody's can be a patient and the big

stick and I gotta ask it because there's

you know there's this baby sounds on the

record and there it's like really it's

it's cool hearing those and I wonder

kind of where you've you stand or where

how you feel about starting a family and

in particular coming from a family that

was unorthodox in an environment that

wasn't normal or whatever normal family

is how you feel about starting your own

I want to start my own family in due

time I just I want to enjoy being

married for a little bit go on tour be

married enjoy traveling with just us

build more of our relationship and I

think yeah that is definitely the next

step for sure what kind of father do you

sort of want a baby think like what's

important to you you know what I mean

like oh well great question what do you

not want to be that's a good question


I you know I just want to be led by like

I said before I'm I'm a Jesus follower

and I just want to be led by when you

accept Jesus he says it now you walk

with the Holy Spirit so I think I just

want to be led by by the Holy Spirit so

you got a tour I'm going to tour yeah

how do you feel about that after the way

he felt at the end of the last tour and

are you excited I guess you wouldn't be

gone tour if you weren't hahaha yeah I'm

definitely excited I'm excited to to

travel again we've established so much

and figured out what's not important and

what is important so it's like money's

gonna come and it's great and I'm gonna

be able to provide a really amazing life

for my family which is incredible um but

just understanding the priorities I mean

like here we are you know we got a lot

of people who aren't making as much

money as I am on tour you know dancers

band all these sort of things

I think creating an atmosphere where

everybody feels I was telling scooter

this the other day where everybody feels

heard valued respected and that their

goals are you know obviously he's

matching with my goals you know and and

so that we can work on creating an

atmosphere that's gonna be conducive for

them you know building their families

and building their life and you know for

so long it's like there's when you have

these other things that you feel are

gonna fulfill you whether it's money or

success you you're so focused on the

outcome that you're you're just not

working on how do we get there is this

gonna be sustainable you know the tour

became so dysfunctional because you got

I mean I was talking about this with

Nick the other day you got all these

people that everyone starts off good on

tour everyone starts off a family but

then by the end of the tour everybody's

got their cliques everybody's because

we're not creating you know we're not

reminding everybody the focus in the

mission and the goal so I think taking

that time that I was you know immature

in the past and not ready to do that

because I just things were more

important taking that time to you know

have those weekly meetings and be leader

needs to be leader exactly to be a

leader that's it do you nail it on the

head there just lead which I you know I

never like you said before like I said

before it's like my family life was

dysfunctional when I was younger so like

it's just been hard to understand what

that really looks like but you you've

hit on the head being a leader you and

your fans have had the most incredible

journey and ride and and the level of

passion and and the level of loyalty

that they show you over the years has

been incredible to witness from the

outside now that you have a chance to be

a leader not just to your band but also

to your fans in a weird way right

because I know that there have been

times when that's probably scared you

even or as caught you off-guard that

level of attention it's hard to process

and I wonder sort of how you feel as

you're growing and maturing about having

fans and what that concept feels like

yeah the concept


it's just so different than you know

when I was younger I mean I just it's

confusing when you're young because that

person loves me what also you come

you're coming from a place where you're

again getting back to your family which

is where it all begins we start our

journey somewhere with some people right

and we don't ask for that they doing the

best they can and you have to process

that information and move forward and

when you're faced with this adoration

and this love but you're not quite sure

what love is

mm-hmm there you go that's big

what we're touching on is big right now

this is big it's big this is big this is

big I don't even think people know how

big this is yeah what is what is love I

mean love is patient love is kind love

doesn't Envy love doesn't boast love in

the self seeking love as an arrogant

love is you know what Haley and I are

doing every day is waking up in the

morning and making the decision to you

know we have all these everyone has

selfish desires you know everybody has

bad thoughts and in but just pushing

those aside and saying I'm knocking that

mmm I'm not gonna indulge in that

because I have something you know you

give me something that I I want more

than that those things and like you say

acknowledging that they existed

acknowledging them I started the song

was it yeah I wasn't right I wasn't

doing that before I don't think I wasn't

acknowledging them I just was like

pretending that they weren't there using

them and then and then you know comes

with that self-righteousness I'm doing

look at me how good I'm doing because

I'm not doing those things

self-righteousness and are you

pretending the epitome of what I hate

but it's something that I started doing

because I'm like well I'm saying no to

all this other garbage and I'm doing the

right thing so look I'm a good guy yeah

and then people are like what you know

like who are you to say you know I mean

it's like we're not really good at the

end of the day

at the core I don't believe I believe

the humans are good and then people

might you know twist this and make me

seem like I'm saying humanity's not good

I don't know waitress I just feel like

at the core I fight everyday temptation

and things that you know are instinctive

to do whether it's you know whatever it

is why be greedy all these things that

just naturally come those naturally come

I got a fight to not be that maybe

that's my unique thing maybe that's me

personally being that way and I I just

accept that and I just know that that's

not who I am because humanity's you know

it's it's come to a place of being

really you know it's it's broken I mean

just just look around I mean the pain

that's so much pain and yeah I was going

with that but um you know I I am hey


thank you so much appreciate you so I

mean the pain in this world it's just so

it's like it's obvious and people are

looking for hope and they're looking for

a way out and they're looking for an

escape and they're looking for they're

looking for truth and they're looking

for yeah and I'm just I've gotten the

opportunity with my journey to just see

a God whose accepts me loves me

they call him the savior and I believe

that to be true

mmm Jesus saved me Justin at the start

of this new decades and this might be a

little hard to kind of put into context

by on broadly speaking

terms of just core values and core goals

we would you ideally like to be at the

end of this decade what would you like

to what path would you like to have put

your life on a fell like the last

decades so much of it felt out of


mm-hm and I feel like you've worked hard

to get some of that control back yeah I

just feel like there's so much to look

forward to I'm really excited excited to

get mom likes emotional thinking about

it I'm just excited to get it so you

have babies with you I'm excited to just

enjoy just celebrate you know all the

amazing things that we've been given

because we are blessed babe you know we

talk about it all the time we just have

a thing where we just say we're below

we're so blessed we are man there's so

much pain in the world and you don't

understand why and there's so much

things that are so unexplainable but

what is the reality we are blessed you

know I mean it's hard that dichotomy of

like how can we mourn the loss of

someone you know and accept that we are

still blessed I think that's a really

hard thing to discover but I think when

you get there it's a beautiful place to

be a beautiful place to be

thanks man thank you

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