Justin Bieber Celebrity Playlist

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Video Transcript

thank you for watching the premiere of

my new video Never Let You Go Now we

will go to my celebrity playlist video

number one you've already seen it never

let you go the next video a the great

Chuck Norris roundhouse kick

Champion he's fighting a bear who fights

a bear only Chuck Norris the bear ran

away I love this video next video Cody

cried H young Padawan Cody she cried

because she could not see me the entire

day I met her later on you can find that

on YouTube too but for now watch her cry

crying is music to my ears the next

video Hold on let me remember what it is

leg what is it

Legacy ah the next video it's my new

background singers Legacy they were

discovered by me Justin Bieber by

singing my song baby check them out it's

actually pretty good I like them I will

not slay

them hi I am Justin Bieber and I am back

I was just working out I'm going to give

you one more great video from my

celebrity playlist this one is of the

biggest snake in the world it is a great

video watch it till the end it will slay

you now make sure you buy my new album

my world part 2.0 it is the ish get out

my face I am Justin Bieber the master


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