ICON 6 | EP. 14 | Kein Platz für Verräter
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your teams have
voted I have the
answer I
know what
s m hug everyone once
read out rather art on the decision that the
team that lost the challenge today
eliminated great on jappen
info deincon is immune as long as the team
trust is over 60% it is thanks to him
that I am even allowed to be here he bet
me last time that's why press on yes we
all saw what happened to everyone
he trusted and he got
kicked out that is [ __ ] up
[ __ ] isn't it
going on there are four artists on your team today
from vi have decided against you
you that means for you the trust of
your entire team is under
60% so you
will no longer be immune tomorrow you will have to
compete against an artist from your team
but that is unfortunately very sad
to hear of course the BR of course breaks my
heart when I said such things
about my team which I also
think V my team and that is of
course sad but no matter those with
their pack come R meinler you
BST seen you will tomorrow
have to compete against one of his team
if this artist wins he gets
your spot on the couch your icon status
your bounty and also your life in the
game that means choose carefully
who you want to compete against the situation is
very P very tense but it's his
job otherwise we wouldn't be where we
are a long journey in any case a very
good journey in any case a bit of a
disappointing journey if I
'm honest
of course you know what happened the
result was in any case for the time being
two from the team were for me two
from the team were against me I have
a rough
idea which isn't
relevant and he was thrown out without
a chance and don't let that happen to me
if that's the case that's why
all KT were thrown out I was
sorry I just have a
couple of FLÖ Switch hear here in my
head I'm there competition wake up
my morning on the stage the better
win 100% I'm in I'm in
in let's get to
aka from your team four
artists also competed in the voting today out of
four artists who voted
all four decided against you
what are you talking about wall no
that everyone pressed no that
means for you just like carali
your trust is under 60% and you
will have to compete one on one against one against
one of the four tomorrow what is
going through your head right now
why why did they pick no
but everything has its reasons doing something like
that that's how the tournament is one wins
think like you said like I
said before I don't know how
hungry what Hassel they are from what
think one has to get his mother out of the
block the other has to
feed his family that's why you ca
n't blame them so disappointing because when
they talked about it trust
here and now that everyone wanted it
really tough but whatever I'm here
we'll see tomorrow betel may the
better challah
won V chatted
trust trust brother and I said sweet like that
I trust my team and in the
next second K said to me that everyone
against me GEW has trust NS do what
happens after that they ask us trust
his team we trust 100% I also know
and then you have to
throw them out and so that doesn't happen
we think they give you the choice of who
you want to compete with so that each of us
can prove ourselves again and have a
chance I say that's how NS gets through
but it's weird when you just say hello
anyway someone has to be against you
tomorrow no matter what the decision is
now you should be the one and
don't be mad
but I'm begging against
P tomorrow that I am [
hassuna your team went into voting for the first time today
five people five artists from your
team voted all five from
your team decided
that they have enough
trust in you of course it's a good feeling at first
but that also means for you that you
have to eliminate an artist from your team this artist doesn't have a
chance of a last chance and is flying
home I have a shadow for you
one of you will never come
back you know what you did
you all
voted yes I'm sorry first of all at
point I'm really very sorry
but I have no other
choice and I play B
have a B read aloud I have no
was you have no l chance now your
suitcase pen must leave the villa thank you for
taking part I have none and I
sorry I'm sorry my brother
but I have no other way you had the
choice to be able to say no so
you could have at least proven yourselves one last
time and only been able to bet on the costs
of hassuna
st that's difficult that's hard that's
hard that's hard and if you
see it don't think I had anything
or anything else or because you're new to the team
something Wall two three times out and
in brother Wall you proved Ball
good well do it Rudiger you dirty
Rudiger shame on you Rudiger swear
on your dead no swear on your
dead you two-faced guy you Rudiger
nice you I'm going to [ __ ] you wait and see
he won't be alive anymore the H
so die the pas I mean a the
Schmid such a Rudiger what did you say
Rudiger what kind of
person sit down h sit down sit down
so I can
explain sit down sit
wait then what you want on every
punk okay I have I was at the airport
GU I said I'll take
you with me to the end you've been [ __ ] my
head for two days with yours let me
talk to the manager take me with you brother
you can come in here not even a salam
alkum the very first thing he came in here
he said to me brother [ __ ] me but
not in the room really really
we'll get to my point right away it's not a
problem you didn't say don't
[ __ ] me first of all why should
n't I [ __ ] right at the beginning first
thing second thing I'm here with you
until death I told him before
we die I'm with you until death
I said or not don
bro don the boys were already at the beginning you
came to us afterwards as a follower
I can't what do you want so I have to
decide between one should I
throw out Riot should I
throw him out should I throw him out
what should I do look I
gave you my BA and said I'll take
you with me but I can't sometimes
you're in a situation on this
show where you can't you have to
act quickly my brother do you understand
what I mean wait like that you're never talking you're
never talking you're in front of
me you look at me you say to me
I swear on my dead the dead
grandpa whatever you said dead
uncle no matter what you swore on your dead
wait you swear on your dead
you said if it
comes to the point where I have to choose when someone,
someone stands up wait you said
I won't choose you who you said
I won't choose you I should have
just listened to each and every one of them
from Icon 5 from everyone to do but you know
what is right what do you expect from
your own brother what
do I want to pray against you the
ammunition that I have is not worth it
for you I'm not going to pray against you and
because you lied with Allah I
swear on the Koran I swear my
life I swear my life my life what the
then we'll see each other tomorrow S in the
camera we'll make a B of the
loser tomorrow his KOF
yesterday decisions were made that
me don't talk so much, my brother,
because I think he forgot something I
'm from STR my friends, Michael
talks so much,
come on, get the microphone and speak music for once today
I'll show you, dad, everything's fine, open your ass
because he definitely doesn't just have
two faces, millions of faces because of
his big mouth, my brother, he can
pack himself up in his suitcase and
bring him back to Germany, my brother, he knows
exactly how to talk, to manipulate all people,
that's Hitler
trait tomorrow it will be tomorrow, whether it
has to be burned, I
'd like to mention here, my brother, and
then I'll be having
fun again, my
friend, exactly like that,
no, because he thought about his ass,
your tongue unfortunately doesn't have a kN either, you
can break it, I'll beat you completely today,
hello, welcome to your last chance,
KI and Dani, you will
compete against each other today and only one
will manage to secure his spot here in the
tournament, one of you two
will definitely leave us after this bit,
I hope you both are well
prepared how did the
preparations go for both of you, in any
case, hot songs at the start,
without pretensions, it's not just about staying
in the tournament, it's also
a battle for the status of the icon, so
here we also have the first battle of
an icon in round 2, we're looking forward
to your battle, we're very excited
and we wish you the best of luck
it's about you know, deliver express or
come on, let's go, your film, I'll make you go
away, bler
from bun, your ass, give up, yes, you have the
WL K or go to ZIP code downfall
narcotic, I [Music] [
yes, she loves the
sound, waking ears, spreading, crouching
and coughing
abung, my father talks to mom,
the one I was but
back then, from the sleep, I'll forgive me, oh
mom, I'm increasing sales, the after-to-day
life is in danger, oh mom, look,
God down again, different climate,
never my caliber, oh mom, come on,
God down
again, the only one I
've survived no suspicion they recognize us
problem is not the focus money on
money and creating money again broadcast D
was that different different different different oh
tell me Wang Wang Wang oh please tell me
Wang Wang Wang Wang
we wake up from sleep forgive
me oh dad forgive me oh mom I'm going to
sleep for sales forgive me dad forgive me
mom I'm going to sleep for sales
I'll start with you KI I thought
YOUR SONG today the way you performed it
the way you played it very confident I really
liked it it was also a
cool beat from B I must say it
was a typical carali type beat track
I had to adapt to the captain's game here
and I wanted to
let go D I have to let the KI
hang here of course and show what
we're actually capable of here of
course what I also liked in
your song were the HS with the details
the effects with the woman's
voice and the way you designed it all
the structure was
definitely Case very cool, I
also found your melodies to be very cool, better
than usual, I must say, in contrast to
your last songs, thank you
brother, I now had the
opportunity to really prove myself for the first time,
there was probably a bit of
pressure behind it, yes brother, definitely, definitely,
rehearsed for a long time, brother,
rehearsed for a long time, because today is
really going on a lot, your movements were
also very cool in front of the camera and I
think now, I don't want to
badmouth K but I think your outfit
fits very well, good location, thank you
brother, so no matter who leaves us today,
it will definitely
be a loss because you are both very strong
artists, you have
always been able to deliver a very good performance up to now,
that's why you are
still here, then with you I have to say
that I really liked your performance today
and your melodies
were very, very nice to the ear,
you did that very well, KI, for me that was
your most confident song so far today that
you have performed in front of me, you
definitely sold it very well,
delivered it very well, KI and Dani, you competed against each other one
on one in the L Chance today,
it's about the
status of the Icon for your bounty and
of course your spot in the
show one of you will
definitely leave us today it's not a nice
decision but we have to make it
and we have made it the
decision is final
the one who will be leaving us today
Dani dan write in any case good
luck to everyone including K very well done
bruderuder definitely Wall Dani very
cool artist the Betel was head head
two very cool songs the adults BR
knows my BR in any case people
good luck to everyone as I said as I
said to everyone good luck and to
diam diamo that was by no means
the end we're continuing to give it our all and we
'll come back even stronger
then thank you anyway for
taking part in Icon 6 you've
still been able to show yourself very well so far
you've really come a long way from round 1 to here
and you also have a
very big story right in the
first preview episode with no back then so
you've already caused a lot of excitement here
at ik 6 and I think you're leaving
with a happy ending I hope that
after the exclusion from i 6 we'll hear a lot more
from you in any case,
God willing then we would now like to
ask you to pack your bags and
then leave the village
correct then since you have won the bet
you keep your own status
Dani's bounty will not be
transferred and you can now return to
the villa and enjoy the rest of the day have
fun yes I kiss eyes
thank you very much we will carry on people are
completely screwed screw it we are
still winners you can't
influence the jury their opinion I
'm out and that's how it is I
gave it my all like I said I'm very proud of
myself of course that I have come this far
and far out brother it's
still going on hamdulah well performed
Dani also made a really cool song
that's why it was definitely a
cool cool bet which
was definitely on an equal footing in my opinion
two people pressed no and
let me say one person has now been
eliminated who voted against me
but of course we are in a
heated situation here people are still
overwhelmed don't know what is
right and what is left that's why you ca
n't take offense I wouldn't be the
singer if I didn't have the whole thing under
control that's why I think ma do
a good job W the adults and
the adults always set the tone
so please sit at the children's table
and this is the adult table thank you very much
Aki and Pano welcome to
your Lars chance you know today it's
all or nothing above all it
's also about the status of the icon AK with
you how was the preparation from
both of you the preparation was great we
went to bed late but we
're here we're here
Aki you know what's at stake today
I hope you're very well
prepared too not an easy opponent
I must say I hope you'll
bring out the best in yourselves
nt od
I ma on the 16th floor no matter where you
come from we speak every language she's
looking for my hiding place but shhh he
fell asleep on his bottom under and
woke up in the turbine
they burned today with brothers the
wrong faces that recognized back then
but no problem seen like
wrong go keer verhaun no stop we have to
my V obsation
V just give
top just
يا مبا سلام
عليك سلام عليك
l quietly after don't open Don
300° but the [ __ ] is steaming boy like
gotfer you have a native woman this
bastard club the contacts go way
beyond Frankfurter my that's why I'm freezing my
bank accounts F your 50s biceps to
disumper sayam to the right send
you down to the left it will be like a
Casablanca and those further to the left sleep
asswaganda from the bedsheet and Tris
flex capsules and H to S-Class with here
I come from B in the basement in my basement in my
basement now I carry
Mason I come from and
B now s
I porche brlex TR and run block
carry in the ask the the streets Ken
right about ma with Big mus Bumblebee SNO
GTO block boys ma FL with strategy
flexs sex DRS living best Popstar
damage from when I was going but now
I'm making Rainbow FLI
like from begging and Tris flex capsules and
back to S-Class with
head I come from the bass in the basement in my
basement in my basement now I'm wearing
like I come from ha and
bellaellaella now I'm wearing
Mason I come from the bass in the basement in
my basement in my basement now
I'm wearing
masonellaella I come from and
bellaellaella now I'm wearing
Mo I'll start with you
Pano what I really liked about you today
is how you delivered it the
pronunciation itself it was very dynamic
I really liked the structure of
your song and you sounded very very
self-confident I also really liked your performance
itself today
thank you very much thank you very much
I'll start with you I must say
you created a really very beautiful piece
it was really very very
nice web what I found a shame was
your performance you really
had no movement in you while you
were performing about Pano I must say you
have a leash don't open up Don
Gaga Don Dada Don D Don D sorry Don Gaga
is just dinaro who thinks Don is that
an allusion to an artist
here or I already have beef with one of them
I don't want to have beef with them so
you know I thought it was very cool or
very very entertaining how you
stood there in the
doorman pose at the beginning and you definitely have
good energy in your performance
thank you very much thank you very much I have to say
I think the type of beat you
chose is exactly your style I
think you got it across well
a track like that that you can pump out in the car
you know one that I have to
say performance wise well let's say
not performance wise
more the way you delivered it the way
you performed it could have
come out of you a bit more
you know that yourself it was with you
I thought it was a very strong rap just
like the guys said it was
dynamic it had impact the melody
sounded familiar I have to say I do
n't know what you guys would be like
if that's from somewhere I swear
on everything I didn't know but the
melody is from me in any case
I found there was also a small
oversight now let's get
to the
decision first of all thank you for
really giving it your all here you
were really strong both of you are
really very talented artists
nevertheless we have to make a
decision today and one of us will
definitely leave the show today
come to the decision we have
the winner of this 1 Chance
Challenge at Eon
6 is
Po and thank God it
turned out that way yes now I am my own status B
so that means you are the first
artist who has managed to
win the status of icon for yourself today
congratulations thank you very much in
any case it is an honour I will stay
in my heart anyway Maki it's a shame that it
turned out that way but we can't
stop it so in any case good
luck on your further path and the
little brothers Bro Icon 5 was I
started with music I also
started with i 5 at the same time so
everything that has happened to me here
and then after that I have Icon
5 to thank and I just
had a lot of fun I love the people
I love the people and I just wanted
to take part again so it was really a
matter of the heart I wanted to
thank everyone, the whole
camera team, Colin, and the jury. This is
the second time I've
been here, last year I
had a lot of fun. You know how much I
love you, and the whole community that
I've won over, but my path
is written insallah. I
definitely have a lot of good things planned. You
'll hear from me again and many, many
thanks to the whole team. I
love you. I don't know, I
thought about it and just went with that
because we had the most criticism in this
hit challenge, he was the one who was
criticized so much, so I just
thought, well, I'll just take him,
it really wasn't a
personal problem or anything else,
I just
went with Hal and asked who had had the
worst performance so far
and I'll just take him
and so Aki's bounty goes to
Pano Aki, thank you very much for taking part,
we would now like to ask you to go
back to the villa to Kren and pack your bags,
thank you
very much, congratulations, you are
the winner of this last chance and therefore
the new team leader of the former
group Team Makai, okay, what does that mean
for me, Team Maki is now
teamano wow awesome congratulations
I also have a
flag like that you can now return to your villa
yes but I just have goosebumps because I do
n't know vi vi thank you very much I'm trying to
give back what I've been given in terms of love I give
my music and
I'm definitely going
full throttle now than before yes thank you very much to 6 for
everything and anyone who stands in my
way has to face the consequences
and next I'll
wait for your ass
and yesterday after the bidding
unpleasant things happened to me and I
would like to know from both of you what
happened yesterday a few
things happened I can definitely
say that me and rabur had a deal we
shook hands that I would go along with him
and that I
would take him through to the next round and we
also shook hands but I did
n't know that the colleague had talked about me the day before
and made a video
and went to people and
made vlogs and said I'm overthrowing my icon so
you can't make a deal I like
deals but not when you Faxing in the
background and saying I'm overthrowing
my icon and then the
next day you come and say, uh, pull me along
and so on and so on, normally I say I'll pull
you along, I'll help you where I can,
no, I also swore that I would
help him properly but you can't
expect something like that from me and the day before with
other videos about me where you
put me down and bring my name
down, no matter who it is, who
uses my name and puts me down,
I'll put them down, done, so I want to
get one thing off my chest, it's always so
nice to hear his blather, what he
always says about himself, I think we've seen that
in the previous seasons too,
I'm not the only one here
who knows what you're like,
what a manipulator you
are, they always say when the
devil doesn't have time then he sends
a woman because when the devil does
n't have time then he sends hassuna, I
've decided to challenge him again
and eliminate him, but to
leave the tournament and
stick to the rules, that's his
decision, he wants me to
leave this being his villa I'll do it they
're Eiken's rules I'm going to
go and make an exit but I
'm going to eliminate you one more time before that
then let me know what you're made of I'll send
you home just like I
left your brother back there
you're talking about my brother look
we don't even need to
talk about these brother films each of us knows what
you did with your brother
you left your brother behind
at least I wore your t-shirt with
my brother's name on it GL I
think you still don't understand the film
from E D it that it's not just
about brotherhood I
at least wore a t-shirt with
my brother's name where does it say h lisai
where does the Lis say who we see
Seen re it re when I all me
Fam not show you I'll show the people
out there
when I saw them I wanted to say you are
with me in your eyes I could see that
you are lost this is not your
world what happened to you but
baby come with me oh baby I'll take you
away so far away that you
can forget everything here and believe me everything
will be
okay close your eyes this will be your last
I'll bring
D to I see something that you are nothing you
are much more I know this game you
don't deserve this I'm steering you
towards the exit I think I'm
in love with this murder your angel has
lost nothing I'll take you
away at your place you've never been so
often oh baby I'll take you
away so far away that you
can forget everything here and believe me everything
will be okay
close your eyes this will be your last
Tan and baby I'll take you
away come with me come with
me come with me
come with me come with
me and take you away take you away
take you away I'm taking you away I
'm now
gone People are talking that's the
answer for mailbox
n do
n't press WithB me the stage on me
normal each of
us rehearse your
body she
ma actually I didn't want to you've
cornered me very very very very much
you don't want to leave me any other
choice that's why I'm sending you
away today
you have now red ban
I want to send you on it's about life and
to be better and better and
better everyone from
unskmenabone the
h h I didn't want to eat that I said
twice I said three times I
said d said I don't want that at all but the
manipulator will show you today properly now
h and I and only I really liked the
way you used your voice today I
Sandro criticized that last time I really
liked your performance today it was a very well-rounded
song and you implemented the hook very well
it seemed quite familiar to me
it was an energetic performance
the high points that you hit with
the scratchy voice were great and
your performance today was better
than usual
Huna a very very provocative performance today
I think the habon got a bit
irritated and
finally woke up a bit from the lion's den that
's exactly what we want from you an
energetic performance you can
definitely tell between you both are full of
fire and anger which is of course
understandable after what
happened yesterday you could tell
you gave it your all
in your voice I noticed it I
criticized it just like bet said
I think you did really
well today your hook had an
impact it was strong
you can really tell that you really had
this anger inside you that came out like an
explosion I have to say it was cool with you which
I also
thought was really awesome you had a connection to your opponent so a
real personal connection to your opponent which I
really liked we would like to thank you
for your performances we had
two good performances today
we would like to say a big compliment to
you for standing up one last
time to compete against your team leader hassuna
nevertheless the rules of the game
rules of the game
are true we think it's great that you took it like that
still left the tournament after your performance
we have it hassuna you will remain the
team leader of your team as usual thank you
to everyone I'm
leaving here with a really cool song in
my opinion I'm happy about that
let me know and remember
one thing don't trust anyone thank you
I think it's very good of you that
you showed your respect to habul today
took on the challenge you didn't have to
do it you wanted to do it
and I think it's very strong that
you both performed here again
the bounty from habur will be credited to you
hassuna and you too can
now go back and enjoy the rest of the
day thank you
don't break your EU heart and don't let yourself be
manipulated by certain people and
always know how to respond
how to do things the way you are the
boy is a rapper he's not even a
real rapper or he doesn't even know
what to do with himself to the boys all the
boys in my team didn't
get on with him except Don who is
friends with him otherwise everyone
told me including others from the team and the
ones I get but always just before
he noticed that I could be a danger
he always tried to be
so cool with me you understand what I
mean and that always always always always
so he did it for the first time then he
came I said okay [ __ ] you I
forgive you we're brothers everything's fine
this boy this boy this boy
was afraid someone who comes and says
please don't [ __ ] me and this and that
and that but look for this word
that you said to me the insult
that I don't have to say there will be
consequences I'm not going to take this
lying down do you understand you're
talking about my family here on a
show like this and that and that then I
thought to myself never mind screw it so so so
then I was [ __ ] of course I came
back here was assigned to his
team then he
made the films again and I got caught up in it again
understand what I mean and
then he drew a simple conclusion
and I think
I've now really learned from it and
no matter what he says to me and also that he
says in bed I didn't want to bed you
and I didn't want that and so so that
's all believers people you
really have to look and just act according to your
opinion and see who
is right and who is not look 5 everyone was
me everyone was against me have you
addressed the cameramen in general
everyone knows that Colin knows completely well that
I have never in my life spoken about a
People insulted I've always been
the type when I hate you I
look at you I s I hate
you piss off my journey will
definitely continue never question
stopping giving up no matter what I love
you all you know that too rab is
here and I've torn down what I
could KI Dino Biggy hassuna and Mogli
you lost an icon today but
gained a new one let's
welcome Pano together congratulations you
managed to eliminate your icon Aki
and take over his sad as an icon that
also means for you that you have now transferred all the
responsibilities that a C previously had
to yourself I hope
you are aware of this responsibility
because it is not an easy task KI and
hassuna you managed to
successfully defend your status today
I hope we will see that in the
challenges too the next challenge will be
dirty it will be mean and it will be
ruthless the next
is the disrespect
challenge the six of you will
each choose a different icon
whose team you will compete against
you will then have the opportunity to choose
two Sending artists to the front who will be
beating each other
Don't clap too early because these
two artists will each write a dis
track against the other two
and the disrack will be judged by the
the judging this time is
as follows for the disrespect
challenge there are no rules from us
the dirtier these disracks are and the
deeper below the belt these disracks
go the better you will be
rated you can of course discuss it with
each other with the other icon
and say how you set the rules
whether you stick to these rules is
entirely up to you there are no limits from us and the
K let's start with you team hassuna
hassuna will you accept the battle
son W I don't B I have to
accept it hassuna and KI you have
the option afterwards to send two artists from your
team to the front who these
two artists are is up to you
you can also compete yourself if you want
Hano the M just
winked at me and I don't think I need to
say much more we were
on the team before
and I would definitely battle with me
he has a team member there with you that
I would take on and
that's why yes I'm looking forward to the
challenge you accept the challenge
of course this is my brother and it wo
n't fall apart no matter what you try here
you will compete against each other in your
teams tomorrow in this challenge
use the time you have to
prepare for the challenge
then Dino and bigy I wish you the
best of luck with the
next team load up people now it
's going off people
s something to do with the battle I
just wanted to comment for my opposing team
we have here for
our very bad chances
yes I think today a bit of a different
kind of elimination dude I'm
excited but every day is different
here yes I'm not surprised the artists
that there are several artists on the list
Hal crazy that three artists are on
the LE from my team
shows even more that the ready even from the
sten in the mill is slowly getting too full brother
our producer is sleeping on the couch
we have no more room I know a lot of
guys in one house that's not going
so well anymore and I thought to myself, one of us has to
go and if it's someone then it's
the one getting married, children,
I'll see how I swapped the little abuse you
had last year for 2024
are yours because of me you're getting kicked out for
the second time this year
the performance was cool, I thought
a few things were cool, I
definitely laughed now and again [Music] I'm you, I'm not good for