HIMRA - DADDY [Official Music Video]

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Lebanese zone 4 I roll I fish a

Lebanese rape at full speed GMC great good

pod do you buy me that comfortable good go machè

you that

we light up we go out much too

far for you check me on a phone

no you're not my ex kiss it doesn't

mean anything even on the Rolex the time you can't

slow down ababi do move because

I don't have any more room for my clothes it's

hot we BSE if you're hot in the box I have

too many things in my head it makes

my lo grow zone 4 fish a Lebanese

rape at full speed GMC great good machè you that comfortable

good Go machè you that

comfortable no more


ciao the we set fire they know for

no solution the FO in God says bring

to success condemned and what are you going to do

with those who discouraged you

from the paper the

Seram fam to Cuse of my I the with g are

the aliens and sell water on the

road it's not a job it's begging

I'm blocking the top of the range I understood

how F the Game arrange yourself not to

be at the bottom the showb is like a game

of checkers you can buy the v but not

the fan spirituality save my health my

God look at me I can't fall

now that I have a little P to

watch a pe

F a little F

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