Guatemala Video Confession: Giving is the best.
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so today was probably one of the most
magical days of my life I got to visit a
place a place that I didn't even really
not know existed so many beautiful
children or very very less fortunate and
I'm not talking about you know poor I'm
talking about ten people living in a
little shack and it was just a wake-up
call for me it was like anything any
problem that I have it's it's nothing
it's nothing at all because these these
kids happen they have absolutely nothing
they have you know no no food no water
no education and yet we're stressing
over the little things that they're so
happy they're so they're just so happy
and I I gotta say that it's it's selfish
it's selfish of me because but it's the
most self it's the best self as soon as
possible because I'm doing this because
it makes me happy but it's also it's
also helping so many other amazing
people in and I met this this beautiful
girl named Shelley and instantly we get
had a great nation oh she was just she
was beautiful she she had such a sweet
soul and followed me around everywhere
and my eyes were just opened it was just
something very new and um my video
confession thank you so much to all my
believers all my fans that believed in
me so that now this is possible I'm able
to actually make a difference with my
own hands and to know that I actually
was hands on
hands-on building a school for these
children that that wouldn't have had
they wouldn't available they wouldn't
have been able to get out of wherever
they are they would never be able to
they're having children at six in sixth
grade and I'm just I'm so happy that I
get to do what I do and I know that my
music is inspiring but that's not that's
not it's like I can make make it change
in so many different ways and I people
say it's closed so I mean I even you
know think is corny sometimes when
people are like you know everybody
single-handedly can make a difference
but it's it's not because today was
prime example five of us went out there
and us five single-handedly made a
difference in that community so each and
every one of you no matter how old or
young you are this you can make a
difference you can make a big difference
so yeah that's it that's all I have to