Full Video: SOOSEKI | Pushpa 2 The Rule | Allu Arjun | Rashmika | Shreya Ghoshal | Sukumar| DSP

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How many of them said Vidumu Moratodu, the

child said that my

[music] is my [music],

but the village thought that he is


[music], but Maharaja gave me my [music], and

he said to me, "Who

knows God in one who is like a stone of butter in his heart, who knows God better

than me, my

lord is like a soft cotton flower and hides

my lord.

" music]


Din di din aa din din din

You know the anger in those red-clothed eyes

I know the tears hidden in the eyes

You know the heat of the curry grinding You

know the smile behind the mustache

I know the jungles are the tiger's path

to the end You know it is to

meet in the lap of a tired night Sri

Thelusu Soseki Aggiravva Madi is my

lord's soft cotton Nasa with flowers and songs

Din tagu din

tagu din that din drink din tanga din on

Nawab who gives great and great ennames but me the teacher who

gives me small kisses the

teacher who gives me big things and

tidy up the man who asks me to look for where his shirt is,

go out and see,

I am the one who resists everyone. Go

out without confronting him If

they look at me, my

lord is so sweet, any

child would be Maharani


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