El Jincho - Conspiraciones (VIDEOCLIP OFICIAL)

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eh the term that is misused is

conspiracy theory It is a term

that the CIA created back in the

50s and 60s, especially after

the assassination of Kennedy on the subject of the

man on the moon and so on, which in the end

you You arrive, you start to analyze it And you say,

well, in the end, who rules the

world are 10 or 12 families, who are the ones who

really run everything.

Apparently, as time went by, there

must have been more technology. The Egyptians

never managed to build such majestic

works as the three pyramids. by the

way we are not from here they brought us

here you know this planet Who is the

original of this planet that we call

Earth that is not called Earth either the

reptilian when you stop to think

empirically about a lot of things you

realize that the argument of The

spherical earth is collapsing under its own weight.

Lately I see many conspiracies,

whether it is the Illuminati or the Masons.

There are millions of theories and actions, and they never

talk about it in the

media. First of all, let's

talk about extraterrestrials. Rockway, New

Mexico a surprising discovery they said

that a giant hot air balloon fell

although it was rumored that it was a

flying saucer with a couple of crew members who were

kidnapped that is why they created Area 51

there they took their bodies and

studied them it could be that they were

inhabitants of Neptune perhaps the The moon does not

exist and is a projection perhaps

everything we have been told is an invention

Maybe we live in a simulation and

when we die we pass to another dimension I do

n't know if you have heard of the

Great Reset Tartaria a civilization

at its peak I read about Sodom and Gomorrah

and what I believe is that the city was

destroyed by a bombing we landed

on the moon but I don't understand how in

69 they were broadcasting it and I also don't

understand why the flag is

moving if there is no wind on the moon during

the Apollo moon landing x is a montage

it was the Hollywood studios that

made that trip the earth is flat

there is a lot of evidence gravity is

an invention of Newton and science in

Antarctica they do not want tourists and even less if

they are flat earthers they do not

let Antarctica Let the people go so that

we do not discover that the earth is flat and that they

do not lie, they control our mind with

negative primacy and as always power

is the reason, the world is controlled by a

few chosen ones, the Roches, the

Rockefellers are some surnames,

brother, let's see how it goes. You tell a

Christian that God did not

create us, the Reptilians mixed

their spirit with that of an animal similar

to a monkey and that is how the first

human was born, we are only the creation of some

Martians, an experiment that got

out of hand Jesus Christ was crucified by

the Romans and the one who represents God

is the Pope in the Vatican. You will say that I am

talking nonsense and I only say that he fell in F

Kennedy was killed by the CIA that day everything was

very strange it is impossible that nobody knew

Where the They

even shot the guy they caught and accused,

arriving at the trial before testifying.

They killed him on the 11th. That is another lie,

a plan by the government to invade

Afghanistan. They faked an attack to

justify the use of

military force. And thus send their troops to another

country. with the excuse of avenge their

dead compatriots but the reality

was all for the oil that they wanted to

steal but if they tell it like that nobody

would support them the same thing that happened in

Ukraine with the gas the same thing that happens in

Gaza with never well on that subject we are not

going to to talk call me with pirano io

but they can't listen to me this that I

tell you and a million other things I know

because he said it exposing the

truth I am one of those who think that

we really should be Rebels with

the system because at the top of In this

pyramid there are some gentlemen who really

manage us, control us,

divide us and I think it is time for us to

begin to wake up and dismantle

this system that dominates us and

controls us. For me, the truth is

that we are all really ignorant.

me first

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