Dream Theater - Midnight Messiah (Official Video)
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that's my I'm like I'm
trapped I keep thinking that I'm waking
up but I'm still in a dream it seems
like it's going on forever I can't get
out of it I want to wake up for real how
do you really wake up when I finally
woke up I was like wo that wasn't a
dream that was a visitation to this real
place the Land of the Dead
last time for a my mind how the hell did
I end up
rewind have to REM the last thing I can
remember Green Time flowing Cloud n
having me BL
Utopia Feeling So Divine just in another
Nightmare in My Dreams there's a song I
like a n can
strange memories flashing all through my
bra over and over and over again
Darkness that's remember
Des night
Messiah Moon Shine time to come alive
now rest for the weekend
downtown have a look around feed the
obsession in my head there's a p that I
go where no one's
afraid it's a
feeling that we all know but everyone's
a shame to
say keep my dreams as I play Bing the
briide constant motion shines into the
night the
ring out of
control all and
and midnight
never tlight
desires back in our worky
life and next night
dream I
realize I can long you fly alone and
find my
destiny take me back into the dream for
eternity it's calling me back to my home
in my life I lost all self
control like a s piercing this dying
Soul breaking and shaking and left in
the cold watch this compul
obsess unfold midnight
that's I
can't I
col keep you're nothing home forever I
like you your
Eternal Night Messi