Dani Mocanu - Vino sÄ te f | Official Video
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blonde is killing me loud loud loud loud
and sticks out her tongue Don't keep your eyes on
me because I give m bu as
la bona e miez nut And they throw my
passport to go to German Come on
baby come here Come on Get rid of me
God forgive me for what I'm going to
do. Come let me burn you. The whole town
is sleeping. It's the last time until the next time.
I want all of you before going to bed.
Come let me burn you when the whole town is
sleeping. Come let me burn you. f fu fuc when the whole
town sleeps it's the last time like
next time I want you too before
it comes when the whole town sleeps
kill loud loud loud loud Dani
I'll tie your hands and feet
Mommy I told you before once in a
problem mom one evening you Leo and you forget about
all the rats this little one is too crazy she's
nuts and she throws my passport to
take her to German Come on baby come here Come on
Get me out of here God forgive me
for what I'm going to do Come f f
fu you when the whole town sleeps it's the last time
until next time I want to sew you
before bed Come f f fu f f fu
when the whole town sleeps Come f f f fu me
when the whole town sleeps it's the first time
until next time I want you like this
before bed V
c outside and
this hurts small and too crazy it's the core
nc and they throw my passport to go to
German Come on baby come on let's get away
God forgive me for what I'm
going to do Come [ __ ] me when the
whole town is sleeping it's the last time until
next time I want to [ __ ] you
before bed Come [ __ ] me
when the whole town is sleeping Come [ __ ] me the
whole town is sleeping it's the last time
until next time I also want you
before bed Come to me f f
the pooch is
sleeping Oh