Coldplay & Rihanna - Princess Of China (Official Audio with Lyrics)
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Once Upon a Time somebody ran somebody
ran away say in fast as I can got to
go I got to go once upon a time we fell
apart you're holding in your hands the
two hes in my heart oh
oh oh
once upon a time we burning bright all
we ever seen to do is
fight on and
on and on and on and on
Once Upon a Time on the same side Once
Upon a Time on the same side in the same
game I want you had to go had to go with
the water on my face could have been a
princess to be a king could have had a
castle I want to
rain let me
go I could have been a p to be a king
could better a castle I want to ring but
let me
go show my
star la la la la la la la
la you stole my star
W cuz you
me you H
me cuz you really hurt
me you really hurt
me cu
oh you really have
me cuz you really have
me oh you really have