Beéle - Morena (Letra)
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I want us to fill out the
passport together Every morning I drink a coffee
the color of your eyes As a
birthday wish I want you to be my party I'm going
to give you a kiss before
battery goes out Just like I
fell in love with you Mor in this way to dedicate myself
to Flor see how the Cab the candle Oh brunette
sweet as panela live with me the days
as if tomorrow they would
have darkened darkened
Oh I don't know what you have your bearing that you
do that I don't I know you
from the South to the
North and let's get out of the everyday
please sell me your hand Adventure like
a Safari with you in our
strange world let's travel while we run let's
both remember the events I love you a
kiss brunette has me prisoner Oh my God
like you brunette I fell in love this
way to dedicate myself to exploring you I saw
like the cape the sail Oh
brunette sweet like water panela live
with me the days as if tomorrow there
was no brunette all night
imagining you you have the key my
heart with me
I want you to stay tanned all
night imagining you you have the key to
my heart
with you You want me to
stay it's
super like I eat with you, dark-skinned I fell in love with you
in a way to dedicate myself to flower
you see how the Cab will see it
Dark-skinned sweet as in H Panera lives
with me the days as if
there were no tomorrow as if
there were no tomorrow yeah