Asi se creó UFF BABY

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Uf baby I'm not gonna lie to you I don't remember

how it started Uf baby it came about in one of the

Camp a new producer had come we

were experimenting with new

producers like we had to do a

reinforcement to try to make a good

video clip and maintain the quality that

people had liked about rage we are

in the Camp of Chaos and this is my first

session with him this It's going to be about love or

something a romantic meal very

romantic no no I propose I propose

And if you want me it was proposed like

this to make a song different from the ones we

had been doing a little bit

happier a little bit more commercial for

some moments This is a type of

song that we had never done before

something happy felt very real also

the whole feeling of writing a

song about

love and after like months we said we have to

finish this song because it has

a lot of potential and there the song every time

having potential deso

deoso sun don't panic

cri Hello it's 6 in the morning I already

had a coffee So I'm like a

little bit awake they came

to pick me up first me I woke up at

4 in the morning one of

four a kind of days Very intense let's

see my baby they are

like here are the roller coasters they are

all abandoned we are going to go on one we

had planned to hang Lili from a

harness and then throw her in free fall

to see how it would look you see

improvisation the movement the hair the

expression I am not an accomplice to this

okay I am not going to make Lili fly

anywhere we are going there well I don't know we are

two alike

stop the photo the photo they didn't fool me they

told me I was going to leave mw Colorado I

found myself with the surprise that they

had told me that it was going to be a red car

suddenly I arrived and the car was not the car

that they had told me it turns out that the car

that they had told me it was going to be had

melted down or something like that it did not arrive

at the filming and the car that they gave us

was still quite

unstable it was very fun to film

the car too besides being with the

girls there is another energy to

film for my part of no no no

the truth is I wanted to be pretty I'm not

going to lie to you we changed that part

many times and in the end I said look

I want to show off a

killer waist I'm just going to record 7

and a half seconds of no no no I'm tired

we're all tired The Sun just

killed us so pretty I don't have time to

appreciate it but you look very

pretty my first scene It's the first

time I've exploited that part of me The only

bad thing was that I had very little

rehearsal time so I was really nervous

I'm here with my favorite person in the


world we're going to record the scene of the

mechi who dances dances

coming back I do this I do

this all my senses at once I lose

control reason can't

be [Applause] Our makeup was melting there with

everyone like TR hours we were like

ice creams I'm afraid

for me the worst is over I was

very nervous Yesterday for the scene in which

aunt danced that once

that scene was over the rest of the filming for the

rest of the four days were going to be

fun I'm very happy yes it's

my turn I'm r nervous Oh I

loved my part I r dreamed with that

when I saw the opportunity that it was

such a romantic song and everything I said what do I

want to show a side of me that I didn't

show before and that is that I was always a

Disney girl, I always liked

Disney musicals a lot and all that, all

that style of choreography and

songs and everything, it meant

a lot to me because it was, I mean, I

remember being in rehearsals and I

really felt like the

inner child Lili was coming out of there like

saying this I like this is what

I wanted

do we are here waiting for Messi to

finish changing he is learning

to play the drums learning 10

minutes and tomorrow it is my big day to

record to dance my my difficult chorus, you will

see it, the only thing I asked for in that

scene was that I wanted a

giant coat full of feathers to feel really

really diva, a pink microphone

full of glitter It was incredible I was

in my element I felt like a mix between

Hana Montana and Sharpe everything I

always dreamed of in my

childhood I'm going to learn I'm going to disrespect

no drummer fed

we can talk about how hot I was INE

playing the guitar I want to say that I do

n't know who told me to play the guitar

with these nails it's totally impossible I'm

going to pretend to play the guitar but

the truth is that it's great my parts I

love them I mean I feel that they are incredible it will be

everything that I had asked for this and

then the rain yes I was much much much much

more nervous in fact

afterwards I started crying from the nerves I had to

dance a chorus that

I had learned in 2 hours a day

before down in the rain on

cement using some metatarsals that they had

gotten me that same day that I hadn't been

able to try here we can see how

In and Maru practice before the

iconic rain scene they are with the camera

that much the lower back and I have to

dance on my feet I have to turn it makes me

a little nervous I couldn't see anything there was

a lot of water falling on me well

anyway it was very fun and it was

literally what I asked for so that's it I can't

say anything else

if I tell that

I No

can I get into the die alone you

wanted epic I'm going to cry

from Hello everyone Backstage Today it's day

3 of filming They called me first and I

'm very happy It's very strange that they call me

first and that the girls aren't there, it

makes me think that the

solo life is the most boring thing I've seen in

my entire life so nothing I'm happy

now I'm going to record my movie scene my

movie scene was so funny That one did

occur to me actually it occurred to me

for INE I explained it to her all really

excited INE I told her friend you

can do this INE tells me No the

truth is I don't like it it bores me and after

a day I said Well I'll do it and I

did it guys what am I going to do like

I'm in a movie theater looking at myself with

Tito in a romance and

tragedy movie because in the end he ignores me let's go

see it I love this set very much I'm

very happy All Pink all Pink I'm

sharp Montana a kiss I put a mustache on

Tito and I said Tito now you have to

act like the guy from like the

old movies and Tito gave it his all he

got like this he

told me I have my man holding on to the

leash I'm

done Dear I'm going to sleep

Guys for screaming so much yesterday but today

we're gonna do a different makeup a

different look I'm excited I'm going to be

the most difficult chorus so far mine

quos that do a very difficult chorus me

because I started to rehearse this part the

girls began to realize that it would

also be good to put chorus in their

parts and I had a lot of fun because there was

pop there too playing the magician

Because of this illusion I'm going to hold on to the dol I

didn't finish my verse yet but I do believe

that satisfied with what was recorded I

can never be satisfied So until I

get home and see it all I'm

like 100% sure that it's good

no I don't know but okay I'm going to trust

that everyone tells me that it's good

so there must be a reason I swear I tried to

convince him like I want to fly I swear I

tried to fly I swear guys that I

broke the ball a lot but I mean why would I

fly in a romantic comedy already

fly What I liked most about the video

was the fact that finally

the four of us could be having fun I felt

that this video clip was more Genuine was to

really show more of a part of us

that sometimes is more between us as

friends and we don't show it so much in the

musical and the artistic my

favorite moment F the beginning of the filming

we are the 4 of us in the car in going at full

speed and with Mechi we were

raising our hands that moment was very

nice to be in the convertible with the

girls F one of the

funniest anecdotes that I read and the video clip in

general is very happy then

everyone was in a very good

disposition to record I don't know how

the energy was very different from

other videos I liked that

a lot I loved it I mean the truth is that I

loved how it looks I loved that it's

the first time that we managed to do everything we

want in a video clip and I

felt very heard very happy moment

Well what's next I don't know guys let's go one by

one guys be patient it's coming it's coming to

fly it's coming the bada it's coming

everything is coming the Focus is coming everything so

wait for it that's how the fourth ended final day of

filming of Baby we finished I can't

believe it and how we finished it k

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