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last don't move
sha you're for me already
bisha don't shoot me
arrows as soon as he dumped me in front of everyone
last don't marry you I'm
writing you for me you're already
an ex don't let me miss you dumped me
in front of
everyone you you you I want only you only
you no
one else I love you honey I love you it's
fault you you you I want only you only you
another one of us I can't breathe I can't
[ __ ] I'm going crazy I know
I gave you a white dress
a ring in a tiny
a box and you
left me and you forgot your ring I
gave you a white
dress a ring in a tiny
box and you
left me and you forgot your ring
you you you I want only you only
no one else I love you honey I love you this is
valley you you you I want only you only
you no
one else I can't breathe I can't sleep I'm going to
go crazy zaidno
[music] this is the
last thing I'm
writing to you you're for me you're already an ex
don't let me know
when he dumped me in front of
everyone the last time I'm
writing you're for me
ex now don't let me know
you dumped me in front of everyone you you
you I want only you only you other nobody
I love you honey I love you it's my
fault you you you I want only you only you
other we goya I can't breathe I can't
sleep will go crazy know
new l