Alejandro Fernández - Me Dedique A Perderte (Letra/Lyrics)

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Why don't you see yourself in the soul when I still

could Why didn't I embrace you when life

had it [Music] and I didn't realize how much it

hurt you and I didn't

know the damage that

[ Music]

I acted like I never noticed that you

no longer smile

and that before turning off the light you said nothing to me anymore

that that love escaped you that

the day had come

that you no longer

felt me ​​that I no longer

had I dedicated myself to

losing you and I was absent in moments that I

had forever I dedicated myself to not

seeing you and I locked myself in my world and you couldn't

stop me and I walked away a thousand

times and when I came back I had lost you

forever and I wanted

to stop you and then I discovered that

you already looked

differently I dedicated myself to losing I

dedicated myself to

seeing you because I didn't fill you with myself when

there was still

time because I couldn't understand what

until now I

understand that you were everything to me me and

I was

blind I left you for

later this damned

ego I dedicated myself to

losing you and I was absent in moments that

have gone forever I dedicated myself to not

seeing you and I locked myself in my world and you couldn't

stop me and I walked away a thousand

times and when I came back I had lost you

forever and I wanted

to stop you then I discovered that you were already

looking differently

I dedicated myself to

losing you I dedicated myself to losing you

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