After 8 years I Finally solved it!

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yeso I have solved the problem the

problem is that a human power input is

very uneven I want to build a mechanical

drivetrain that takes my uneven input

power and produces an even output power

and Spins a shaft at a constant RPM that

will be tight music on the dve train we

have four parts that all smoothens out

the torque we have the Flintstone

flywheel we have the hegan's weight the

governor we have the music flywheel

let's listen to the human playing so

here in the beginning the human is

playing pretty tight but pretty soon the

Human playe start to drift out of

sink let's listen to the machine

playing it looks like the blue human

Tempo is all over the place and the Red

Machine Tempo is flat if you know me I'm

not much for being hyperbolic but I

think this is the best thing I've ever

made I can just taste victory right here

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