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world up for

killer ROM Kick starts asking

chuti rapping killer and Bogotá I

need you I can't hear you I can hear the noise

I can hear the noise I can't hear the noise

where is that

noise Oh my

mother we're going to

get in Well what would you like me to

ask you Whatever you want I want you to

attach it I want you to say it and for you to get

pissed off that the words piss me off I don't

think you'll get electrocuted How am I going

to get electrocuted in this scenario it could

be because this can happen daily

because there is an electrical sense here

as well of the electroshocks that the one

from Mexico spits at you yes and of the magic

what do you think that comes out when I spit my

rhymes magic is not practiced the style

either [ __ ] And the street is not talked about

you didn't say that you had been practicing all year Of

course yes because always

improvising but not the format

repeating and formatting but with

my friends improvising and smoking you have

always repeated the radioactivity

because there is no activity on the radio Because

in my radio your activity is that they

gave you half of your [ __ ] Christmas and that

you feel it be halfway well

because that happens in illness what

matters when humanity falls is how many

times you can get up and

how many times you are up this year

many because I fell even in the bathroom I

fell on the floor I got hurt a lot damage but

as on the stage I climb the steps

the roles change


respect I don't hear you

bogot in the

air you have

afr with

the heart so that many people don't

say that I am the champion what do you think

about Colombia receiving you well well like the

year past and you could see it that's why the

belt was shared again on the 24th it's

from the guy 23 is his and whoever asked you

something about the belt is that it was for

coherence, [ __ ], I couldn't talk to you

about the belt because I don't have it anymore you

use it in no situation How is it and

in what situation do you use it? Well,

after Colombia has given you a

beating after telling you that if you didn't, I would not

improvise to eliminate you from rll and make me

laugh and how long have you not laughed?

Well, since there is someone who trust me on

my side because That is the reality, I

am not like you. I am with those who

truly love me. And what message do you have

for my friends? Well, let them come back

tomorrow too, because the Latin American scene

has given me everything when I had nothing,

ladies and gentlemen, the devil versus God,

both. On earth one went down and the other

went up and here in Bogotá and you are with your

chest frozen where is that noise

where is that noise where is that

noise let's go

sonic go let's go

says bec it's God against the Devil and I'm already

tired of all the [ __ ] that you have

thrown me on the internet for how

you betrayed me and they could see it Only God

can judge you and that is what I have come to

do so I understand that I beat you what [ __ ]

says he is the best rapper in the

competition and says that in the bathroom he

fell because here there are bars but in the

bathroom No

oh what are you going to talk about in this matter if

I want they would leave you dead it's like Harry

Potter every time I ask him between the

name and the magic they always give him

points with things he can't overcome me for

that I think it's great because you see how

before it was a confrontation between

legends now it is Maradona putting it on the

kid without legs okay You don't beat me here

and the dwarf who insults me can already

leave you could climb on top of gtir

and go back to being the murderer who with the

last tough bastard and without personal insults

so much that this one cried to me because you already know

that This is not my adversary, what you

kill on Twitter I do on

stage, look how true it is, I don't throw

anything at you because if not you will get anxious

because if not the [ __ ] will cry, I

toast with your skull, that is

Mental Health and your [ __ ] obvious rhymes you

bring them from days before [ __ ] I am


because I leave you sad

memory I fell in the bathroom maybe

seeing the tile of really what wood

and the chuti in fetal position crying in

the bathtub Oh it's not that nobody yells at me

please every time they compete wait for me if

you allow me the shot as a child was the

best playing

hide and seek people know you are here and

that was very serious you are here not

because your old lady forced you and dragged you by

the ear last because If not, you don't come

because you know that you don't It is convenient because

Before you were the God and now like your

belt because I break you in

doses change that base but I am not going to

continue even a single second without bogata

making noise up up up up up


two What's up sonic that I do I come

[ __ ] doing double tempo with you because

they know how to improvise this geey is

delicate like a dandelion I arrive and I

stick myself in him like a dandelion Oh how could it not be that

the crying is about to start take out the

umbrella Either way I

will cut this God's tits into pieces for the floor and

Without breasts there is no paradise Yes I kill you

deep chuti Wait a

second look at you

filthy no more go down to hell I

bring it to your world


useless Sergio gry want to know why I

beat this useless first because I am

better and second

chuti cu 3 do

1 so you shut up Of course it is God

from Spain because the best Warrior

always gives his worst battle mior B I do not

say it friend I have the belt at

home with me because of the version changes

that the Argentine made catch before to

a doster than a murderer So don't

shut up [ __ ] I'll break you And the truth is my

belt is the world champion my

belt is this kid because he has


disability It's obvious

Of course I am God and he said it But

rather today I am the one from R for the

way I'm punishing the

unfaithful Oh no yes It's obvious then it's going to be


unfortunately try to make

people feel sorry that to leave your house you ran

perfectly I'll kill him last

I'm the best by

far I I am the two-time free champion and by

difference I did it by eliminating

you where is it is the

final noise

delux fí

always always this shitty rapper is calling me second

Yes I am a second because the

Battle of Champions money is taking me

forever that's why I tell myself to the one who is

insulting me because I know that I am the best

even if the stands boo me because

everyone wants to defend the murderer that

book by Fuente be

juna okay okay

okay No booing because the shot

feels like it Okay Hey shot you

talk to me about battle of Champions

and me You talk about my relationships But if you

prefer to play Play to having

relationships Don't talk about me leaving my

house because most likely you will

abandon your children when they start to grow up and you

notice that they have that face.


we continue to

follow the same decone it's a lie but it

becomes cruelty

when I tell you that your next child

will come out with Damián's face

so don't try to talk to me about

future children you son of a [ __ ] that your child

is going to be Mexican but not because of you

okay okay okay Hey Chuti, you've already gotten

dense in the round, you've already started to talk about

personal things and you said that you weren't

going to do it with Mau, but I'm not going to

talk about your girlfriend, I respect her, I've known her

since she was underground,

since we met her as a groupy at


Haw. He says he is a groupy of the mly ha but

the truth is that he is my friend and that is why he introduced me to her

and look how the mogly laughs

because it is a lie have you realized

what is not a lie that his

audiovisual brand is like your relationship with your

relative because when she has 20 you're

going to be 50 I'm going to be 50 and it's going to be

complicated because I'm an old man who is

complicated your girlfriend's ass is I think it

sounds because it's verified it's

verified But what a shame

your girlfriend's ass is so hot they've come

15,000 people at dinner your girlfriend's ass

is the bistar sand is the bistar

sand for it to flow look they want to

make the rhyme so that this constitutes

that our girlfriends go up so that they

destroy themselves because they know that she is

better than yours But how She's going to be

hotter in freestyle, it's a lie, she

wants to tell me how she's going to be the best in

freestyle if she's older than her girlfriend than she has

titles for me. Look, she's coming to the

competitions, you want us to know, you guys,

how good that you're talking about the battle of

Champions there are videos of your ass repag

with the scone with the scones what he has

said It is evident speaking of my girlfriend

how long ago the present one to whom

I wrote the song of Eternamente por

mucho cara you sing it to the girl of 20

to the girl of 20 It is obvious that God has always

been below the devil. I have more

battles, I have more podiums, I have more

money and I also have more

marriages, but this is glory

because today all of Colombia is going to fall. I

came to make history. I am below the

devil but above of your girlfriend Oh

above the girlfriend you are above

glory your girlfriend not only Seeks fame who

steals your money shares your bed Oh and

also Milana of course what

the partner has said the girlfriend of this

rapper goes with Johnny Beltrá

disguised of a

sheep disguised as a sheep and I do

not deny that because that is a game

his girlfriend dresses up as a human but is


sheep admitted that it is a game Johnny

Beltrá starts washing your balls what

is the dispute as I told you he was

Mexican and It wasn't going to be your

fault, we saw that

he has a lot of attitude, he has had

many people on YouTube, but nobody knows

the taste of his penis better than

you, I can't know dude, and not because he

removes it because this is a

forced dictatorship that removes everyone Those who did not

shout at him, please do not shout at him, otherwise

The crybaby is going to start crying, don't

yell at him because now if we yell at him, he'll

start crying.

What a shitty rhyme, what a shitty style

and self-esteem. The best thing you've done

today has been the [ __ ] effort

to get up on stage. It was to

get up on stage and I did it for my whole

family I did it and I would do it again not

like you when you thought about it for

Bolivia you saw God and the devil and we'll

see who wins the regressive round in


ch God

with Oh

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